Anacardium orientale: The Anacardiaceae is a widespread, mostly tropical plant family.


Anacardium orientale
The man who sees both sides of a question is a man who sees absolutely nothing.
[Oscar Wilde]
Semecarpus anacardium. Anacardium orientale. Marking-nut Tree. N.O. Anacardiaceae.
CLASSIFICATION The Anacardiaceae is a widespread, mostly tropical plant family with 76 genera of trees, shrubs and lianas. It includes species as Comocladia, Cotinus, Mangifera, and Rhus. Most members of the family are laticiferous; they have resinous tissues, although the leaves are not gland-dotted. One-third of the 76 genera contains poisonous species.
NAME The name Anacardium derives from Gr. ana, up or without, and kardia, heart, referring to the fact that the pulp of the fruit, instead of having the seed enclosed, has the nut growing out at the end of it. The specific name orientale refers to its eastern, Asiatic habitat.
FEATURES Anacardium orientale is a broad-leaved tree that is found growing on the sub-Himalayan and tropical parts of India as far east as Assam, and is used locally as a source of timber. It has greenish-white flowers and black, drupaceous fruits. The pedicel, which swells under the nut to form a false fruit, is edible when ripe. Parts used include the fruit [seeds], gum and oil [a black tarry oil, known as bhilawan oil, obtained from the pericarp of the nut]. Bhilawan oil, also known as bhilawa nutshell liquid, is analogous in many aspects with cashew nut shell liquid from Anacardium occidentale. The oil is inflammable, and at first of a pale milky colour, but turning black on exposure to air. It has been used in beauty culture to remove the skin of the face in order to grow a new one.
CONSTITUENTS The family is best known for its phenols and phenolic acids causing serious skin irritation - anacardol, anacardic acid and relatives. The irritant substances may be distributed throughout the plant body or concentrated in particular organs, e.g. in the fruit wall of the cashew or marking-nut. Anacardic acid reportedly has anthelmintic activity.
OIL Trade in the marking nut is very ancient. It was the "golden acorn" of Galen and Avicenna. The kernel of the nut contains a small quantity of sweet oil. The oil is a powerful antiseptic and cholagogue. Ingestion of leaves and drupes [esp. unripe ones] can cause gastroenteritis, haemorrhoids, headaches, and even death. Externally the nut enters into the composition of caustic applications for warts and piles. The fixed oil is used in India as an application to floors of houses, serving as a repellent to termites. The shell liquid [oil] is used to mark laundry; hence its name. American servicemen stationed in India experienced dermatitis around their necks and waistlines, those places where a laundrymark had been placed in their uniforms. Since boiling does not destroy the resin, the mark may continue to provoke dermatitis for the life of the garment. Indian natives employ the oil for producing fictitious marks of bruises. These can be distinguished from actual bruises caused by blows, by their deep bluish-black colour and from their presenting small vesicles or minute blisters on their surface. Bruised nuts applied to the os uteri can procure abortion.
USES Economic uses of the Anacardium family include commercially important fruits - cashew nut [Anacardium occidentale, and the fleshy peduncle, 'cashew-apple'], mango [Mangifera], Jamaica plum, hog-plum, imbu [Spondias], pistachio. Toxicodendron provides resins, oils and lacquers. Species of Cotinus, Pistacia, Schinopsis and Toxicodendron are major sources of tannins for the leather industry. [All Rhus species were formerly considered to belong to the genus Rhus, but most taxonomists now group only non-poisonous species in this genus, whereas the poisonous species, such as Rhus toxicodendron, are now in the genus Toxicodendron.]
Anacardium orientale
EFFECTS "Oleoresins of the Anacardiaceae are generally mixtures of phenolic compounds which vary with respect to length, branching, degree of saturation, and side chain identity. Oleoresins are often called urushiols in scientific literature. The human response to oleoresins is a cell-mediated, delayed, hypersensitivity reaction. Dermatitis is induced when oleoresins act as haptens that bind to skin proteins covalently. The resulting protein-oleoresin complex is viewed by the body as foreign material and is thus attacked by the body's Thymus-dependent cells. The skin erupts in blisters because its cells are being destroyed by the immune system."1 Anacardic acids have been found to exhibit tyrosinase inhibitory activity [tyrosinase is an enzyme that assists in converting tyrosine to melanin]. Extracts of the nuts display a strong cytotoxic effect; a fraction of the aqueous methanolic extract of the nuts has been proven active against nasopharynx carcinoma cell cultures. "Ayurvedic Indian medicine including compounds of Semecarpus anacardium, Anacardium rohitaka, and Gluta glabra was tested by Prasad [1985] in a study of 250 cancer cases having different types and sites of malignancy. The cases were divided into four different treatment groups. [1] Ayurvedic drug and chemotherapy [2] Ayurvedic drug and radiation [3] radiation [4] chemotherapy. The maximum response and longevity with minimum mortality was observed in those patients who were treated with the combined treatment of chemotherapy and Ayurvedic drug. Notably, this combined therapy was most effective in leukaemia and particularly those cases with splenomegaly and breast cancer."2
LIVER CANCER Various animal studies indicate that the nut milk extract of Semecarpus anacardium counteracts hepatocellular carcinoma induced by aflatoxin B [1] in rats. The observed anticancer property of Semecarpus anacardium is explained by its strong antioxidant capacity and capability to induce the in vivo antioxidant system. 3 There is evidence from east African studies that aflatoxins cause liver cancer in humans. The data from the studies were strong enough to prompt the Food and Drug Administration to develop strict regulations to control levels in food and animal food sold in the USA. Aflatoxin can also cause acute poisoning, particularly acute liver damage, in people eating highly contaminated food. Children exhibit symptoms similar to Reye's syndrome [acute fever, recurrent vomiting, coma, intercranial hypertension]. Aflatoxins are poisonous alkaloids produced by the fungus Aspergillus flavus. The fungus invades poor-quality cereals, legumes and nuts, e.g. corn, wheat, rice, barley, Brazil nuts, pistachios, peanuts, and soybeans. The primary route of human exposure is by eating contaminated food. Animal products as milk [esp. powdered non-fat milk], eggs, meat [esp. pig liver and kidneys] are additional sources of human exposure because the animals have been fed low-grade animal feed contaminated by the fungus. 4
PROVINGS •• [1] Hahnemann - 8 provers; method: unknown.
•• [2] Herring - self-experimentation, 1885; method: 1x trit., 22 doses over a period of 11 days.
•• [3] Stübler - 19 provers [14 males, 5 females], 1966-68; method: daily doses of 4x, 6x, or 12x for several weeks. 5
[1-2] Hartley, Secondary Compounds within the Anacardiaceae, Colorado State University 1998.
[3] B. Premalatha et al, Semecarpus anacardium L. nut extract administration induces the in vivo antioxidant defence system in aflatoxin B1 mediated hepatocellular carcinoma; Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Aug. 1999.
[4] Turkington, Guide to Poisons and Antidotes. [5] Schmeer, Anacardium orientale, Allg. Hom. Zeitung 1972 Heft 1, and AHZ 1972 Heft 2.
MIND. Nervous system. Stomach. Skin. Palms. Muscles. Joints. * Left side. Right side.
Worse: MENTAL EXERTION. Emotions [anger; fright; worry; etc.]. Stepping hard. Motion. Drafts. Open air. Cold. Long after eating. Fasting. RUBBING.
Better: EATING; during digestion. Motion. Hot water.
Main symptoms
M Laughing at serious matters and serious over laughable things.
Manners awkward, silly.
M LACK OF SELF-CONFIDENCE. [Feeling of helplessness]
• "He is at odds with the whole world, and has so little confidence in himself that he despairs of being able to accomplish what is demanded of him." [Hahnemann]
Sees everybody's face in a mirror, except his own.
• "Tendency to overcompensate for their fearfulness or their real or imagined lack of capability. When they become aware of their own feelings of insecurity, they overcompensate by acting powerful, assertive, and controlling. The weaker they feel, the more they compensate by acting aggressive." [Zaren]
Every possible means employed.
Inclined to bluster, but easily cowed.
M Fastidious.
Cannot rest when things are not in proper place. [Ars.]
M Anger from contradiction - could have stabbed anyone.
Very easily offended, takes everything in bad part.
• "Outbursts of extreme anger, with cursing, from slight causes; noise [crying of children] evokes an indescribable rage, with an impulse to kill. Goes wild; feels like a wild animal, roaring like a lion." [Schmeer]
M HATRED; UNFEELING, hard-hearted; want of moral feeling; godless, want of religious feeling. ['Without a heart.']
[Compare: Anacardium milky white oil turns black on exposure.]
c "Countered by a conscious compunction to do right." [Gibson]
M TWO WILLS: one bad, one good; angel and devil.
[Compare: Sensation as if the mind were separated from the body.]
• "His external voluntary is continuously excited by external influences, but his real will, in which is his conscience, restrains that and keeps him from carrying the impulses into effect. This can only be observed when its action is on a really good man. He has a controversy when his external will is aroused, but in an evil man there is no restraint and he will not have this symptom." [Kent]
• "In my experience this division is between a normal, sensitive personality, and a sharply contrasting perverse or 'demonic' subpersonality, which attempts to possess the individual and prompt him to commit obscene acts. The Anacardium patients that I have seen, were sufficiently in control of themselves to resist the promptings of their demonic side, although at times this involved a great struggle between the two wills [the resemblance to classic descriptions of demon possession was striking]." [Bailey]
[The kernel of the Anacardium fruit is sweet.]
• "Anacardium individuals gain security by adhering to the dictates of an authority figure, but they are not completely compliant. One key to understanding Anacardium individuals is that they are ambivalent. They have two distinct sides to their personalities: They oscillate between aggressive and dependent behaviour. They feel, at the same time, both strong and weak, dependent and independent, passive and aggressive." [Zaren]
• "This particular type of character development can often be observed in people who are attracted to authoritarian occupations - notably police officers, correctional officers, and members of the military. The gaps in their ego development are filled by the strict rules and regulations of their regimented profession. Their great need for the bonds of family are filled by the acceptance and interdependence of their comrades. They must obey the authority above them but can regain a sense of power by dictating to those below them. They are secure in their niche within the rank and file. These individuals will do anything required of them in order to remain securely in the pack, even if this involves committing acts that go against their own personal sense of right and wrong, but a conflict will arise within them that cannot be resolved. Thus they become split or 'doubled'." [Zaren]
M Antagonism.
• "One striking feature of Anacardium individuals is the abundance of contradictory tendencies. These people tend to be emotionally dependent on others, yet they themselves remain closed, refusing to reveal much of themselves. They want to feel close to other people, but they are naturally suspicious, testing people before placing trust in them. They worship authority, yet they fear it. They believe in traditional values but can live in opposition to these values. They are obedient in some ways and, in other circumstances, they are disobedient. They are fearful of aggression, yet they can be highly aggressive themselves. They can be either likeable and endearing or mean and spiteful. They want to avoid punishment, yet their behaviour may bring it upon themselves. These people are full of these contradictions because their anxiety propels them from one psychological state to the extreme of the opposite state." [Zaren]
• "Life is a series of choices. Children, for example, must decide whether to stay little or grow up. Anacardium cannot make decisions and thus is slow, constantly hesitating. This person has a difficult character. Is it better to be an angel or a devil? Anacardium patients, victims of their indecision, constantly change doctors, babysitters; even their address changes frequently. They are always on the lookout for something better, but are never satisfied, always sorry they didn't take the other option. ... It is a remedy for fits of nerves in students who don't know what subject to choose, nor what answers to give [the worst of all: multiple choice tests]. ... Anacardium is a very useful remedy when twins run in the family." [Grandgeorge]
From the world; from society; from social laws; from mankind; from their family; from reality; from time; from himself; from their emotions; from morality; from religion.
• "Separation of the function of the nerves resulting in the fact that the patient hears colours and sees music. This event occurs in the use of LSD which is one of the main causes which produces Anacardium cases in our days." [Ghegas]
NO REALITY in anything; all appears as in a dream.
• "Individuals who are fighting the establishment, not driven by the idea of justice, but because they live in another world which they believe is better." [Ghegas]
M Very forgetful; weakness of memory; SUDDEN LOSS OF MEMORY; examination funk.
< Morning; > afternoon.
• "Recollections only come after the time he is in need of them." [Tyler]
M Anxious when walking, as if someone were pursuing him.
M Hypochondriasis and haemorrhoids and constipation.
G Diminution of senses.
[smell; sight; hearing]
Or: Perversion of senses.
• "Constant smell before the nose as of pigeon's dung or burning tinder."
• "They smell filth wherever they go and esp. when smelling their own clothes or body." [Pierce]
Objects seem too far off.
Hears voices; imagines whispers of blasphemy in his ears.
G Symptoms go from right to left.
G Chilly.
Feels the cold excessively.
Very sensitive to draft of air.
G Constant thirst.
If cold drinks are taken to relieve thirst the pain is aggravated.
G > Eating.
[headache; vomiting of pregnancy > constant eating; hallucinations]
Symptoms DISAPPEAR WHILE EATING, and come back some hours after eating.
Eats hurriedly.
Warm food is preferred for relief.
Cheerful while eating.
• "That's why you will often see that they are obese, or that they just can't follow a diet. They sometimes say they are not themselves any more when they are eating, or when they buy food in a shop." [Ghegas]
G Sensation of a HOOP or BAND around parts. Internal constriction.
G Sensation of a PLUG in inner parts.
G NUMBNESS EXTERNALLY; in single parts; in suffering parts.
• "Any part which he leaves unmoved, immediately goes to sleep." [Kent]
G Injuries of tendons.
• "It should be noted that this is a remedy with an affinity for the tendons [a word whose root in Latin, tendere, also gives us 'tend' and 'tendency', implying movement in a particular direction, while our Anacardium, indecisive, remains torn among several possibilities." [Grandgeorge]
P Gastrointestinal tract.
• "All alimentary symptoms are aggravated by emotional tension or upset." [Gibson]
P Rectum.
• "Great desire for stool, but with the effort the desire passes away without any evacuation. The rectum seems powerless, as if paralyzed with a sensation as if it were plugged." [Blackwood]
P Legs become fidgety when sitting still for long.
P Eczema with excessive itching.
> External application of water as hot as can be borne.
Abusive, husband is insulting wife before children or vice versa [2]. Answers, reflects long [2]; slowly [2]. Antagonism with herself [2]. Anxiety, as if pursued when walking [2/1]. Childish behaviour [2]. Clairvoyance [2]. Disposition to contradict [3]. Delusion, he is a devil [3]; of being double [2]; surrounded by enemies [2]; he is separated from the world [2/1]. Destructiveness from suppressed emotions [1]. Dulness from mental exertion [2]. Forgetful in morning [3]; > afternoon [2/1]. Makes gestures with great perseverance [1/1]. Lack of reverence for those around him [1]. Feels as though she must shriek [2]. Unfeeling [3/1]. Weeping > symptoms [2]. Feels as if he had two wills [3].
When looking at moving objects [1]. Objects seem too far off [1; Puls.].
Empty sensation in morning [1]. Boring pain above right eye > coffee [1*]; pressing pain in forehead > breakfast [1*];
Dim, alternating with clear vision [1; Euphr.]; > winking [1]. Objects seem distant [2], on waking [1/1].
Twitching of lips during sleep [1/1].
Involuntarily bites lower lip [1*] and left cheek [1*].
Sensation of elongation at night in bed [1; Mag-c.].
Dryness > eating [1; Cist.; Phos.]. Pain, rawness, after eating [2/1].
Contraction < raising arm [1/1], > stooping [1/1], < turning body [1/1]. Nausea on mental exertion [1; Arg-n.]. Abdomen Sensation of shortening of intestines [1/1]. Rectum Itching after coition [1/1]. Urging, great desire passes away with effort [3/1]. Chest Oppression during expiration [1]. Feeling of restlessness about heart [1]. Sensation of weakness in heart region > breakfast [1*].
Sensation as if knee were bandaged [2]; while sitting [2].
Must rise on waking [1].
Excelling in mental work [1]. Graves [1]. High places [1]. Threats [1].
Numbness after scratching [2].
Faintness, > continuing walking [2/1]. Injuries, tendons [2/1]. Weakness > resting head on something and closing eyes [1/1].
* Repertory additions; Schmeer, Anacardium orientale, AHZ 1972 Heft 1, and AHZ 1972 Heft 2.
Aversion: [1]: Beans and peas; cooked food.
Desire: [1]: Brandy; milk; salt; sweets.
Worse: [2]: Warm food. [1]: Alcohol; coffee; cold drinks; soup.
Better: [3]: Eating. [1]: Cold drinks during heat; cold water.


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