
Definition :
Paralysis of lower limbs.
Treatment :
Agaricus muscarius

It is an important remedy for paraplegia, particularly for patients withtubercular diathesis.
It is also useful for G.P. I.
Jerking , twitching , trembling and itching are strong indications for this remedy.
Sensation as if pierced by needles of ice .
Also useful for subacute combined degeneration.
Vertigo from sunlight and/or walking
Stiffness and pain in hip joints.
Paralysis of lower limbs with spasmodic condition of arms and painfulcontraction of calf muscles. Symptoms appear diagonally particularly when upperextremities are also involved.
agg. Open air, cold air, after eating, after coition and before thunderstorm. Also pressure on dorsal spine causes involuntary laughter.
>> By moving about slowly.
Anhalonium lewinii
Paraplegia with muscular depression.
Auditory nerve also affected.
Intoxicated feeling with wonderful kaleidoscopic vision and a sensation ofincreased physical agility.
O/E Motor in-coordination. Increased patellar reflex.
Argentum nitricum
Paraplegia with hysterical or syphilitic background.
Useful for myelitis and disseminated sclerosis.
Cannot walk with eyes closed.
Trembling with general debility.
Rigidity of calf muscles.
Left side predominantly affected.
In hysterical and nervous patients mental symptoms are veryimportant e.g. Fearful and nervous apprehension causes diarrhoea etc...
There is associated numbness of arms.
Other general symptoms like desires sweet and salt butsweet disagrees , intolerance of heat and feeling of time passingslowly are also important for selecting this remedy.
It is also useful for post-diphtheritic paralysis.
agg. Warmth, night , sweets, during menstrual period, and emotional upset.
>> By fresh air, cold and pressure and eructation.
O/E Romberg's sign positive.
Arsenicum album
It is a useful remedy for myelitis, pernicious anaemia and post-diphtheriticparalysis.
On the basis of isopathy it is also useful for Arsenic poisoning.
It is useful for syphilitic paralysis.
There is burning pain in the lower limbs >> by warmth .
Cramps in calf muscles.
Paraplegia extending to upper limbs.
General symptoms like restlessness, prostration and unquenchablethirst are important.
agg. After midnight , cold and right side .
>> By warmth.
Cannabis indica
Paraplegia with pain in soles and calves, and pain in dorsal spine - cannotwalk erect.
Sharp pain in heels and ankles.
Exhausted after a short walk .
Disorientation of time and space .
Useful remedy for G.P. I.
agg. Morning, coffee, liquor, tobacco, lying on right side .
>> Fresh air, cold water and rest.
Hypericum perforatum
It is a useful drug for traumatic paraplegia.
Injury to spine .
Spinal concussion.
Lancinating pain in lower limbs.
Also useful for cervical spondylitis.
Pains radiating up the spine and down the limbs .
Pressure over sacrum.
agg. Cold , dampness, touch.
>> Bending head backwards.
Kalium tartaricum
An important Kali group of drugs for paraplegia.
Extreme weakness, emaciation and pain in loins.
Lathyrus sativus
It may be used on the basis of Isopathy for Lathyrism cases and homoeopathically for paraplegia of other aetiology with similar symptoms.
Affection of lateral and anterior columns of the cord is common.
Spastic paralysis, Lateral sclerosis, Beri-Beri, and Athetosis.
Knees knock against each other when walking.
Cramps in legs.
Concomitant symptoms like burning in the tip of the tongue and increased frequency of urination are important.
Involuntary urination.
agg. Cold.
O/E Reflexes exaggerated. Romberg's sign positive.
Natrium muriaticum
Paraparesis with weakness specially felt in knees.
Numbness and tingling.
Backache >> by firm support .
Ankles weak and turn easily.
Painful contraction of hamstrings.
Coldness of legs with congestion to head, chest and stomach.
General symptoms and particularly mental symptoms are important for prescribing, like bad effects of grief , fright anger etc...
agg. Consolation .
>> Open air, cold bathing.
Quite often useful after Ignatia in hysterical paraplegia.
Nux vomica
This remedy will also be indicated on general symptoms. Sensation of sudden loss of power in the morning. Partial paralysis from over exertion or shock.
Pain in calf muscles agg. night.
Alcoholic peripheral neuritis.
Post-tetanus paraplegia.
From sexual excesses and high-living.
Bad effects of sedentary life .
Chilly patient with constipation and ineffectual urge forstool .
Associated biliousness or "Pitta".
Patient says `If I could vomit, I would feel so much better'.
Irritable and hypersensitive .
O/E Jerks diminished or absent if peripheral neuritis.
Posterior coating of tongue.
Frowning look.
Tenderness - L.I. F.
Manganum oxydatum
[manganum OXYDAT]
Muscle twitching and cramps in calves.
Peculiar slapping gait.
It is also useful for paralysis agitans and bulbar paralysis.
Occasional uncontrollable laughter.
O/E Mask like face.
Plumbum metallicum
It is useful for paraplegia of upper motor neuron lesion or lower motorneuron lesion - specially the latter and particularly peripheral neuritis.
Pain in paralysed parts .
Paralysis of extensor group of muscles causing foot-drop.
If upper extremities are also involved there may be wrist drop.
Emaciation of affected parts.
Pain in right big toe at night.
If associated typical abdominal colic and absolute constipation or sheep-dung like stools are there then Plumbum should not be missed.
Rhus toxicodendron
Paraplegia from exposure to damp cold.
Paraplegia from rheumatism.
Cold fresh air is not tolerated by the skin, it makes it painful.
Paraparesis with desire to keep moving about.
If paresis, stiffness is agg. after rest , first movement , >> by subsequent movement and warmth .
Left leg may be more affected than the right leg.
Paraplegia following or after parturition or after getting wet inrain .
Cervical spondylitis or slip disc.
O/E Red triangular tip of tongue.
Ruta graveolens
It is useful for injury to bones and other structures .
Spine and limbs feel bruised.
Small of back and loins pain.
Legs give out when rising from chair.
Tendons sore.
Thighs pain when stretching the limbs.
Great physical restlessness.
agg. Lying down, cold wet weather.
Thallium met. + -act. (old abbr.)
Muscular atrophy.
Violent pains in locomotor ataxia.
Trembling .
Electric shock like pain .
Chronic myelitis.
Cyanosis of extremities.
Formication extending through pelvis, perineum and inner thighs to feet.


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