Medorrhinum:Medorrhinum is a nosode. It represents the heart of the sycotic miasm.

Medorrhinum is a nosode. It represents the heart of the sycotic miasm. The main feeling of the sycotic miasm is: "I am OK as long as my weakness is covered up. I know my weakness is not fatal to me, it is not the end. But if it is exposed, I will be criticized, I will lose a lot, people will take advantage of me and my position will come down. Therefore, I must do all I can to see that this weakness is not exposed. I may have to be overactive in the opposite direction as a result."
The fear of being exposed in Medorrhinum is seen in its fears and anxieties. The person is clairvoyant and fears misfortune, always anticipating that something will happen. He has a presentiment of it, an internal feeling, an inexplicable sensation inside. He prophesizes disagreeable events. He tends to be absorbed in his own thoughts and becomes absent-minded. Therefore we find under Medorrhinum the symptom: "Loses the thread of conversation". Also in this state of intellect, this dreamy state, he finds that the things that he is familiar with look unfamiliar. Sometimes because of the overactivity of his mind, his thoughts run into each other so fast that each minute seems like an hour and time passes too slowly.
The feeling of incapacity in Medorrhinum is represented by anxiety of conscience as if he were guilty of a crime, by fear as if someone was behind him, and a constant inner anxiety and restlessness. The latter is manifest in the physical sphere by signs such as restlessness of feet and constant biting of nails, while the guilt feeling is evident in his need to constantly wash his hands.
On the other hand, in order to cover up his inner weakness, the Medorrhinum patient can take the opposite stance, in that he can become quite egoistic, critical, rude, selfish, insensitive, extravagant and can act as if nothing really scares, bothers or affects him. He may speak abruptly and gives very little away. Internally, he may be fearful of the dark, of ghosts, anxious when a time is set, and may be very hurried and impatient. Medorrhinum persons also have a very fixed way of doing things.
I often see the situation of Medorrhinum as that of a young prince whose father, the King, is about to die. The prince is weak and not yet ready to face the responsibilities that lie ahead. He is surrounded by uncles and ministers ready to take advantage of his weakness and usurp the throne. In order to survive, the young prince has to put a very bold, egoistic, rude and aggressive front, and not let his inner powerlessness be exposed. This situation would also help us understand the unwillingness of Medorrhinum to take up responsibilities and his non-committal stance; he feels that if he commits and is then unable to fulfil that commitment, his weakness will be exposed.
- Ailments from anticipation.
- Sensitive, reprimands, to.
- Fear, misfortune, of.
- Anxiety, time is set, if a.
- Hurry.
- Time, passes too slowly, appears longer.
- Washing always her hands.
- Egotism, self-esteem.
- Anxiety of conscience, as if guilty of a crime.
- Delusion, that someone is behind him.
- Fear, dark, of.
- Fear, death, of.
Phatak's materia medica
Weak memory... Forgets names, word, her errands... Loss of thread of conversation. Cannot speak without weeping; tells it over and over again... Sad, dismal outlook amel. weeping... Sensitive, nervous, impulsive, abrupt, rude, mean, cruel... Non commital.
Physical symptoms
- Desires ice-cream, sweet and sour, sweet and salt, salt-sweet-sour combination.
- Desires, potatoes.
- Sleep, position abdomen, on, or knee-elbow position.
- Greasy face.
- Yellowish staining sweat.
- Menses: stains difficult to wash off.
- Small, sore aphthae in the mouth, bunched together.
- Soreness feet and soles, especially in the morning (on waking), soreness of soles.
- Perspiration: foot, winter, worse during.
- Very sore mouth, ulcers on tongue and in buccal cavity, like blisters.
- Face: greasy.
- Desires ice.
- Perspiration foot, in winter.
- Restlessness, feet.
- Hair tousled.
- Clairvoyance.
- Ears, lobules: ulcers of the ring hole.
- Forgets, sentence, cannot finish.
- Hair, all over the body.
- Ideas, many, but uncertain in execution.
- Restlessness hands, clutching tightly ameliorates.
- Lying on hands and knees ameliorates.
- Sea air ameliorates.
Soles painful.
(homeopathic treatment for adhd)


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