Lumbago :

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb

 Description of disease. - Rheumatic pains in the loins.

 Medicinal treatment :
 Aconitum napellus
 Is useful at the commencement, when there is much fever and violent pain.
 DOSE. - Two drops in a dessertspoonful of water every four or six hours.
 Bryonia alba
 When the lumbago is aggravated by the slightest motion, or draught of cold air.
 DOSE. - As Aconitum.
 Nux vomica
 If the back feels fatigued or bruised, or if there be constipation, or symptoms of indigestion.
 DOSE. - As Aconitum.
 Rhus toxicodendron
 If of long standing, or if worse during rest, or if caused by exposure to wet, or arising from suppressed perspiration.
 DOSE. - As Aconitum.

Accessory treatment:
 See under Indigestion and Rheumatism. - A warm bath at 96 degrees should be taken every other morning, flannel worn next to the skin and round the loins, and friction with the flesh-glove applied over the part. The painful parts may be also rubbed with hartshorn and oil (one ounce of spirits of hartshorn to two of olive oil), or with Aconite Opodeldoc or a mixture of five drops of strong tincture of Aconite [poison] in a tablespoonful of brandy. Rhus Opodeldoc may be used when Rhus is being taken internally. The diet should be nutritious and generous, but easily digestible: anything that will derange the stomach, together with cold, night, or damp air should be avoided.


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