Whitlow (panaris):

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb

Description of Ailment. -An abscess situated at the end of the finger, often under the nail, acutely painful, and usually terminating in suppuration, frequently resulting from an injury, a bruise, or a chill.

Medicinal treatment
Hepar sulphur
Should be given to promote the suppurative process.
Dose. -Two grains in a dessertspoonful of water every four hours.
Mercurius solubilis
Should be given at the commencement.
Dose. -Two grains as Hepar.
Silicea terra
May be administered alternately with Hepar to promote suppuration, or may be continued after the acute symptoms are overcome, to eradicate a susceptibility to whitlow.
Dose. -As Hepar, or, if given after the acute symptoms are removed, repeated night and morning.
Will frequently prevent a further development, if administered at the very earliest period.
Dose. -Two grains in a dessertspoonful of water three times a day.

Accessory treatment
The finger should be held in hot water for some time, and afterwards well poulticed; and if the abscess does not readily open, an incision should be made into the most prominent part of the swelling. Continue hot poulticing for a day or two after it has burst, renewing the poultices every six or eight hours, afterwards applying a Calendula lotion (see Abscess). If the whitlow is deeply seated, it will require opening with a lancet.


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