Naja tripudians 200c Homeopathic Medicine

Naja tripudians 200 Homeopathic Medicine Side Effects and  Symptoms described by  VERMEULEN Frans:

Naja 200
Naja 200

 Naja Tripudians is a Homeopathic Medicine prepared from Venom of a Poisonous snake.

Our doubts are traitors
And make us lose the good we oft might win
By fearing to attempt.
Signs of Naja Tripudians:
Naja naja. Indian Cobra. Spectacled Cobra. Common Cobra. Asian Cobra.
CLASSIFICATION The Elapidae, or Cobra family, comprises about 200 species. The family includes cobras, kraits, mambas, coral snakes, and sea snakes. The genus Naja is widely distributed throughout Asia and Africa. Two Asian species are known: the king cobra and the Indian cobra. Most species, however, are natives of the African continent. They include Naja nivea in the hills and mountains of southern Africa, the Black-necked cobra [Naja nigricollis] in the warm, damp forests in west and central Africa, and Naja haje in the arid northeastern parts. The latter is probably the asp of antiquity and was sacred to the ancient Egyptians. The Black-necked cobra spits its venom accurately at its victim's eyes at distances of more than 2 m and may cause temporary, or even permanent, blindness. The tree cobras, Naja pseudonaje, are, with the mambas, the only arboreal elapids.
FEATURES Cobras assume an upreared defense posture and flare their hoods when angry or disturbed. They are characterized by an ability to extend the ribs immediately behind their heads to form a flaring hood. Cobras are oviparous [egg-layers]. Baby cobra's venom has the same potency of an adult. The largest Naja species in Asia is the king cobra. The world's largest venomous snake, it is often more than 3.6 m long. The king cobra is unique among snakes in that it guards its 20 to 40 eggs, which are laid in a nest of leaves. The nest has two stories; on the first floor are the eggs, on the second story lies the female watching her eggs. Female snakes can store sperm for several years and can produce young two or three years after their last contact with male snakes. Although king cobras can't distinguish any colours, their eyesight is still better than that of most snakes, allowing them to spot a moving person at almost 100 metres away. The hiss of king cobras is much lower than most snakes'; it is produced by tiny holes in the trachea and is resonated by the lung. To impress rivals, male king cobras resort to wrestling combat in a ritual conflict in which the first one to push the other's head to the ground wins. "King cobras are often found in pairs, which may be the origin of the ancient belief that a person who kills a king cobra will be pursued and killed by its mate, intent on revenge. King cobras are the most intelligent and curious of snakes and in captivity will watch any activity going on outside their cage. They are rarely kept in zoos outside of the tropics, however, because they are selective feeders, existing entirely on other species of snakes."1 The Indian cobra seldom reaches a length of more than 1.8 m. This snake kills several thousand people every year, mostly because it visits houses at twilight to catch rats. Its hood is, proportionately, much larger than that of the king cobra and is usually yellow to brown, with a black-and-white spectacle pattern on top and two black and white spots on the lower surface. Except for the king cobra, all central and south Asian populations are regarded as subspecies of Naja naja. Their hoods show different markings, such as a ring or bars.
ASIAN COBRAS "The Asian cobras are at home in many types of terrain, only desert and dense rain forest being generally avoided. Flat country with high grass and scattered groves of trees is an optimum habitat. Rice fields and other sorts of agricultural land may support many cobras, and they are often common around villages and cities. Here they may be found in crumbling walls, old buildings, and gardens. In western India and Pakistan cobras are more active by day - usually in the evening and early morning - while in the countries to the east they show a greater tendency to be nocturnal. They are timid when encountered in the open and seek to escape. When cornered they rear up and spread their hoods, but biting seems to be almost a last resort. The snakes frequently strike with the mouth closed. They are most dangerous when surprised at close quarters. In biting, they tend to hold on, chewing savagely. Although the fangs of Malayan, Indonesian, and Philippine cobras are modified for spraying venom at the eyes, this behaviour seems to be uncommon, at least when the snake is confronted by a human foe. The hood identifies a living cobra. Although some non-poisonous Asian snakes flatten the neck slightly when alarmed, none do so to such a marked degree as do the Asian Naja. The hood of the king cobra is much narrower. Colour and pattern are extremely variable; however, most Asian Naja have conspicuous dark bars or spots on the underside of the neck at about the level of the hood. This is not seen in many non-poisonous snakes that might be confused with cobras. Asian cobras feed upon almost any kind of vertebrate small enough to be swallowed. Their fondness for rats helps explain their abundance near human habitations. Cobras lay eggs, 10 to 20 being the average clutch. The female and occasionally the male remain with the eggs and may defend them."2
VENOM Elapids strike with a downward stab, followed by chewing. The fangs are hollow, and venom can be forced through the central canal. The venom is primarily neurotoxic but often contains substances that damage the body tissues or blood cells. The bite is relatively painless, but death from paralysis of the heart and lungs may be swift. Large cobras may have a great quantity of venom - sometimes 500 to 600 mg. The lethal dose for man is estimated at not more than 20 mg. In spite of this, many persons recover from bites without effective treatment. Evidently the snakes may inject little venom when biting defensively. Madaus observed that during the mating period the venom is far more venomous than at the time of shedding skin. He also reports the successful medicinal use of cobra venom in the 1930s as an analgesic in the treatment of incurable, malignant cancers. The analgesic effects lasted from eight to ten days, but in some patients they were shorter and were accompanied by both 'the feeling as if they had drunk alcohol' and a desire for alcohol. 3
EFFECTS "In a subject, poisoned by a cobra, the earliest constitutional symptom is a feeling of intoxication, but this frequently passes unnoticed in an unobservant subject. Later the patient feels his weakness [paralysis] insidiously creeping upon him, till, uncertain of maintaining the upright posture, he voluntarily reclines. His paralysis begins in the legs, mounts to the trunk, and finally affects the head, which droops. Synchronizing with this drooping of the head, a drooping of the eyelids may be noticed, and simultaneously the muscles of the lips, the tongue and throat become gradually paralysed. As a result the lower lip falls away from the teeth, allowing the saliva to dribble from the mouth, speech becomes increasingly difficult, till the subject, unable any longer to control his lingual and labial muscles, attempts by signs to communicate to those around him, often striving with his fingers to remove the viscid saliva that clings to his mouth. Breathing soon becomes embarrassed, later laboured, and finally impossible. Distress is written on the countenance, which becomes increasingly livid from defective aeration of the blood. Swallowing similarly becomes difficult, and later impossible, so that fluids taken into the mouth are apt to regurgitate through the nose. Nausea and vomiting are frequent symptoms. A convulsion often heralds the cessation of respiration, but the heart goes on beating for a minute or two longer. Consciousness is retained till the end. There appears to be no special sequence in the development of these paralyses. Those affecting the muscles of the lips, tongue, voice, throat, develop synchronously, and evoke a train of symptoms exactly comparable to the organic nerve disease 'bulbar palsy'."4
MYTHS AND LEGENDS Because of its deadliness, the cobra is especially revered in many cultures. The Hindu god Vishnu rode the cobra of wisdom, and Egyptian pharaohs wore the sacred uraeus [cobra] as a symbol of royalty and divinity in their crowns. According to Buddhist mythology, the cobra spread its hood over Buddha when he was asleep, and he, in gratitude, took the serpent under his protection and gave it the spectacle-mark so that it could be recognized and avoided by birds of prey. Vishnu is depicted as resting on the seven-headed naga [Indian word for snake] in an ocean of milk. The naga is often found in India at the foot of the majestic stairways of stupas, re-echoing the gaping crocodile-mouths found at the foot of stairways on Central American pyramids. To the Khmer of Cambodia the naga was the symbol of the rainbow, regarded as the magic bridge giving entry to the abode of the gods. Like the python, the naga is a symbol of the mouth which swallows either the human individual or the Sun itself at one end of the horizon to vomit them up at the other [representing death and rebirth]. 5 On the annual lunar holiday of Nag Panchami, Hindus refrain from plowing and field work out of respect for cobras. In South India, termite mounds are especially worshipped since cobra snakes are said to live there. Lord Ganesh is shown with a weapon called Nagabana [snake arrow], Lord Shiva is popularly depicted wearing a garland of cobra round his neck. In one of the systems of yoga, known as kundalini yoga, the Supreme power Kundalini is shown as a coiled female cobra which generally ascends the spinal column. The seal of some of the Maharajas of Orissa picture the crest of the cobra with a human face under its expanded hood and surrounded by the insignia of royalty. Naga worship is very common in the South [of India]. For example, in Mysore people keep images of coiled serpents beneath a ficus tree. The images are worshipped for getting children, wealth, rain, or longevity. In Buddhism, there is frequent mention of snake worship. At many places Lord Buddha is shown under the shade of the expanded hood of a seven-headed Naga. So also in Jainism, the tirthankars are depicted sitting in meditation with a seven-headed cobra hood on their heads. 6
EGYPT The cobra was sacred to the ancient Egyptians. The cobra-goddess Buto - also known as Udjat or Edjo - had her original home and chief cult centre in the Delta marshes. As the uraeus cobra with her hood spread in a menacing attitude she was depicted on the brow first of Ra and then of all the pharaohs. She was the aggressive defender of the pharaoh, ready to spit poison on his enemies or to burn them up with her fiery glance. It is sometimes thought that in early times her power could be turned against the pharaoh himself, her bite being the death instrument administered by Anubis at the appointed time for the pharaoh's death. The uraeus was the left eye of Ra which, after it asserted its own independence, the sun-god placed in a position of honour on his brow. Buto thus personified the sun's burning heat and was known as Lady of Heaven and queen of all the gods. Buto was also represented as a woman wearing the uraeus, or the red crown of Lower Egypt known as the Lady of Spells. This crown associated her with Isis, the Great Enchantress, in the form of a famous oracle in her temple at Buto. This oracle was represented carrying a papyrus stem round which was coiled a cobra, and sometimes shown simply as a cobra coiled in a basket supported by papyrus plants and wearing the crown of Lower Egypt. At other times the crown itself stood for Buto - generally as a constituent of the double crown or pschent, which was called the Lady of Power or the Lady of Flame, and which symbolized the supreme power of the pharaoh over the Two Lands. Another deity represented as a woman with the head of a cobra was Renenet [or Renenutet]. Originally a personification of the rich harvest, she was later identified with the cobra which often hid in the ripe corn. Renenet presided over suckling, assisting and protecting every child at birth and as such was often depicted suckling the pharaoh and sometimes the souls of the deceased.

Price of Naja:

FOLK MEDICINE Cobra parts, including the gall bladder and bile, are highly prized in parts of south-east Asia where they are believed to restore health and boost sexual prowess. In Vietnam entire cobras, upreared and with hood expanded, are sold in bottles with an alcoholic tincture, labelled as a medicine against 'lumbago, rheumatism of the limbs, sweaty limbs.' In 1992 the king cobra was put on Thailand's list of preserved species because thousands of snakes were killed for their meat and the king cobra population had dwindled to near extinction.
ANTIDOTES Throughout history an array of snake-bite treatments has been developed; some effective, most of them ineffective. As early as 1500 BC, leek, garlic, and onion juices were popular remedies but hardly successful antidotes among the Egyptians. "In medieval times goats and pigs were thought to have some special significance in snake-bite cures. Goats' cheese, rancid goats' butter, and pig lard were applied to the bite area or taken internally. Excreta and urine were used as snake-bite cures. Excreta was applied to the bite, or the victim was buried up to the neck in fresh manure. A native antidote from Ceylon recommends that special pills be soaked in urine and then applied to the incised bite area. In severe cases the pills were administered through the nostrils. Famous snake doctors of Asia Minor cured snake bite by placing their fingers directly on the bite or spitting on the wound. In extreme cases they would place their naked bodies on the bite. Primitive medicine were based on the 'eye for an eye' principle. The body of an asp [Naja haje], preferably the offender, or the bowels of a snake were eaten or applied to the wound. The Hindus even believed that if the victim bit the head off the offending snake the venom would be neutralised. There were many other bizarre, cruel, and drastic treatments, but probably the most dangerous occurred after gunpowder was invented. After incision, gunpowder was sprinkled into the wound and exploded. Undoubtedly there were some catastrophic results from this method. Alcohol was added to the seemingly endless list of cures. In Australia and America massive doses of alcohol have been used for snake-bite cure. In America a victim who received large quantities of whiskey after a rattlesnake bite recovered so remarkably that the next day he went searching for another rattlesnake to bite him."8
GUILT Questions of guilt are hard to solve, in particular when a cobra is involved. A creative solution is required, as is shown in an incident that took place in 17th century India and is related by the famous German zoologist Alfred Brehm. The private secretary of a raja had been bitten by a cobra and was transported to the city, along with the offending snake in a well closed box. The raja displayed his distress about the situation and send for the priests. The priests passionately pointed out to the snake how important the life of the secretary was for the city. They threatened to take its life if the secretary would not survive the bite. But the sacred animal was not easily intimidated and the secretary died. Initially overcome by despair, the raja, after reconsidering the matter, came up with the thought that the secretary must have been doing something wrong to incur the wrath of the gods. The gods then had chosen the snake as the mere instrument to deliver their punishment. Consequently the raja released the cobra, bowing deeply and asking its forgiveness. Frazer gives a similar account: "In Madras it is considered a great sin to kill a cobra. When this has happened, the people generally burn the body of the serpent, just as they burn the bodies of human beings. The murderer deems himself polluted for three days. On the second day milk is poured on the remains of the cobra. On the third day the guilty wretch is free from pollution."9

PROVINGS of Naja Homeopathic Medicine: 

[1] Stokes - 3 provers, 1852-53; method: inoculation with 1x, olfaction of 1st and 2nd dils., and repeated doses of 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 6th dils.
•• [2] Russell - 10 provers [8 males, 2 females], 1853; method: 1x, 2x, 3x, or 6x, once or twice daily, repeatedly, or with intervals, over periods ranging from 5 to 17 days.
•• [3] Becker and R. Sankaran - seminar proving, 1991; method: one dose of 30c.
"A dose of Naja 30 Homeopathic medicine was sent in advance to all participants of the seminar with instructions to take it at bed time one week before the seminar, and write down the effects, especially the dreams. None of the participants knew what drug was given. During the seminar, we collected these notes and shared the experience. The main themes that emerged in the dreams and feelings were as follows: [1] Sense of duty and responsibility towards one's family. [2] A feeling of being injured / affected. [3] A feeling of being wrong or being wronged. [4] Anger, violence. [5] A feeling of being split up between duty on one hand and being wronged on the other hand. [6] A feeling of being neglected. [7] A feeling of many obstacles in the way. [8] Themes of success and failure."10
[1] Turkington, Guide to Poisons and Antidotes. [2] Michael Thompson, Michael's Snakes; unpublished manuscript. [3] Madaus, The production and use of cobra poison; BHJ, Jan. 1938. [4] P. Sankaran, Cobra venom - a consideration of its therapeutic possibilities; BHJ, July 1958. [5] Chevalier and Gheerbrant, Dictionary of Symbols. [6] Farokh J. Master, Naja Naja Naja. [7] Ions, Egyptian Mythology. [8] Mirtschin and Davis, Dangerous Snakes of Australia [revised edition]. [9] Frazer, The Golden Bough. [10] Naja Homeopathic Medicine: A Proving, in Sankaran, The Substance of Homoeopathy.

Affinity of Naja Homeopathic Medicine:

Cerebellum. Medulla. NERVES [HEART [mitral valve]; respiration; throat]. * Left side [ovary; temple; arm]. Right side.
Modalities of Homeopathic medicine Naja:
Worse: Lying on left side. After sleep; after menses. Air [cold; drafts]. Pressure of clothes. Alcohol. Riding in a carriage. Exertion. Talking. Walking. Night. Touch. At 3 p.m.
Better: Riding [or walking] in open air. Sneezing. Lying on right side.
Main symptoms
Sensation of having two wills.
• What is described by Hale as a case of 'suicidal insanity' exemplifies literally a split mind. It is included in the repertory as 'Insanity, suddenly wants to split his head in two with an axe,' but actually refers to a true story: "Du Chaillu, the great African traveller, says he witnessed the attempt of a native to charm this venomous [Naja 200] serpent. In the attempt, the man was bitten. 'The man suffered intensely; his body became swollen, his mind wandered, and his life was despaired of; but at last, he got better, and though complaining of great pain about the heart, he was soon able to go about again. A short time after, having an axe in his hand, going, as he said, to cut wood, he suddenly split his own head in two. He had become insane.'"1
M Duty.
Strong sense of responsibility or duty.
Feels he has neglected his duty.
• "A clinical picture of Naja Homeopathic Medicine that emerges is of a woman in Indian circumstances, who after marriage finds herself neglected, harassed and wronged by her in-laws and feels angry, and malicious and at the same time dutiful and responsible towards the family and there is a constant conflict about this." [Sankaran]
M Self-depreciation.
Feels himself a failure.
Feels not having achieved anything in life.
Sadness, feels as if having done everything in wrong way.
• "This melancholy was of a peculiar kind. I felt that everything that was done was done in a wrong way, and could not be rectified. If I felt that I had some duty to perform, I had at the same time a strong impulse not to do it, and was extremely restless in consequence. I seemed to have an increased perception of what I ought to do, but, at the same time, an unaccountable inclination not to do it, to which I was irresistibly compelled to yield. I couldn't help it, didn't know why, but couldn't do it." [Allen]
M Delusion he had suffered wrong.
Broods constantly over imaginary troubles.
• "In evening melancholy; began to form images of possible wrongs and misfortunes, over which the mind broods; very wretched at times." [Hughes]
M Timidity.
• "Temperament completely different from Lachesis. Not the intensity, hatefulness and aggressiveness of Lach., instead there is more a personality like Pulsatilla, soft." [Morrison]
M Fear of rain.
Coldness of body and extremities.
Desire for warmth.
G Impossible to lie on the left side. [Kent]
• "The modality 'cannot lie on the left side' is found in most drugs affecting the heart, but for Naja Homeopathic Medicine its significance has to be reconsidered in view of the observation of a prover that pain and breathing were much relieved by lying on the affected side [in this instance the right side]." [Leeser]
c Inspired by Leeser's remark, Römer observed over a period of 20 years the value of the Naja 200 symptom 'pain; lying on affected side' in patients with heart conditions who felt better generally or locally [heart] by lying on the LEFT SIDE. Based on more than 100 Naja prescriptions he concludes that 80% had the general and/or local improvement by lying on the left side. 2


G  Morning, on waking. G < Change of weather. [20% of cases Römer] G Constriction. [throat, chest, larynx, etc.] G Pains, ailments extending from LEFT to RIGHT. [ovarian pains, throat, joint affections]. G Nervous symptoms. • "Naja 200 is not as subject to haemorrhage as either Lach. or Crot-h. Naja 200 Homeopathic Medicines has more nervous symptoms, Lach. has more septic symptoms." [Kent] P Pain as from a BLOW on OCCIPUT and NECK. • "Mr. F. Buckland had skinned a rat which had been killed by a cobra-bite. 'I had not walked a hundred yards,' he writes, 'before all of a sudden I felt just as if somebody had come behind me and struck me a severe blow on the head and neck, and at the same time I experienced a most acute pain and sense of oppression at the chest, as though a hot iron had been run in, and a hundredweight put on the top of it. I knew instantly from what I had read that I was poisoned.'" [Hughes] P Left-sided migraines. Pain comes on during the night and may disturb sleeping. Pain particularly bad on awaking. < Motion; exertion. And Heart symptoms [fluttering, palpitations, anxiety in cardiac region, etc.]. P Pain from left OVARY to HEART. P HEART. Almost a specific for cardiac valvular disorders. • "This is the most useful of all the remedies we have in a cardiac state with very few symptoms." [Kent] Palpitations PREVENT SPEECH [on account of choking]. • "Nervous chronic palpitation, esp. after public speaking." [Allen] Pain in heart extending to nape of neck, left scapula or left shoulder. Heart symptoms > lying on left side.3
P Rheumatic pains.
Worse on LEFT side.
Chiefly in nape of neck and shoulder[s], but also in [left] arm and [left] leg.
< Change of weather. And Numbness; tingling. 4 [1] Hale, New Remedies, Vol. 1. [2-4] Römer, Naja tripudians 200; Zeitschrift für klass. Hom., Juli/August 1980. Rubrics Mind Anxiety > motion [1]. Brooding over imaginary troubles [2]. Censorious [1]. Want of self-confidence, feels himself a failure [1], self-depreciation [1]. Delusions, of being injured by his surroundings [2], he has neglected his duty [1], he is neglected [1], is under superhuman control [2], he has suffered wrong [1]. Desire for occupation [diversion] [1]. Playful [1]. Sadness, during headache [1], feeling superfluous [2/1], as if having done everything in wrong way [2/1]. Will, contradiction of will [1]; sensation as if he had two wills [1]. Everything seems wrong [2].
Pain, spirituous liquors [1], > smoking tobacco [1].
Hayfever, with asthmatic breathing [2], in August [1], in spring [1].
Dryness in morning on waking [1]. Speech, difficult from choking [1].
Choking on going to sleep [2]. Dryness in morning on waking [1]. Constant disposition to swallow at night [1]. Swallowing difficult at night [1].
Flushes of heat when empty [1/1]. Nausea after lying down at night [1].
Voice, hoarseness, at night [1], when reading aloud [1].
With heart affections [3]. Sympathetic [3].
Sensation of emptiness in region of heart [1]. Pain, heart, extending to left hand [2], to nape of neck and shoulder [2], to left scapula [2]. Palpitation,  lying on left side [2], > lying on left side [1*],  motion of arms [2], unable to speak [3], when turning in bed [2], after wine [2]. Sensation of swelling, heart [2]. Limbs Pain, left shoulder, extending to right [1]. Swelling, hands, in morning on waking [1*]; feet, in morning on waking [1*]. Sleep Position, sleeps on left side [1*]. Generals Convulsions, epileptic, aura from heart [1]. Faintness  acid fruit [1/1]. Sensation of being smaller [1]. Change of weather < [1*]. * Repertory additions [Römer]. Food Desire: [2]: Sugar. [1]: Alcohol. Worse: [2]: Wine. [1]: Sour; spices; stimulants; tobacco. Better: [1]: Acid fruit; sour; tobacco.



  1. I have developed many benign tumors on my arm, stomach and thighs 6 to 7 total, my cholesterol is right but triglycerides are 250. VLDL is 50. No pain , solid tumors under skin , increasing since 10 years. Kindly suggest medicine.


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