Hyoscyamus niger:Remedy Indicated in girls who,unable to express sexuality


Hyoscyamus is a plant remedy. It belongs to the acute miasm and is allied to Belladonna and Stramonium and also to Veratrum and Lyssinum.
The main feeling of Hyoscyamus is that of being suddenly let down, disappointed, betrayed and deserted by the person on whom one is

completely dependent. This situation causes in the patient acute fear and panic. It also causes a variety of reactions which are, on the one hand, attractive, e.g. loquacity, jesting, sexuality, etc., and on the other hand threatening, e.g. violence, striking and desire to kill.
There is a tremendous fear of being alone and of facing the danger of the outside world all by oneself. The acuteness of the feeling creates a kind of insanity, which is foolish. The patient tries to attract attention by foolish behaviour, behaviour so ridiculous that it can provoke laughter. Like other remedies of the acute miasm the Hyoscyamus person is very excitable, and the symptoms appear and disappear suddenly.
The situation of Hyoscyamus is that of a man deeply in love with his wife who is having an extramarital affair. He is afraid that she will leave him and that he will be left all alone. He also feels threatened by her; she might try to poison him or do him some harm in order to try to get away. But as he loves her, he has to keep the relationship going. He tries to attract her attention by joking, talking and sexual behaviour. At the same time, he has to be suspicious and cautious, because he feels threatened by her. He is also extremely jealous of the other man. So he can also become angry and violent. All the time, he feels that he is being wronged, that he is being persecuted. This may appear like Lyssinum, but in the latter, the feeling of persecution and the resultant violent reaction are episodic. In Hyoscyamus the feeling is very acute and the instantaneous reaction is that of suspicion, a foolish excitability, open sexuality and violence. It may also appear like Lachesis. But Lachesis is sycotic and is very clever and calculative, whereas Hyoscyamus is acute and his reaction is ridiculous; he tries to attract attention by foolish behaviour and antics and can also get threatening, with violence and striking.
One of the main features of Hyoscyamus could be a feeling of being sexually unattractive. The reaction to this is an open, shameless sexuality. He exhibits his lewd sexual desire in an overt, foolish way through a lot of loud talk, exposing the genitals, etc. It is complementary to Staphisagria which is the picture of suppressed sexuality and aggressiveness, whereas in Hyoscyamus the same is openly expressed. No wonder then that Hyoscyamus has the delusion of seeing peacocks, which are the most colourful and attractive of birds. It also has the delusion of hens tied up in chains, which I understand to be the feeling of facing an acute threat.
I have observed Hyoscyamus patients to be loud, excited and animated, so that it may often be mistaken for an animal remedy. They are quite suspicious and mistrustful, and therefore foolishly keep asking the physician the same questions repeatedly; this can elicit laughter and make them appear ridiculous. Their talk may be naive and childish, at the same time it is often shameless and they may reveal secrets or intimate details about themselves or others. Again they can be angry, complaining and threatening. What we can see in certain cases of insanity, which may need Hyoscyamus, is this inner threat of violence, a kind of suspiciousness which says: "If you do anything to me, I will harm you". I have seen it indicated in young persons especially girls who, due to conservative and strict upbringing, are unable to express their sexuality or be sexually attractive. They feel forsaken and neglected and suddenly go into insanity where they become openly shameless, talkative and excited. The insanity could also take the form of suspicious or persecutory ideas, especially that men are interested in them and are making sexual advances to them. I have also seen it indicated in old men who lose their control and became foolishly loquacious and shameless sexually.
In some cases of Hyoscyamus, although the feeling of threat may not seem to be as acute as in others, their perception of this feeling and subsequent reaction would give them away. For example, I had a patient who was scared of speaking on stage or dancing in public, even though he was good at dancing. At first, it seemed that it could be a remedy with stage fright, but on further questioning he said that he had to be dragged by four persons onto
the dance floor and his reaction was one of tremendous panic and fear, as if he was going to be killed!
Another case of Hyoscyamus I remember well was the case of a woman who said she could not face anyone if she was dressed informally. Even to go to the ground floor of the building she lived in, she would have to dress up formally. If she didn't, she would feel as if she were revealing a secret about herself, which if other persons came to know, she would feel betrayed. She could not reveal herself to anyone who would not reveal himself to her. She had dreams of the holocaust, and a feeling of remaining underground, of being betrayed, even by her own people. She did not know whom to trust and whom not to. The fear and panic came up acutely in the dream.
Yet another case that I would like to relate is the case of a woman who said that she was very dependent on her husband, and lived with the constant fear that he might betray her. On being asked about the happiest moment of her life she answered that it would be to reveal to her husband while they were in the middle of a party, that she had nothing on underneath her dress and to see the look on his face! After Hyoscyamus she informed me that her entire attitude had changed. She had become less dependent on her husband and could feel free from the fear that he would leave her. She did not have to spend too much energy worrying about her partner.
- Complaining of supposed injury.
- Delusion, fancies has suffered wrong.
- Delusion, as if he would be sold.
- Delusion, is being injured by surroundings.
- Delusion, that he is persecuted.
- Delusion, pursued, enemies, by.
- Delusion, that she is being watched.
- Delusion, wife faithless.
- Fear of being betrayed.
- Foolish behaviour.
- Reveals secrets.
- Lascivious, lustful.
- Lewdness.
- Shamelessness, exposes the person.
- Nymphomania.
- Singing obscene songs.
- Dancing.
- Laughing loudly.
- Jesting: ridiculous or foolish.
- Suspicious.
- Jealousy.
- Inciting others.
- Destructiveness.
- Escape, attempts to.
- Fight, wants to.
- Violent, vehement, etc.; rage leading to violent deeds.
- Kill, desires to.
- Slander, disposition to.
- Wildness.
- Delirium, wedding prepares for.
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