Manganum-act. + -c. (old abbr.)

Manganese lies in the first line of metals of the Periodic Table along with Ferrum, Cobalt, Nickel, Copper and Zinc. Like these other metals in the same line, its main theme is that of attack and defence - the feeling of being attacked, and the need to defend oneself. The patient feels

dominated or suppressed and wants to retaliate, but is powerless to do so. Consequently, he has to suppress his anger and violence, and he puts up a wall, becomes embittered, hateful, revengeful. His pent up feeling give rise to a rancour, to extreme bitterness and to the deepest sadness, that finds relief only in the saddest music. He feels so sad that only music with the same depth of grief can touch or relieve him. On the other hand, he can become strongly defensive, start attacking and dominating others, like Ferrum. It is a sycotic remedy.
The Manganum situation is that of a shy child of dominating parents. The child has a lack of confidence as a result of this domination, and becomes anxious, nervous, tense, jittery and frightened. He develops a feeling of bitterness towards his parents and is discontent with himself and with his situation. He becomes sad, reserved, taciturn, brooding. Towards his parents he feels hatred, wants to take revenge, but he cannot. This situation is not an extreme one, as in Aurum or Mercurius but a situation that is tolerable and so you do not find here the themes of suicide or revolution, but rather a suppression - he becomes reserved and all his feelings are pent up. He feels offended, feels harassed and has to defend himself. He has to be strong enough to put up with things. So we find that the main theme of Manganum is suppression.
One case of Manganum I remember well was of a 23 year old architect who had developed ankylosing spondylitis and arthritis, and was therefore unable to move. I have described this case in detail in my last book "The Substance of Homoeopathy". In brief the patient felt that his mother was troubling him, dominating him, "imposing" on him. He could not do the things he wanted to do. He could not speak out what he felt. He felt hatred for his mother - "She is not my mother!" He felt revengeful towards her. His mother was extremely dominating and in the past had been dominated by her in-laws. She kept brooding and complaining about the past. After Manganum not only was there a remarkable improvement in his joint pains, but there was also a change in the feeling of hatred that he had for his mother. He said: "For the first time I am feeling that she is my mother." He had come to terms with the feeling of being dominated and unable to express himself, and was now able to express himself. He looked, and was, happier and didn't regard his mother as his enemy any longer. While this patient represents the shy, reserved, quiet, morose side of Manganum, his mother also with a history of being dominated and unable to express her anger, represents the strongly defensive and dominating side.
- Discontented, displeased, dissatisfied with himself.
- Hatred of persons who had offended.
- Malicious.
- Reserved.
- Talk, indisposed to, desire to be silent, taciturn.
- Sadness, ameliorated from sad music.
- Music, aversion to, joyous but immediately affected by the saddest.
- Frown, disposed to.
- Morose.
- Sulky.
- Conversation aggravates.
- Embittered.
- Mildness.
- Irresolute.
- Timidity, bashful.

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