Some spleen medicines

Ceanothus americanus
-"Where the spleen is affected from any cause, with enlargement, deep sticking pains, worse by motion, but unable to lie on left side, case will yield generally quickly to Ceano.".
-"Pernicious anaemia, with spleen pains".
-Quoted by Burnett, Diseases of Spleen.
China officinalis
-Enlarged spleen.
-Aching, stitching pains in spleen when walking slowly. Pains extend in long axis of spleen.
-Swelling and hardness of spleen : region of spleen hard and tender. (Intermittent).
-China is worse from slightest touch : better from hard pressure.
-Worse draught of air : worse every other day.
-Has excessive flatulence and distension.
-China has painless, very debilitating diarrhoea, with undigested food.
-One remembers a striking case, when a student. A woman with an enormous spleen, etc., greatly benefited by a prescription of Quinine and Arsenic. One looked up the drugs and there was no question as to which was the curative agent, since quinine is well known as a spleen poison and a contributing cause of ague-cake.
Urtica urens
-With the tincture of Urtica Burnett cured brilliantly a case of ague-cake in a young officer invalided from Burma with malarial fever and enlarged spleen. He says : "The stinging nettle is a splenic of very high order".
-He gave it in ten drops in water night and morning.
Ignatia amara
-Swelling and induration of spleen.
-Painful pressure, spleen and pit of stomach.
-Pain, left hypochondrium : worse pressure.
-Ign. is emotional : worse grief, worry.
-Lies better on painful side.
-"Remedy for contradictions" : worse for what should relieve : better for what should aggravate. "The sighing remedy".
Aranea diadema
-Swelling of spleen after checked intermittent with quinine.
-(Compare Nat. mur.).
-Worse wet weather. Worse damp walls.
-Enlarged spleen, in man subject to ague : constantly chilly, worse when it rained.
-Langour and lassitude.
-Worse every other day at same hour (China).
Natrium muriaticum
-Stitches and pressure, region of spleen : spleen swollen.
-Much pain and soreness in left hypochondrium, going through to lower border of right scapula; worse lying left side.
-Liver and spleen swollen (Intermittent).
-Worse 10 or 11 a.m. : at seaside : heat of sun and stove : mental exertion : lying down.
-Better : air; cold bathing; "going without regular meals". (Allen's Keynotes).
-A great remedy after much malaria and quinine.
-Irritable : gets into a passion about trifles : especially if consoled with.
Arnica montana
-Pressing in region of left ribs below heart, day and night.
-Splenitis in intermittents (Apis, etc.).
-Stitches, splenic region : sore on pressure.
-Stitches under left false ribs, interrupting breathing when standing.
-Keynote of Arn. As if bruised or beaten. Bed too hard : moves for new position, which is no better : restless.
-Another Keynote says, "There is nothing the matter, " when desperately ill.
Bryonia alba
-Frequent stitches in liver, and spleen.
-Stitching pains in spleen during chill (intermittents).
-Hard swelling of spleen.
-Keynote of Bry. Worse from the slightest motion, or emotion; better, rest, mind and body.
-Usually better lying on painful side, to keep it still.
Aconitum napellus
-Splenitis with inflammatory fever.
-Acon. is restless : great fear and anxiety.
-Face expresses fear : "disease will prove fatal".
-"Anguish of mind and body : restlessness : disquiet not to be allayed".
-Worse from dry, cold winds. Generally, sudden onset.
Citrus vulgaris
-Affections of spleen; painful enlargement.
-Stiffness in joints, especially fingers; as if bruised feet.
-Dyspnoea, gasping, in splenitis.
Apis mellifica
-Inflammation of spleen.
-Considerable swelling of spleen.
-Pain left abdomen, under short ribs.
-Soreness and bruised feeling, most about last ribs left side.
-Severe burning pain under short ribs, both sides, most severe on left; deprives her of sleep.
-Obliged to bend forward from contractive feeling in hypochondria : with ascites.
-Apis is intolerant of heat : usually thirstless.
-Worse : from sleep; warm and heated rooms; from getting wet; but better washing or moistening part in cold water.
-Better open air; cold water and cold bathing.
-Worse jealousy, fright, vexation.
-Its pains burn and sting.
Asa foetida
-Heat in spleen and abdomen.
-Asaf. is oversensitive. Has much flatulence and noisy, rancid or explosive belching.
-Everything presses towards throat.
-Better motion : open air. Worse night : sitting : warm wraps.
-Fits of violent, hard throbbing (Ranunc. bulb.).
-One of the remedies of hysteria.
Helianthus annuus
-Spleen enlarged and painful.
-Burnett regards Helian. as a great spleen remedy. (Used in Russia as a remedy for malaria).
Arsenicum album
-Tensive, pressive pain in spleen. (Intermittent).
-Drawing, stitching pain under left hypochondrium.
-Burning in stomach, followed by vomiting blood.
-Stitches in spleen precede vomiting of blood; dark, partly coagulated.
-Induration and enlargement of spleen.
-Liver and spleen swollen : dropsy. Soreness to touch spleen-region : worse during heat. (Intermittent).
-Spleen is expanded, tumefied.
-Ars. is worse : after midnight : 2 a.m. and 2 p.m. ; from cold; cold drinks and food; lying on affected side; better from heat; burning pains relieved by heat.
-Great characteristics : great prostration : restless : anxious.
-"The greater the suffering, the greater the anguish, restlessness and Fear of death".
-Enlargement of spleen : especially a spleen remedy.
-"Epidemic spleen disease, the main seat of anthrax".
-Pains of Anthrac. are "horrible, burning pains".
-Sudden prostration with great abdominal soreness, worse epigastrium, with vomiting, and cold limbs.
-Great restlessness : trembling : spasms.
-Cyanosis : ecchymoses.
-Headache is described "as if a smoke with a heating pain was passing through head".
-A great remedy for septic conditions - very like Arsenicum, but more so!
-Left hypochondrium hard and acutely painful to pressure : enlarged spleen after intermittent.
-Characteristics : Profound debility with great emaciation : ravenous hunger, eats well : better when eating : yet loses flesh all the time.
-Excessive nervousness.
Nitricum acidum
-Spleen large after yellow fever.
-Liver enormously enlarged : liver-cake of ague.
-Kent gives it as one of the notable spleen remedies.
-Longs for fats, herring, chalk, lime, earth. But fat food causes acidity and nausea.
-Aversion to meat; bread. Worse milk.
-Curious symptom : Urine strong-smelling, like horses' urine; cold when it passes.
-"Splinter-sensation" in suffering part.
Nux vomica
-Pain region of spleen : very perceptible enlargement of spleen.
-(But a great liver medicine, with bilious attacks : jaundice).
-Nux is worse, at 4 a.m. : from mental exertion; over-eating; touch; noise; anger; alcohol; dry, cold.
-Better damp, wet weather.
-Nux is particular, careful, irascible.
-Oversensitive physically and mentally.
-Quarrelsome : every harmless word offends.
Nux moschata
-Stitches in spleen : must bend double.
-Enlarged spleen, loose bowels.
-Colic after eating and drinking, with dry mouth and thirstlessness.
-Drowsy : sleepy : inclined to faint. Great indifference to everything.
-Worse cold : wet : wind : changes of weather. Cold food : driving in carriage.
-Better : warm, dry weather, room. Wrapping up.
Secale cornutum
-Burning in spleen : thrombosis of abdominal vessels.
-"Similar to Ars. But cold and heat are opposite".
-Skin feels cold to touch, yet cannot tolerate coverings.
-In all diseases, worse from heat.
-Better cold air : getting cold; uncovering.
-Swelling of spleen after checked intermittent fever with quinine. Worse damp weather.


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