Leucorrhoea - whites :


-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb
 (Fluor albus.)
 Causes. - Cold and moisture, frequent excitement resulting in debility, inactivity of the body, relaxing pleasures, late hours, stimulating diet, imprudence in dress, etc.

Medicinal treatment :
 Calcarea carbonica
 When it occurs in females of a weakly, sluggish temperament, or in those in whom the monthly period is copious and too frequent, or if it is attended with severe itching; or Calcarea Carb. is suitable after Pulsatilla, if that remedy has not been sufficient.
 DOSE. - Two grains, dry on the tongue, night and morning.
 China officinalis
 Is often most useful at the commencement, or if the ailment is produced by debility, or is of long standing.
 DOSE. - Three drops in a dessertspoonful of water night and morning, or three times a day.
 Hydrastis canadensis
 When the result of a cold in the first instance.
 DOSE. - As China.
 Pulsatilla pratensis
 Is a most valuable medicine, especially if the discharge is thick.
 DOSE. - Two drops repeated as China.
 Sepia officinalis
 Is especially useful for delicate individuals, or if the discharge is acrid, or corrosive, or attended with irritation.
 DOSE. - Two grains repeated as China.
 In obstinate cases of almost every kind, if the above remedies have failed to cure or relieve.
 DOSE. - As Calcarea Carb.

Accessory treatment :
 Cold water in its various modes of application, will be found the best means to restore the tone and vigour of the system. A cold hip-bath should be taken daily, or three times a week, and the whole body thoroughly sponged. Cold water or Infusion of Hydrastis may also be injected by means of an ordinary female syringe, and retained for a few minutes with great advantage. The diet should be nourishing, but unstimulating, and late hours suppers, excitement, and dissipation of every kind must be avoided. Avoid catching cold and getting damp, and endeavour to maintain a healthy tone of mind and body.


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