Lac vaccinum defloratum:is prepared from the skimmed milk of the cow, and the remedy does indeed seem to represent its innermost state.

Lac defloratum is prepared from the skimmed milk of the cow, and the remedy does indeed seem to represent its innermost state. I conducted a proving of Lac defloratum and the following were the themes that emerged:
- The need to belong to the community.
- The fear of being rejected by the community.
- The feeling of being forsaken.
- The feeling of being separated from the mother.
- The need to be attractive.
- The tremendous sense of injustice.
- The need to bear a lot of suffering.

- Cares for and by the mother.
- Fears and dreams of being pursued, of being beaten.
In my practical experience with cases of Lac defloratum, I found that the person is rather mild, gentle, yet quite animated, and tries to be attractive. There is loquacity and their talk can be animated, expressive, vivid. There is a feeling that they have to do a lot for the community, to work hard physically for others in order to be accepted by the community. Also, they feel they have to bear silently with a lot of suffering and beating, abuse, extra marital relationships of the husband, and continue to do their work in order to be accepted. There is a theme of losing their dear ones, especially the mother, and a theme of adopted children who have been separated from their mother earlier on, and feel forsaken. Inter community marriages can also be a theme of Lac defloratum where the person dares to go against the community. Here, we have the double feeling, first the fear of being forsaken by the community, and second one's own desire and will.
There is also the feeling of dirtiness in Lac defloratum (which is common to the animal remedies). There is a fear of closed spaces, for example the fear to be shut in the toilet. There are also suicidal thoughts. The dreams of Lac defloratum are (clinically observed):
- Dreams of animals.
- Dreams of snakes.
- Dreams of being pursued.
- Dreams of being separated from friends.
- Dreams of being beaten.
Physical symptoms
Physically, we often find a strong desire or intolerance of milk; affections of the breast including poor lactation, pain in the breast before menses, obesity.
- Delusion, all her friends are dead and she must got to a convent.
- Forsaken feeling.
- Irresolution.
- Suicidal disposition.


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