Kalium iodatum: Common traits of all Kali's: conservative, regular, proper, down to earth.

Getting something done is an accomplishment;
getting something done right is an achievement.
Potassium Iodide.
CHEMISTRY Potassium iodide consists of colourless or white, cubical crystals, white granules, or powder. The compound is slightly deliquescent in moist air. On long exposure to air it becomes yellow due to liberation of iodine, and small quantities of iodate may be formed. Light and moisture accelerate the decomposition. 1
USES Potassium iodide is therapeutically employed as an antifungal, expectorant, and iodine supplement. It is used in the manufacture of photographic emulsions; in animal and poultry feeds to the extent of 10-30 parts per million; in table salt as a source of iodine and in some drinking water; as a topical deodorizing agent for livestock manure; in the preservation of fruit; as a laboratory reagent for analytical chemistry.
THYROBLOCK In daily doses ranging from 130 to 300 mg, potassium iodide is recommended as a prophylactic or treatment in radiation emergencies. This is because the thyroid gland is especially vulnerable to atomic injury since radioactive isotopes of iodine are a major component of fallout. It has been demonstrated that potassium iodide in such circumstances prevents about 99% of the damage to the thyroid gland if taken orally in very small quantities 1/2 hour to 1 day before radioactive iodines are swallowed or inhaled. "When ordinary, non-radioactive iodine is made available in the blood for absorption by the thyroid gland before any radioactive iodine is made available, the gland will absorb and retain so much that it becomes saturated with non-radioactive iodine. When saturated, the thyroid can absorb only about l% as much additional iodine, including radioactive forms that later may become available in the blood: then it is said to be blocked. Excess iodine in the blood is rapidly eliminated by the action of the kidneys."2 Radioactive iodine [predominantly iodine-131] can travel hundreds of miles on the wind and, after the Chernobyl disaster, was detected in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, where it primarily has affected children who were 0-14 years old at the time of the accident. The vast majority of thyroid cancers were diagnosed among those living more than 50 km from the site. The 1989 World Health Organization recommendations [updated in 1995] and 1996 and 1997 International Atomic Energy Agency standards and guidance have led to use of potassium iodide as a supplementary protective measure in much of Europe, as well as in Canada and Japan.
SIDE EFFECTS In the 'mandated patient product insert' the Food and Drug Administration [of the USA] states an extremely low adverse reaction rate of from 1 in a million to 1 in 10 million doses on an estimated 48 million 300-mg doses of potassium iodide administered each year in the United States. Side effects are claimed to be unlikely because of the low dose and the short time that the drug is taken. Possible side effects include skin rashes, swelling of the salivary glands, and 'iodism' [metallic taste in the mouth, burning mouth and throat, sore teeth and gums, symptoms of a coryza, and gastric disturbances and diarrhoea]. If allergic reactions occur, these may include joint pains, fever, swelling of parts of the face and body, and severe dyspnoea.
MEDICINE "Kali iod. is one of the few medicines on whose definite action reliance can be placed in ordinary practice. In active secondary syphilis, in ulcers of the constitutional type, and in cases of subacute rheumatism, Iodide of Potassium will generally do what is expected of it. That its action is specific is generally admitted; and specific is the same thing as homoeopathic. I rarely find occasion to use it in lower attenuations than the 30th. The history of the drug in relation to syphilis is both interesting and important. As we should naturally expect, Kali-i., being anti-syphilitic, is also antidotal to mercury. Experience seems to show that it is those patients who are charged with the disease or with mercury, or both together, who can support the massive doses of Kali iod. which are sometimes given. But the salt is often given as a diagnostic, and then, if care is not taken, there is great danger to the patient. I have seen patients irretrievably reduced in strength by Kali iod. given on the supposition that they were syphilitic."3
PROVINGS •• [1] Hartlaub and Trinks - 1 [female] prover; method: unknown.
Allen lists 58 references, most of which document the effects of overdosing in patients with syphilis, chronic rheumatism, or goitre.
[1] Merck Index. [2] Kearny, Nuclear War Survival Skills; Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1987.
Glands. Frontal sinus. Nose. Eyes. Lungs [upper lobe]. Periosteum. Thyroid.
Worse: Heat [warm room; warm clothing; at night]. Night. Pressure. Touch. Damp. Changing weather. Jolting. Cold food; cold milk. After coition. Seaside. Lying on painful side.
Better: Motion. Cool, open air.
Main symptoms
* Common traits of all Kali's: conservative, regular, proper, down to earth.
Kali-i. shows the main elements of Iodum: desire for open air and to be active.
M Anxiety > WALKING in OPEN AIR.
• "Irresistible desire for the open air; walking in open air does not fatigue." [Clarke]
M Problems come during REST or INDOORS.
[e.g. dullness, restlessness, excitability, quarrelsome]
Quarrelsome with members of family.
May become violent.
• "If annoyed tend to be abusive." [Borland]
• "Disturbed sleep, from which he awakes with a start under a sense as of some heavy calamity; he dreads beginning each day, and the details of daily life are an almost insupportable burden. Though a very tender father, his children were a trouble to him; he had to make a strong effort over himself to retain them about him, and to avoid being irritable with them." [Hughes]
M Restlessness, < agitation. Efforts to control them lead to HARSH reactions or they burst into tears. • "They are the Kali that weeps easily. If they are trying to tell you what they feel, to express it in an acute attack, they are very bad at it. They forget what they are going to say, they get a bit annoyed, find they cannot do it, and then burst into tears." [Blackie] M Family. • "The Kali-iod. patients I have seen are very cheerful, talkative and witty. They are communicative in a way that they really entertain people with their jokes etc. No social occasion is complete without them. They are strong, independent people who take on the entire burden of the family on their shoulders [they do it not so much in the fatherly way of Aurum, but in the sense of doing things and taking care of others]. They are devotedly attached to their family and children. They are active, hard working and very helpful to others. ... But in an extreme situation, Kali iodatum persons can get very irritable, angry, abrupt, harsh, abusive, violent. The irritability is directed mainly towards their children. They can be quite cruel to their family." [Sankaran] G WARM-BLOODED. But coryza < open air. G Great appetite. G < Cold food and cold drinks [esp. cold milk]. = Digestive disturbances. G > OPEN AIR.
> Walking in open air.
G < Warm room. < Hot bathing. G < 2-5 a.m. , esp. < at 5 a.m. Awakens with HEADACHE, dry throat, difficult respiration, sadness, obstruction of nose, bitter taste in mouth. > Rising.
> Breakfast.
G < Seaside [asthma and urticaria]. G DIFFUSE pains; diffused sensitiveness [to touch and pressure]. Pain or sensitiveness over a LARGER area than only the affected part [Lach.]. G Discharges WATERY and ACRID, or THICK GREEN and foul. P Frontal sinusitis. And Intense fullness above root of nose. And Very acrid watery discharge, burning in eyes, swollen eyes, acrid lachrymation. And Nose sore and raw, swollen upper lip and heat in nasal sinuses. Discharge thick, green and offensive if more chronic. P Tinnitus aurium in warm-blooded patients, without any other indications. • "There is no known prescription that gives a better chance of removal of that very obstinate symptom tinnitus aurium than a single dose of Kali-i. 30 allowed to act. This must not be taken as justification for careless selection of the remedy in cases marked by contra-indicating features." [Cooper] P Painful URGING to URINATE before menses. > Menses.
P Skin.
• "The skin is unquestionably the tissue most readily impressed by Kali iod. Nothing is more common than to see patients under its influence affected with divers eruptions, and more particularly with those of a psydracious character, resembling the pustules of acne, but more widely spread. There are, however, hardly any acute eruptions which may not be simulated by Kali iod. One man may have an eczema, another a herpes, others simply an erythema, which in two recent cases has taken the form of erythema papulosum in some parts, of erythema nodosum in others." [Hughes]
• "Hutchinson describes an eruption resembling hydroa as resulting from Kali iod. It is sudden and symmetrical and prefers the face and forearms. There are vesicles and small bullae, from the size of a shot to that of a pea, or even to that of half a small cherry, and usually surrounded by an erythematous and sometimes inflammatory swelling of the skin. In the earliest stages the papules resemble those of small-pox. The vesications become larger, lifting up a very delicate layer of epidermis, which presents no central depression. Their contents become grey and opaque but not distinctly purulent. Although there is no umbilication, yet a peculiar appearance is sometimes assumed by the vesication spreading at its margin and sinking at its centre, the patch then becoming sometimes as large as a shilling." [Hughes]
• "The irritative effects on the skin which occur in distant parts of the body after the external application of Iod. also show themselves in many cases after the internal administration of Kali iod. In the latter case, however, the multiformity of the eruptions is much more marked than in the former. ... These eruptions are divisible into five principal forms: [a] Erythematous form, in which the skin, particularly on the forearms and also on the face, is reddened, either diffusely, or in circumscribed spots, and its temperature elevated; [b] Urticaria-like form, usually on abdomen and extremities, with intensely red wheals, but slightly raised, surrounded by an areola, generally collected into groups; [c] Nodulo-pustular form, usually upon the upper half of the body and occurring most frequently in scrofulous individuals; [d] Eczematous form, which is very rare and appears especially on the hairy scalp and in the neighbourhood of the scrotum; [e] Petechial form, appearing exclusively on the legs, more profusely on the extensor than on the flexor surfaces." [Hughes]
• Two Kali-iod. cases: IFH 1994 [Anne Schadde, A Case of Depression and Loss of Joy]. One Kali-iod. case in HL 3/97 [Peggy Chipkin, Pretty dresses make her itch].
Abrupt, harsh [2]. Anxiety, > walking in open air [2]. Aversion, to children, his beloved children suddenly become burdensome to him [3/1]. Cruelty [2]. Disgust, with everything [1]. Fear, of suffocation [2]. Hardhearted with his family [1/1]. Indifference to her children [1]. Malicious, in sadness [3/1]. Passionate [3]. Prostration of mind > motion [1/1]. Aversion to being touched [2].
Heat, vertex, > warm applications [2/1]. Motions, rocks head from side to side to relieve pains [1]. Pain, > hot applications [1], > rolling head from side to side [1].
Lachrymation, during headache [1]. Pain, > motion of eyes [1].
Eruptions, alternating with deranged stomach [1*]; urticaria, in winter [2/1].
Odour, like onions [1].
Pain, pressing, while speaking [3/1], on swallowing [3].
Disordered, alternating with facial eruptions [1*]. Nausea, after cold drinks [1].
Pain, sore, right hypochondrium, after exertion [2/1].
Urging to urinate, frequent, before menses [3]; painful, disappears when menstrual flow starts [2/1]. Urination, frequent, before menses [1], during menses [2].
Difficult, at night, 5 a.m. [1/1], > lying on back [1], in warm room [2].
Sensation of swelling, heart [2].
Pulsating, dorsal region, between scapulae [1].
Sensation of swelling, knees, at night [2/1].
Waking, with heart symptoms [1], sudden [2], from vertigo [1].
Eruptions, itching, > cold air [2], < heat of stove [3/1]; urticaria, from warmth and exercise [2]; vesicular, from exposure to sun [2]. Generals Mucous secretions increased, salty taste [2]. * Repertory addition [Hughes]. Food Aversion: [1]: Coffee; cold drinks; cold food; fish; milk; soup. Desire: [2]: Fish; liquid food; vegetables. [1]: Beer; coffee; hot drinks; milk; sour; stimulants; warm drinks; warm food; wine. Worse: [2]: Milk; milk, cold. [1]: Cold drinks; cold food; dry food; ice; ice cream; tea.


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