
Showing posts from February, 2012

Some of the clinical aspects of septic invasion

Some of the clinical aspects of septic invasion (Edward Blake) By Edward Blake, M.D. , London, England I DO not doubt that you will all be prepared to admit that the most elevating conception of the highest and noblest of all profession is that which views it as a means of preventing disease. Because this is so, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of establishing aetiology on a sound and scientific basis. So swift have been recent strides towards this excellent consummation of our desires that it is quite impossible for a single intelligence to keep pace with them. Though it is undoubtedly true that we can, with some measure of success, encounter certain manifestations of disease, knowing nothing of their real causation, it is equally true, that without aetiology we cannot do our best by our client to protect him for future visitations of the same malady. We say most truly felix qui potuit cognoscere causas, for not only is some knowledge of aetiology needed for the ...

Homeopthic treatment remdies for Phthisis -Tubercular

By Charles E. Jones, M.D. , Albany, N.Y. Laryngeal phthisis I KNOW of no disease that is attended with more intense, constant and often intolerable suffering than the one, the treatment of which, is the subject of this paper. To palliate pain, to prevent a lingering death from starvation, and to save life from suffocation are the problems that often require all the surgical skill and medical acumen of the physician. As statistics prove that laryngeal phthisis is present in the majority of consumptives, cases more or less numerous will come to us all sooner or later. It is therefore most important that we have at command the means experience has demonstrated to be of value in the abatement of its manifestations or its possible cure. Heinze in his classical work on laryngeal phthisis published in 1879, in his third and final conclusion says," a cure of laryngeal consumption will most probably never be made." Although since this was written the progress of fourteen years ha...

Some remedies of the pancreas

-TYLER M.L Phosphorus -Phos. is one of the few remedies known to act on the pancreas. -Especially useful for fatty degeneration of that organ, liver, etc. -Oily stool : sometimes like frog's spawn, or like cooked sago. In diabetes and Bright's disease when preceded or accompanied by disease of the pancreas (FARRINGTON). -Phos. is also a haemorrhage remedy : often small haemorrhages of bright blood. -Characteristic are : thirst, for cold drinks, desire for ices. -Suits tall, slender fine-haired persons; sensitive; with fears of dark, thunder, etc. One of the great remedies of diabetes. Iodium -Rather singular diarrhoea. -"Spleen enlarged and very sensitive. Liver affected, with white stools, sometimes whey-like : these you will find in obscure disease of pancreas. Iodine has such affinity for glands that it attacks pancreas also" (FARRINGTON). -Stools whitish, whey-like, fatty. -Pain, pit of stomach to navel and back. -Pancreas enlarged : abdo...

Some spleen medicines

-TYLER M.L Ceanothus americanus -"Where the spleen is affected from any cause, with enlargement, deep sticking pains, worse by motion, but unable to lie on left side, case will yield generally quickly to Ceano.". -"Pernicious anaemia, with spleen pains". -Quoted by Burnett, Diseases of Spleen. China officinalis -Enlarged spleen. -Aching, stitching pains in spleen when walking slowly. Pains extend in long axis of spleen. -Swelling and hardness of spleen : region of spleen hard and tender. (Intermittent). -China is worse from slightest touch : better from hard pressure. -Worse draught of air : worse every other day. -Has excessive flatulence and distension. -China has painless, very debilitating diarrhoea, with undigested food. -One remembers a striking case, when a student. A woman with an enormous spleen, etc., greatly benefited by a prescription of Quinine and Arsenic. One looked up the drugs and there was no question as to which was the c...


- VAKIL.P, Definition : Paralysis of lower limbs. Treatment : Agaricus muscarius [AGARICUS MUS] It is an important remedy for paraplegia, particularly for patients withtubercular diathesis. It is also useful for G.P. I. Jerking , twitching , trembling and itching are strong indications for this remedy. Sensation as if pierced by needles of ice . Also useful for subacute combined degeneration. Vertigo from sunlight and/or walking Stiffness and pain in hip joints. Paralysis of lower limbs with spasmodic condition of arms and painfulcontraction of calf muscles. Symptoms appear diagonally particularly when upperextremities are also involved. agg. Open air, cold air, after eating, after coition and before thunderstorm. Also pressure on dorsal spine causes involuntary laughter. >> By moving about slowly. Anhalonium lewinii [ANHALONIUM] Paraplegia with muscular depression. Auditory nerve also affected. Intoxicated feeling with wonderful kaleidosco...

Transverse myelitis

- VAKIL.P, (Myelopathy) Definition : It is a clinical syndrome in which there is evidence of complete or partialloss of neurological functions below lesion. Treatment : Aconitum napellus [ACONITE NAPELLUS] Suddenness is the characteristic of this remedy. Therefore, myelitis due to whatever cause it may be, either viral infectionor a parasitic infection, associated with suddenness Aconite is the remedy. If Aconite does not cure it will at least check the course of the disease if prescribed in the early stage of the disease-symptoms matching. Anxiety , fear of death and restlessness . Numbness and tingling, hot hands and cold feet , knees unsteady. Disposition of foot to turn. agg. In warm room , evening, night , lying onaffected side and exposure to dry cold wind. >> Open air. Arnica montana [ARNICA] Myelitis due to trauma . To absorb blood clot. Paralytic weakness with sore bruised feeling. Great fear of being touched or approached . Disl...

The meaning of homoeopathy

-WRITE HUBBARD.E, What is homoeopathy? The orderly mind has an notion one should begin with definition, and resorts first to various dictionaries. In this instance the result is unsatisfactory as the definitions are, for the most part, partial and even the positive statements often inaccurate, as in the case of Dorland's Medical Dictionary. As far as derivation goes the word in the Greek, means "similarity of feeling". The four fundamentals of homoeopathy, as stated by Hahnemann, in his Organon, may be briefly put as follows : I. The proving of substances to be used as medicines, on the healthy. II. The selection and administration of so-proved medicines according to the Law of Similars. III. The single remedy. IV. The minimum dose. Granting that these are the four fundamental tenets of homoeopathy, as set forth by its official sponsor and founder, Hahnemann, the question of the status of homoeopathy arises. Is it a system of medicine? Is it a purely sectari...

The epitome of homoeopathic philosophy

-WRITE HUBBARD.E, Homoeopathic philosophy may be divided into three sections, the theoretical, dealing with how and why remedies act, which is so abstruse that it can best be dealt with by the more advanced student; the didactic, meaning the rules and tenets; and the practical, which comprised the art of applying the rules in prescribing for the actual patient, understanding the results, and following through the subsequent prescriptions to cure. First, let us take a bird's eye view of the didactic aspect. Health, to the homoeopath, is a state of harmony between the parts of the body and also between the person as a whole and the cosmos. In real health the as yet unexplained life force in each person is vigorous. It is usually spoken of as the vital force, which in disease is the true curative power. The object of giving the similar remedy is to stimulate the vital force. The object of hygiene and mechanical intervention is to clear it path of obstructions. No remedy can cure d...

Know the patient

-WRITE HUBBARD.E, "A case well taken is half cured", one of the masters said. For a good homoeopathic prescription a great deal of information is essential which is not needed in ordinary medicine. The homoeopath must know his patient, spiritually emotionally, mentally, physically and sociologically. He must give as much time as he needs to acquiring this knowledge. He must not prescribe anything but Placebo, in a chronic case, until he has it. In an cute case he must know these same factors in so far as they affect the acute condition. Let us suppose that a new patient comes into the office of a homoeopath. What is the procedure? I. The physician must be receptive, like a photographic plate read to received the image of the patient. He must clear his mind of other preoccupations and of previous opinions about the patient. He must be tranquil, cordial, and after the first greeting and question, "What brings you to see me"? or "Tell me what is that troubles ...