Kalium phosphoricum

A man in a passion rides a horse that runs away with him.
[Thomas Fuller]
Dibasic potassium phosphate. Potassium hydrogen phosphate.
CHEMISTRY White, somewhat hygroscopic granules; very soluble in water, slightly in alcohol.
USES As a buffering agent in antifreeze solutions, shampoos, and cuticle removers; as a nutrient in the culturing of antibiotics; as an ingredient of instant fertilizers. Beer brewers and wine makers use the compound as an additive to speed the fermentation of yeast; also used in the production of champagne and other sparkling wines. Widely used in the food industry as an emulsifier, antioxidant synergist, buffer, or sequestrant [E340]; typical products include non-dairy powdered coffee creamers, drinking chocolate mixes, milk and cream powders, cup soups, dessert toppings, instant [powdered] custard mixes, ice cream mixes, cooked cured ham, and luncheon meat.
MEDICINE Potassium phosphate, as well as sodium phosphate, is used to acidify the urine and lower the urinary calcium concentration, thus reducing the possibility of kidney stones. In addition, both are used as phosphorus supplements to prevent or treat phosphorus deficiency. Overdosing results in such symptoms as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, dehydration, and severe and prolonged muscle cramps or paralysis. Reported side effects include headache, dizziness, confusion; heaviness of the legs; muscle cramps; numbness and tingling of hands and feet; swelling of the feet or lower legs; increased thirst; decreased urine; weight gain; bone or joint pains.
WEIGHT Two studies suggest that potassium phosphate [and sodium phosphate] may help promote weight loss by raising metabolism. In one study obese and lean postmenopausal women were given orange juice with or without magnesium and potassium phosphate supplementation. When the minerals were added, the numbers of calories burned increased significantly in the obese group within a maximum of 30 minutes. These effects were not seen in the lean women. In the second study the effects of potassium, calcium, and sodium phosphates on metabolism during weight loss were investigated in overweight women. The weight loss program consisted of an eight-week low-energy diet supplemented with mineral tablets containing calcium, potassium, and sodium phosphates. The study found that the phosphate supplementation enhanced the resting metabolic rate regardless of the rate of weight loss. 1
TISSUE SALT Introduced by Schüssler as one of his twelve tissue remedies. "Kali phos. is a constituent of all animal fluids and tissues, notably of the brain, nerves, muscles and blood-cells. All tissue-forming substances retain it with the greatest obstinacy, all nutritious fluids contain it, and hence we may well conclude that it is indispensable to the formation of tissues. ... It is found that the nerves retain their vital properties for a long time and very completely in a solution of this salt. By the diminution of the excretion of Kali phos. in the urine, conditions are produced within the organism which may present many-sided resistance to the typhus-decomposing element, as well as to the extension of the typhus process. Kali phos. is an antiseptic and hinders the decay of tissue. Adynamia and decay are the characteristic states of Kali phos. ... A disturbance of the Kali phos. molecules has for its results: [1] In the mental sphere such conditions as bashfulness, anxiety, fear, tearfulness, suspicion, homesickness, weakness of memory, depression, etc. [2] In the vasomotor nerves: Pulse at first small and frequent, later retardation. [3] In sensory nerves: Pain with paralytic sensation. [4] In motor nerves: Muscular and nerve prostration to paralysis. [5] Trophic fibres of sympathetic nerve: Retardation of nutrition to complete cessation within a circumscribed cellular domain, hence softening and degeneration of involved nerves."2
PROVINGS •• [1] H.C. Allen - 34 provers [26 males, 8 females], of The Provers' Union of Chicago, and students in the Hahnemann College; 1890; method and manner not stated.
[1] Turn Up The Heat: Compounds That Support Fat Loss and Appetite Control. [2] Boericke and Dewey, The Twelve Tissue Remedies of Schüssler.
Nerves [brain; spinal cord]. Excretions. Mucous membranes. Skin. One side.
Worse: The slightest excitement; worry; fatigue, mental; touch; pain; cold, dry air. Cold air, becoming cold, cold drinks. Physical exertion, ascending stairs, after coition. Milk. During and after sleep. Walking fast. Winter. Uncovering head. Noise. When alone. Bad news. Puberty.
Better: Eating. Cloudy weather. Heat. Gentle motion. Company. Sleep.
Main symptoms
* Common traits of all Kali's: conservative, regular, proper, down to earth.
Most marked in Kali-p. is the nervous exhaustion [neurasthenia], which makes Kali-p. patients LOSE their self-control.
M Mental and physical PROSTRATION.
Caused by a combination of OVERWORKING and psychological factors like excitement, worry and vexation.
• "Slightest labour seems a heavy task." [Allen]
M Very NERVOUS, starts at the slightest sound.
Indisposition to meet people.
M Shyness and excessive BLUSHING.
Disinclined to talk. Stress of talking to people, esp. to several at once.
Desire for solitude.
M Fear of open spaces.
M Depraved feelings: aversion to own family.
HARSH and cruel [to husband and children]; due to loss of self-control.
• "Worn-out nursing mothers, tired to distraction by nervous babies."
• "Flies into a passion and can hardly articulate." [Clarke]
• "Very irritable; has taken a terrible dislike to her husband, whom she usually adores. Indifferent and captious; would prefer getting away from him and everybody else. Can not say or do anything mean enough to her husband."1
M Fear / dreams of robbers.
• "Scan dark corners, expecting to see burglars."1
G Irresolution.
• "Feels as if he was losing control of his mind. Can not decide anything for himself."
• "Starts to do something, then drops it to try something else; then returns to first task."
• "Very much depressed at night; irresolute."1
G Chilly.
< COLD. G Tendency to PERSPIRATION, esp. on face and head. After meals or from EXCITEMENT. • "Apart from that the sweat glands are rather inactive and these patients do not perspire easily." [Borland] G Waking in the morning with a gnawing hungry pain. [usually around 5 a.m., must eat something to relieve it.] Nibbling appetite at daytime; hunger soon after eating. • "They practically all dislike bread, so most resort to sweet biscuits or to chocolates." [Borland] • "They have one queer symptom - they are better at once if they eat, but they fill up very quickly and then feel very uncomfortable. They often crave ice - cold water." [Blackie] G Great thirst [like Phos.]. G Sleep position. • "A tendency developed to sleep upon the back; a position which was very uncomfortable before the proving was begun [19th day and through the proving]."1 G < 2 -5 a.m. G > Walking SLOWLY.
G > Start of menstrual flow.
G Menses.
Too early, and scanty; or too early, and protracted.
• "During menses: sharp bearing down pain; sensation of being bloated to bursting; restlessness > moving and lying on abdomen; sharp pain through left ovary > lying on back; pain in left ovary > bending double."1
• [After menses:] "Intense sexual desire for four or five days after cessation of menstrual flow for two consecutive periods, in a married woman who had borne children, and was an entirely new experience."1
G PUTRID, or golden YELLOW [or orange yellow] excretions.
[coat on tongue, leucorrhoea, urine, expectoration, stool, etc.].
G Offensive discharges [stool, sweat, urine].
Carrion-like odour.
G Convalescence after exhausting diseases.
Muscular weakness after acute diseases.
Weakness and persistent slight fever.
P Headache.
> Gentle motion.
And Empty, gone, nervous feeling at stomach [> eating].
P Perspiration in axillae, smelling like ONIONS.
• "Return of offensive axillary sweat [that had been cured months before with Lachesis]."1
P • "Remember it in the treatment of suspected malignant tumours. After removal of cancer when in healing process skin is drawn tight over the wound." [Boericke]
1 H.C. Allen - Proving of Kali phosphoricum; International Hahnemannian Association, 1890-1891.
Consolation < [2]. Cruelty, to her family [1/1], to husband [1*]. Delusions, being doomed [2], familiar things seem strange [1]. Fear of open spaces [2], of robbers [1]. Desire to be held [1]. Hurry, in occupation [1]. Impatience about trifles [1]. Indifference, to loved ones [1], to surroundings [1]. Irritability, when spoken to [2]. Memory active for past events, haunted by and longing for remembering past events [2/1]. Restlessness during mental exertion [2]. Sensitive to noise during menses [on account of headache] [1*]. Starting when touched [2]. Tearing things in general [2]. Vertigo In sunlight and heat [1]. Head Pain, > lying on back [1], before menses, > when flow begins [1], > walking slowly [1]; occiput, > eructations [1*], when shaking head [1*].
Photophobia, during headache [1].
Dim, after coition [2].
Acute, to voices and talking [1]. Impaired, for the human voice [1].
Sneezing, < eating [1]. Face Pain, > talking [1/1].
Appetite, increased, during headache [1], during menses [1]. Emptiness during menses [1]. Sensation of fulness during menses [2].
Diarrhoea, > mental exertion [= distraction] [1*].
Asthmatic, after eating [2]. Difficult, after eating [1].
Pain, dorsal region, when turning in bed, must sit up to turn over [1*].
Numbness, fingertips [1].
Robbers [1*].
Itching, > scratching [1*], when undressing [1*],
Twitching, as soon as she closes her eyes [to go to sleep] [1*].
* Repertory additions [H.C. Allen].
Aversion: [1]: Bread; meat .
Desire: [2]: Cold drinks. [1]: Sour; sweets; vinegar.
Worse: [1]: Cold drinks; milk; onions.


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