Aconitum napellus

Aconitum napellus
A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time,
and a courageous person afterwards.
[J.P.F. Richter]
Aconitum napellus. Monkshood. Wolf's Bane. Granny's Nightcap. Iron Hat. Captain over the Garden. N.O. Ranunculaceae.
CLASSIFICATION Aconitum is included in the Ranunculaceae . Comprising over 1800 species in about 50 genera, the family is centred in temperate and cold regions of the Northern and Southern hemispheres. It contains a number of very poisonous plants, such as Helleborus and Aconitum, and a number of well-known garden ornamentals. The plants are mostly herbs, rarely woody climbers, such as Clematis. "The family shows a wide variation in flower structures, and also a wide variation in pollination methods. The family is insect-pollinated in the main, although some species of Thalictrum are wind-pollinated. Many of the annual species are self-pollinated. The remaining insect-pollinated types are visited for either their pollen or their nectar and they can be divided into these two types. The genera Anemone, Pulsatilla and Clematis do not produce nectar and are visited only for their pollen. Nectar flowers with well-developed nectaries are found in Ranunculus, Aquilegia, Delphinium and Helleborus. In Anemone and Clematis insects are attracted by brightly coloured sepals, in Ranunculus by showy petals [with prominent nectar pouches, known as honey-leaves]; in Aconitum by showy sepals and petals."1
DISTRIBUTION Aconitum is indigenous to areas at altitudes between 1,000 and 3,000 metres on mountain slopes. There are about 100 species, mainly herbaceous perennials that need cool rich soil and will grow in full sun or partial shade. When in the plain it is already summer, the high-altitude habitat retains its cooler, spring-like air. Drought is detrimental to the roots, so the roots must be kept moist. It likes to follow the course of brooks and water-filled ditches. The plants should be left alone when well established as they take time to resettle after being disturbed. The seeds need frost to germinate the next spring.
NAME It is called Monkshood, because of the shape of the flowers, which turn over and give the appearance of a hood, thrown over the head, but also because it was associated with political intrigue among the ranks of the Roman Catholic clergy. The name Wolf's Bane refers to its one time use as poison bait for wolves. The name Aconitum is said to have been derived from Gr. akon, a dart, in reference to arrows at one time being poisoned with the juices of the plant, or from akone, cliffy or rocky, because the species grows in rocky glens. Another possibility is that the name comes from the Gr. akonitos, 'without struggle' or 'without dust'. Napellus means "turnip-rooted." Its Sanskrit names 'Ativisha' and 'Visha' both mean poison.
FEATURES "The flowers, shaped like a monk's cowl, are no longer radially symmetrical like those of the spring Ranunculaceae - anemones, aquilegia, peony - but are isobilateral. They have given up the radiate flower form and attained a higher form of symmetry suggestive of the animal kingdom. The higher invertebrates as well as all vertebrates possess bilateral symmetry as their fundamental morphological concept. ... It is of interest that Aconitum napellus is in polar contrast to Helleborus niger, the Christmas rose, which is the most ancient member of the Ranunculaceae. Aconitum is a more recent representative of this very primitive family of plants. It shows much more advanced structures, in the specialised upper sepal which forms a protective covering for the other parts of the flower, in the deep blue colour of the flowers, and in the arrangement of the blossoms, not on single stems but in an inflorescence. Seasonally also the plant is at the opposite pole to the Christmas rose. Instead of pushing its way up through the snows of winter it springs vigorously upwards to burst into bloom at the peak of summer. Thus instead of torpor, the characteristic of Helleborus, there is here a suggestion of terror. Instead of the sluggishness of winter growth this upstanding summer-flowering plant betokens swift, sudden, strenuous activity."2
ROOTS The plant Aconitum is perennial; yet each distinct root lasts only one year, the plant being continued by daughter roots. "At the same time as growth and development take place above, there is a stir of movement below ground. The root tuber begins to release the life, which until now it has wilfully held on to, into an adventitious root that in turn swells to form a tuber. The old root later dies and the daughter root will in the following year send forth the flowering plant. The root process thus stands out from the life pattern of the Monkshood, as something special. It permits only part of the life of the plant to rise and unfold above ground, forcing another, important, part to remain forever in the root sphere. The Monkshood overemphasizes the root life. ... In the midst of a season when the earth element is effervescing, burning itself up, merging into the cosmic sphere, and the cosmic is entering with might and main into the earthly sphere, the Monkshood in its tautly gathered, definitively shaped form, with the helmet and visor of its dark violet or blue flower, is like a stronghold guarding and containing selfhood, a bulwark of firm resolve, resisting any inclination towards volatility."3
CONSTITUENTS Aconitine; aconine; napelline; aconitic acid; itaconic acid; succinic acid; malonic acid; levulose; dopamine and noradrenaline. Aconitic acid - used as plasticizer for buna rubber and plastics - is found in the leaves and tubers of Aconitum napellus, as well as in Achillea millefolium, Equisetum, beet root, and sugar cane. The strong irritant malonic acid is employed in the manufacture of barbiturates. All parts of the plant contain the alkaloid aconitine.
Aconitum napellus flowering
TOXICOLOGY The toxicity of Aconitum varies with the climatic conditions under which it grows. The root is the most dangerous part but the leaves are greatest in toxicity just before flowering. Symptoms of poisoning include muscular weakness, irregular and laboured breathing, weak pulse, bloating, belching, constant attempts at swallowing, contracted or dilated pupils. All parts are poisonous, even the honey! In the winter the roots are the richest in aconitine [the main alkaloid]. Even handling the plant is dangerous to highly sensitive people. Touching the plant's juices to an open wound can cause pain, fainting sensations and suffocation. Used as an arrow poison by early stone-age cultures, aconitine [from A. napellus or, in particular, Aconitum ferox] is very fast acting, a feature that once made it a favourite poison, dubbed as 'queen mother of poisons'. In ancient times a decoction was given to criminals as fatal punishment and, on the Greek island of Ceos, infirm old men, no longer useful to the state, were compelled to take a deadly drink of aconite. The sudden death of the Roman emperor Claudius, in AD 54, is accredited to poisoning with aconitine. Monkshood is also credited by historians as being the 'murder weapon' in the death of Pope Adrian VI and in an unsuccessful attempt on the prophet Mohammed's life. In the Middle Ages monkshood was believed to protect against werewolves since the plant was also poisonous for wolves. 18th- and 19th-century physicians used monkshood as a cardiac sedative. Until the 1930s, the plant was used as a painkiller, diuretic and diaphoretic. In the form of an ointment it was used externally to treat rheumatism, neuralgia and lumbago. The tincture was used to lower pulse rate and fever and treat cardiac failure.
EFFECTS "In all its parts, but particularly in the root, the aconite harbours one of the most formidable poisons known. For the old Greeks it constituted the poison. In their mythology they attributed its origin to the foam spilling from the mouth of Cerberus, the watchdog of hell. Aconitine, the main representative of a group of similar alkaloids contained in the plant, is the most poisonous and swiftest acting alkaloid. Three milligrams are sufficient to kill a horse. More powerful than hydrocyanic acid, it acts with similar tremendous rapidity. Such overwhelming power, if released within the human economy, can evoke only one kind of mental reaction - fear. The expression of fear in its highest degree, the fear of death, the fear that the end is approaching, will be found only among the most powerful poisons which attack life at its very source. The condition, which is most likely to produce this deep-rooted biological fear, is interference with the process of respiration. This expression of fear is to be found particularly in patients who suffer from despondency, be it of pulmonary or cardiac, or toxic or mechanical origin. The process of respiration, i.e. of oxidation, is at the very source of life and any obstruction of this process resulting in local or general anoxaemia will result in fear. ... The wanderer in the mountains, where the oxygen content of the air diminishes with increasing altitude, leading to a state of anoxaemia known as 'mountain sickness', will find in these altitudes the typical habitat of Aconitum, Digitalis and Veratrum album. These plants are obviously able to resist the relative anoxia of the high mountain regions."4 "If monkshood is eaten, symptoms start rapidly with a burning or tingling sensation of the lips, tongue, mouth and throat. Delayed-onset symptoms include excessive salivation, nausea, vomiting, tightness and numbness in the throat, impaired swallowing and possibly speech impairment. Intermittent visual disturbances can include blurred vision or colour patches in the visual field and pronounced and prolonged pupil dilation. Dizziness, prickling skin sensation, muscle weakness and uncoordinated movements can also occur. In critical cases there are heart rate and rhythm disturbances followed by convulsions and death. Death may occur as early as a few minutes after ingestion or as late as four days. Heart rate and rhythm disturbances can be serious. Those who survive report odd hallucinations during the poisoning episode and sensory disturbances for a long time afterward. If the victim does not die, recovery occurs within 24 hours."5
MYTHOLOGY According to legend, Aconitum came from the hill of Aconitus where the monstrous three-headed dog Cerberus was killed by Hercules, which was his twelfth and last labour. The saliva of the monster became the deadly poison of the plant. The Greek goddess Hecate - goddess of the dark hours, thus connected with the moon, ghosts, witches and magic - used the plant to poison her father, the Titan Perses, who ruled over the strategies of war. In addition, monkshood formed the cup that Medea prepared for Theseus. Another legend tells that Aconite originated from Prometheus' blood dripping on the rocks when the eagle devoured his liver. Prometheus' name means forethought. As a descendant of the Titans, he symbolizes a revolt of the spirit, the spirit which, if it cannot make itself the equal of the divine intellect, at least tries to steal a few sparks of its light. This is not a quest of the spirit for its own sake, along the path of gradual self-spiritualization, but the use of the spirit for purposes of self-gratification. The rebellious intellect chooses the material in preference to the spiritual. By unleashing material cravings, liberation becomes imprisonment in matter. 6 The price that the divine helper pays for his gift to mankind - fire - is grief, destruction and being forever chained. Yet, he personifies the unconquerable will opposing greater power, confident of the ultimate triumph of his cause. As the Promethean complex it exemplifies all those tendencies which impel us to know as much as our fathers, more than our fathers, as much as our teachers, more than our teachers. In perfecting our objective knowledge, the Prometheus complex is the Oedipus complex of the life of the intellect. 7 "The serpent, like Prometheus, initiates development at the price of suffering, for consciousness brings with it knowledge of the tragic fate of every human life - the inevitability of death. Pain, suffering, and death exist in the absence of consciousness, it is true, but if there is no consciousness to experience them, then they do not exist psychologically. Without consciousness, life is a state of anaesthesia. Accordingly, Prometheus suffers the eagle's visit to gnaw at his liver during the daytime [consciousness], and the wound heals up at night [unconsciousness]. During the night we all return to that original unconscious wholeness out of which we [and the ego] were born. In this way, the ills and traumas of the day are healed by the sleep that 'knits up the ravell'd sleeve of care'."8
WITCHES Aconite often featured as an ingredient in witches' ointments. "Although aconite doesn't seem to have genuine psychoactive properties, it can have marked physiological effects [such as reducing the rate of the heartbeat] and may thus have contributed to the overall effects of such ointments. It is also reported to cause the unusual feeling of having fur or feathers, which may well have been a highly desirable effect to witches seeking magical transformations into mammals and birds."9 During the Middle Ages, the plant was widely feared because it was thought witches used it to summon the devil. Monkshood seeds wrapped in a lizard skin and carried with you, will give you the ability to become invisible at will.
RITUALS The Austrian esoteric novelist Gustav Meyrink [1868-1932], who lived and worked in Prague, was originally a banker. He turned to writing when he went bankrupt and published short stories full of gruesome events, occult happenings, and corporeal, psychical and spiritual abnormalities. Especially prominent are the motifs of the amputated limb or organ, and the mummified corpse and the mask. His best known novels are 'Der Golem' - published in the middle of World War I and an instant success - and 'Der Engel vom westlichen Fenster' [1927]. An adept in occultism and alchemy, Meyrink incorporated specific knowledge about [or from personal experience?] such hallucinogens as Cannabis, Lophophora, Amanita, Aconitum and Veratrum in his works. In the short story 'Der Kardinal Napellus' he describes a secret order called Blauen Brüder, whose followers let themselves be buried alive when they felt their end was nearing. After his death, the founder of the order, Cardinal Napellus, had transformed himself into the first Aconite. To join the order, novices had to set Aconites in the ground, baptize them with their own blood, and nurture them with the blood obtained from the wounds of flagellantism. The symbolic meaning of the blood baptism was to implant the soul magically in the Garden of Eden and to nurture its growth with the blood of one's desires. The members of the order used the plant in a psychoactive fashion. After the flowers had withered in the autumn, the poisonous seeds were gathered and ingested. Resembling miniature human hearts, the seeds represented, after the secret tradition of the order, the 'mustard seed' of faith. In the same way that the dangerous poison affected the heart and brought one in the state between life and death, so the germ of faith was thought to alter the blood, turning into the miraculous power that occurs during the hours between the agony of death and ecstatic elation. 10
FOLKLORE "Monkshood is under the astrological influence of Saturn and is the birthday flower for 9 September. It signifies deadliness, illicit love, remorse, vendetta and misanthropy. In the language of the flowers it means, 'Your disdain will kill me'."11
TRIBES The Buttercup family is divided into two subfamilies and five tribes. Homoeopathy employs some 28 members of the Ranunculaceae. They fall under the following tribes.
• Subfamily Helleboroideae.
Helleboreae: Actaea, Aquilegia, Caltha, Eranthis, Helleborus, Nigella, Xanthorrhiza.
Delphinieae: Aconitum, Delphinium.
• Subfamily Ranunculoideae.
Ranunculeae: Adonis, Ranunculus.
Anemoneae: Anemone, Hepatica, Pulsatilla.
Clematideae: Clematis.
• The place of Hydrastis canadensis is open to controversy. Sometimes still placed in the Ranunculaceae, it now often is put in its own family, the Hydrastidaceae.
PROVINGS •• [1] Hahnemann - 8 provers; method: unknown.
•• [2] Austrian proving [Gerstel and Arneth] - 15 provers [13 males, 2 females], 1843; method: increasing doses of tincture, every 1-4 days, for periods ranging from 3 to 6 weeks.
[1] Heywood, Flowering Plants of the World. [2] Gibson, Studies of Homoeopathic Remedies. [3] Pelikan, BHJ, October 1976. [4] Gutman, BHJ, Oct. 1959. [5] Turkington, Guide to Poisons and Antidotes. [6-7] Chevalier and Gheerbrant, Dictionary of Symbols. [8] Stevens, Ariadne's Clue. [9] Rudgley, The Encyclopaedia of Psychoactive Substances. [10] Rätsch, Enzyklopädie der psychoaktiven Pflanzen. [11] Addison, The Illustrated Plant Lore.
MIND. NERVES [sensory]. HEART [arterial; circulation]. Brain. Viscera [chest; abdomen]. Joints. * Right side. Left side.
Worse: NIGHT. Violent emotions [FRIGHT; SHOCK; vexation]. Chill [by COLD, dry winds; while sweating]. Noise; music; light. Dentition. Lying on affected side. Tobacco smoke. Rising in bed.
Better: Open air. Rest. Warm perspiration.
Main symptoms
M Forethought - knowledge.
• "An insufferable know-it-all. ... death has been at their door. It could come again. These subjects will then try to organize themselves to be able to face it: they must plan everything in advance, know everything there is to know. Anxiety and fear of death - possible at any moment - will drive our Aconitum to study, pursuit of knowledge, even clairvoyance. This will all be done in a great hurry, because it is an emergency. This individual might become, for example, a doctor or a fire-fighter, prepared for any contingency. The most difficult periods for Aconitum will be those which remind them of their inexorable march toward old age and death: birthdays and anniversaries, which mark the passage of time." [Grandgeorge]
• "Acon. is very excitable. Can flare up all of a sudden. Can get frightened very easily. Pain can make him beside himself. This excitement will be manifested suddenly and violently - violent anger, violent fear etc. with great restlessness; will go up and down, pace back and forth and show an acute panic reaction. The Aconite person who is calm can suddenly flare up and start shouting, can get frightened and start moaning and groaning and can get so panicky that he can start throwing his arms widely about. Not only his health, but also the health of people around him causes him great concern; a problem with anyone and he doesn't react in a cool manner, but always in a panicky, jerky fashion and will raise a big hue and cry, get worked up - pace back and forth - summon all the doctors and may even land himself in the hospital after that - so great is his excitement." [Sankaran]
And Anguish, FEAR of DEATH.
• "On coming from lecture at 11 a.m. he experienced very disagreeable restlessness. He felt extreme hurry; anything that prevented him walking quickly was highly obnoxious, so that he rudely pushed against those who did not get quickly enough out of his way, and ran breathlessly upstairs. Even when he got home this great hurry in all movements continued until 1 p.m. , when his usual calm returned." [Hughes]
M VIOLENT, SUDDEN ATTACKS of panic/terror.
Unreasonable and unaccountable fear.
And Palpitation and tingling sensations throughout the body, but mainly the extremities.
Often started after a frightful experience, e.g. car accident in a tunnel, or a strong fright, or being stuck in an elevator, although sometimes without a known causation [too far back in the past].
M Sensation of PRESENTIMENT OF DEATH; predicts the time.
[In most cases during the first or second experience of a frightening situation, e.g. hyperventilation; after the first occurrence, and noticing that he didn't die, the patient is more used to the situation and consequently less panic-stricken.]
• "Rhus is easily distinguished from Aconite. The Rhus patient will tell you it is no use to prescribe for him - he is going to die any way; while the Aconite patient is distressed, and predicts the day or hour." [Kent]
* Fear of death during pregnancy, esp. during labour,
or fear that the child will die or will be deformed. [Cimic.]
• "During labour it is of service when there is great restlessness and fear of death. The patient is sure she will die. The labour is slow. The vagina is hot and dry, and the os uteri is tender and undilatable." [Blackwood]
• "Tendency to have intuitions, presentiments, the second sight when awake or when asleep. Thus very vivid dream in the morning, in which he finds a solution of a problem, from which he was unable to free himself while awake." [Gallavardin]
M Fear in a CROWD, in narrow places [esp. after a frightful experience].
Light, particularly sunlight.
Noise, particularly music.
Odours, particularly unpleasant odours.
Pain. ["Even when the pains are slight and bearable, due to his extreme susceptibility he exaggerates them to such an extent that his own imagination of the enormity of his complaints overpower him." - Kent]
Tastes. ["Bitter taste of everything, except water."]
Touch. [Aversion to being touched; abdomen sensitive to touch.]
Trifles. ["He gets vexed at trifles and takes things seriously even when meant in a joke." - Kent]
M Anxious expression during complaints.
M Sequela [constitutional effects] of fear or fright [e.g. after witnessing an accident].
Complaints SINCE a certain moment or situation, esp. fright or SUDDEN CONFRONTATION WITH DEATH.
• "There is something in their past that had to do with fright. They usually have learned to tone down their degree of panic. They still have a deep active feeling that something terrible is about to happen. Beyond fear, towards panic. It was a sudden onset as causation. Near miss in an auto accident, or a bad landing in an airplane, earthquake, witness violence or a murder, etc. Severe and sudden unexpected fright [Stramonium often with extreme rage and anger]." [Gray]
M Active, open-minded persons, rarely or for a very short time self-centred. [Gallavardin]
G Plethoric and strong persons; desire for company.
• "Esp. applicable to plethoric persons, or those leading sedentary lives; dark hair and eyes; persons with rigid fibre." [Cowperthwaite]
• "The weakly, careworn individual is never taken suddenly." [Kent]
G Complaints SUDDEN and ACUTE; very violent and frightening.
Pseudo-croup or croup, AWAKENS from FIRST SLEEP.
• "It is particularly useful in sudden, violent and acute cases, which are worse in the evening. The patients are tortured by fears; afraid of darkness, ghosts." [Dewey]
G Inflammations [anywhere], FIRST STAGE.
And Great restlessness and intense fear.
• "Aconite produces no formation of pus; this is a negative feature. You may give Aconite where there is redness of the mucous membrane, but when pus forms it is not indicated." [Kent]
G Complaints coming on suddenly from very cold winter weather, or from intensely hot summer weather.
G Exposure to DRY, COLD WIND:
Coryza; conjunctivitis; pseudo-croup; cough; pneumonia; pharyngitis; laryngitis.
G High fever and DRY, burning heat.
Generally > when perspiration starts
• "The type of the Aconite fever is sthenic and continuous, and not intermittent or remittent. It has no symptom in its pathogenesis, which points to intermittence. Beginning with the initial chill or chills, the dry heat follows and continues until sweat brings relief. Then the fever is over so far as Aconite is concerned. It has no typical return of these febrile attacks. Hence, you cannot give Aconite in intermittent fever. Then, again, it must be borne in mind that sometimes the fever is not the disease itself, but a symptom which is necessary for the proper development of the disease." [Farrington]
c The Aconite fever begins in the head and goes down; the cold begins in the feet and comes up.
G BURNING THIRST for cold water.
G < NIGHT, esp. around midnight. G PAINS BURNING [internally], sticking, EXCRUCIATING [driving to despair]. INTOLERABLE PAINS; driving him crazy; shrieking with pain; expects to die. G Parts feel NUMB; enlarged; burn; TINGLE, prickle or crawl. G VERTIGO. And Sensation of swaying to and fro in brain [< stooping, motion]. And Staggering, esp. to the right. And Bursting headache [as if the brain were agitated and boiling, and as if it would protrude through the forehead]. And Nausea and vanishing of sight. P Conjunctivitis. • "Aconite is to be preferred in the beginning of a conjunctivitis, or in fact any acute inflammation of the eye, when of traumatic origin, as from a foreign body, the eyes feel full of sand, there is photophobia and painful inflammation of the eyes from exposure to cold, or from the action of acrid substances in the eyes, as from wounds or burns. It is also the first remedy in other forms of conjunctivitis. Important to use after operations on the eyes." [Dewey] NO PURULENT FORMATION or EXUDATION. P Face red, hot, flushed, swollen. On rising the face becomes deathly pale. Or: one cheek red, the other pale. P Retention of urine caused by shock. In newborn children immediately after birth - main remedy. Child wakes up at night and screams, and puts the hands to the genitals. Rubrics Mind Mental activity alternating with dulness [1/1]. Anxiety > cold drinks [1]. Aversion, has no affection for anybody during pregnancy [1]. Cheerful before menses [1]. Clairvoyance [2] [= predicts time of death]. Thoughts of death [3]. Delusion some part of body is deformed [1; Sabad.]; he was about to die [3]; sees faces grow larger [1; Aur.]; of jostling against everyone she meets [1/1]; mental acts were performed in stomach [1/1]. Fear of busy street [3] of death during labour [3]; of death during menses [1; Plat.; Verat.]; of death during pregnancy [3/1]; of narrow places [3]; of suffocation [3]; of tunnels [2]. Hurry, while walking, rudely pushes everyone out of his way [1*]. Indifference after anxiety [1]. Desire for light [2]. Desire for mental exertion in morning [1/1]. Restlessness before sleep [2; Phos.; Thuj.]. Slowness while eating [1/1].
Sensation as if hair were standing on end [1*]. Pain, painful spots on hairy scalp, < cold air [1*], < touch [1*], < strong wind [1*]. Eye Photophobia during rage [2; Bell.; Stram.]. Eyelids sensitive to cold air [3/1]. Vision Colours, blue spots before the eyes [1; Kali-c.]. Face Heat > blowing nose [1/1]. Sensation of swelling, left side of face and forehead, gradually spreading over entire body [1*]; of lips [1*].
Sensation as if root of tongue were spasmodically drawn down at both sides [1*]. Fishy taste [1; Astac.; Graph.; Lach.].
Sensation as if stomach were alternately distended and fallen in [1*]. Nausea, > after breakfast [1*], after meat [1*]. Thirst during pains [1; Cham.; Nat-c.].
Sensation of a warm fluid flowing out of anus [1*].
Oppression > wine [1/1]. Pain, can only lie on back [2; Bry.; Phos.]. Sensation as if boiling water was poured into chest [3/1].
Numbness, loss of sensation in lumbar region, extending to lower limbs [2/1]. Stiffness cervical region during cold weather [1/1].
Sensation as if feet were adherent to the ground [1*]. Coldness of feet, in warm room [1*], when walking [1*]. Heaviness, lower limbs, on ascending stairs [1*]. Automatic motion of hands, he strikes his face [1/1]. Numbness, of lower limbs, when sitting [1*], while standing [1*; Sep.]. Tingling in feet extending upward [3/1]. Weakness, lower limbs, on ascending stairs [1*].
Profuse sweat and copious urination during diarrhoea [2/1].
Catalepsy after fright [2/1]. Faintness after fright [3]. Sensation as if he stood on the vibrating stool of an electric machine and sparks were drawn from him [1*].
* Repertory additions [Hughes].
Aversion: [3]: Wine. [1]: Artichokes; bread, wheat [*]; coffee; cold drink; fat; ice cream; milk; oysters; tobacco.
Desire: [3]: Beer; cold drinks. [2]: Bitter drinks [during fever]; bitter food [during fever]; wine. [1]: Alcohol; beans and peas; brandy; cabbage; fish; pungent [during fever]; sour; whisky.
Worse: [2]: Fat; wine. [1]: Alcohol; beer; bitter drinks; butter; coffee; cold food; fruit; hot food; meat = nausea*]; milk; pork; pungent food; soup; sour; sweets; vinegar; warm food.
Better: [3]: Wine. [1]: Coffee; cold drinks; cold food; milk; soup.
* Repertory additions [Hughes].


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