Wounds, cuts :

-JAHR Georg Heinrich Gottlieb

Treatment. -Check the bleeding by holding the part under a stream of cold water, compressing the wound with the fingers, applying the pure tincture of Calendula, or padding the cut with a little lint, cobweb, or some soft substance. Secondly. -It is necessary in all wounds to examine and carefully remove or wash away all foreign substances, dirt, glass, splinters, etc. Thirdly. -In slight wounds, as a cut, unite the sides together with adhesive Arnica, or Calendula plaster; or in larger wounds, or if they are contused or lacerated, bathe the part freely with Calendula lotion (one teaspoonful of tincture of Calendula to two tablespoonfuls of water), and apply a bandage wet with the same, round the injured part - the whole to be covered with oiled silk. Do not remove the bandage too soon to re-dress the wound, otherwise the bleeding may return. Keep the injured part at perfect rest, and enjoin a low diet. If an artery has been severed, tie the limb tight above the cut, and by introducing a stick under the handkerchief and twisting it round, check the bleeding until surgical assistance an be obtained. -See Bruises and Contusions.


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