Natrium carbonicum

Natrum carbonicum is a salt belonging to the psoric miasm. In the Natrum element, we see a marked desire to form and maintain a relationship, especially on a one to one level. The Natrum carbonicum woman needs just one relationship and is very dependent on this one relationship, without which she feels tremendous fear, sadness and a sense of isolation. This is brought out best in the delusion of Natrum carbonicum: "Delusion, division between himself and others". It is this tremendous need for and dependence on the relationship, that makes them very vulnerable to hurt. Natrum therefore develops a fear of people and tries to avoid contact. While on one hand she tries to avoid company, she also dreads being alone: "Company, averse to, yet dreads being alone". The theme of the Carbonates is that of fear of death with a need for a vital reaction in order to survive, as suggested by the rubric: "Starting from fright".
Thus the main theme of Natrum carbonicum is of a vital reaction needed by a person who is alone, i.e. without a relationship on a one to one level with another human being. His forsaken lonely feeling gives rise to the two basic feelings of Natrum carbonicum, which are ennui (boredom) and apprehension (anxiety). The ennui produces a melancholic, sad, despondent mood and the anxiety is with regard to the future.
Natrum carbonicum is very sensitive, especially to separation from the beloved and to the breaking of relationships. When the beloved is not there or has gone away, the patients show great sadness, reacting to sad music, especially that from the piano. They desire to make contact but have been unsuccessful in forming relationships and blame themselves for it ("Delusion, he cannot succeed, does everything wrong"). They become estranged from their family and friends and bear their grief silently, feeling forsaken.
The Natrum carbonicum woman feels like an outcast and is always at the receiving end of abuse (offended easily). She feels that society has ganged up in order to pursue her, making her feel she is abnormal and not a part of the group. Natrum carbonicum people can have a severe inferiority complex, especially in the sphere of forming relationships - they may feel unworthy of love or of any relationship. I have found in Natrum carbonicum a history of disturbed relationship with one of the parents, especially being forsaken or neglected by father or mother. A woman may give the history of having being neglected by her father in childhood. She then develops a fear of people and a sensitivity to certain people. She reacts to this kind of behaviour with quarrelsomeness, anxiety and courage. She becomes suspicious, violent, indignant, heedless, imagining herself to be sick and seeing no hope in her "no win" situation (therefore inconsolable). She becomes sad and weeps, and in extreme cases can become indifferent and suicidal.
In this "no win" situation there is anxiety about future. She is confused and this confusion gets worse by dwelling on the problem. There is dullness, prostration of mind, indifference, discouragement and despair. At such times she will avoid the sight of even her intimate friends. However she may turn to a sympathizer for support, in the form of being magnetized (suggestions). As she feels more and more isolated, alone, she becomes avaricious, developing a fear of robbers. All this naturally keeps her in a discontented, uncomfortable and sad state.
There is also the vital fear seen in:
- Starting at the slightest noise.
- Fear of all mankind.
- Fear of thunderstorms.
- Fear, constant, of everything.
It is interesting to note that Natrum carbonicum does not have any fear or delusions of animals. She is only afraid of people. Natrum carbonicum is afraid of the human quality of forming a group and casting people out, if they don't fit into the expected norms of the group.
Natrum carbonicum people are normally quite independent and self-sufficient, living their lives alone, though having good contact with others. They are sociable and can be loquacious and vivacious. I have found them to be organized, sincere, honest, straightforward, non-manipulative people, with strong principles. They can be resolute, persevering, self-possessed and courageous (Allen's Encylopaedia). They are very responsive to music, sensitive and refined. They are sympathetic and help others; sensitive especially to the suffering of people who are lonely and forsaken by society, for example with beggars. They can fight for others. On the other hand they can be quite quarrelsome, pugnacious.
The dreams of Natrum carbonicum include dreams of danger, of robbers, of murder, of corpse, of water and flood, while the pleasant dreams are of marrying two women, of parties and entertainment. The pleasant dreams show that the patient is setting up relationships and having good contact with society, whereas the anxious dreams show fear of death and fear associated with being lonely.
Physical symptoms
- Chilly, but heat of sun aggravates.
- Feeling of tremendous coldness - icy coldness especially of hands and fingers.
- Heaviness of eyelids.
- Temporal headaches.
- Aversion to husband.
- Aversion to members of family.
- Cheerful, gay, happy.
- Company, aversion to, yet dreads to be alone content.
- Delusion, division between himself and others.
- Delusion, wedding, of.
- Estranged from family.
- Estranged from friends.
- Fear of misfortune.
- Fear of thunderstorm.
- Forsaken feeling.
- Indifference when in society.
- Joy, ailments from, excessive.
- Misanthropy.
- Sadness, aversion to company, desire for solitude.
- Sympathetic.
- Tranquility.
Raga Yaman produces the feeling of Natrum carbonicum. During a proving at my seminar in Bombay the main themes that came up after playing the Raga were of solitude, being alone in the world, division between oneself and others, being in a world of one's own, a solitude without fears, a lofty feeling as if looking at a city below, a feeling of gaiety and mirth, contentment and tranquility, anxiety for others, sympathy. Also on the other hand, sadness like that which is felt on departure of near and dear ones (wedding ceremony), the beloved is going away and his wife is telling him not to go away, pacifying loved ones, as if waiting for someone, being neglected by friends, of seeing something black, fearful darkness. A desire to be at mother's breast.
(homeopathic treatment for rheumatoid arthritis)


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