Transverse myelitis

Definition :
It is a clinical syndrome in which there is evidence of complete or partialloss of neurological functions below lesion.
Treatment :
Aconitum napellus

Suddenness is the characteristic of this remedy.
Therefore, myelitis due to whatever cause it may be, either viral infectionor a parasitic infection, associated with suddenness Aconite is the remedy.
If Aconite does not cure it will at least check the course of the disease if prescribed in the early stage of the disease-symptoms matching.
Anxiety , fear of death and restlessness .
Numbness and tingling, hot hands and cold feet , knees unsteady.
Disposition of foot to turn.
agg. In warm room , evening, night , lying onaffected side and exposure to dry cold wind.
>> Open air.
Arnica montana
Myelitis due to trauma .
To absorb blood clot.
Paralytic weakness with sore bruised feeling.
Great fear of being touched or approached .
Dislocated feeling.
Can not walk erect on account of bruised pain in pelvic region.
Deathly coldness of forearm.
agg. Touch, motion, rest, wine, damp cold, jar.
>> Lying down with head low .
Like Aconite, Belladonna also comes in acute stage of disease particularlyinflammatory conditions like meningitis.
Shooting pain along limbs.
Tottering gait .
Cold extremities.
No thirst with fever .
Also useful in Raynaud's disease.
agg. Touch, jar, motion, light.
>> Semi-erect position .
O/E Head hot extremities cold.
Cicuta virosa
Jerking tearing in coccyx , spasms and cramps in extremities.
Associated convulsive disorders is an additional indication ofCicuta.
agg. Touch, draught, tobacco smoking and concussion ,suppressed eruptions.
Paralysed limbs with icy cold feet.
Pain in shin bone .
Fever with chilliness towards the evening.
agg. Change of weather , cold, night, damp weather.
>> Moving about and external warmth.
Oxalicum acidum
Numb, weak and tingling in the leg.
Lower extremities blue, cold and insensible .
Pain in spots.
Paralysis from right to left.
agg. Left side , slightest touch, thinking about self.
>> After stool .
Strychninum purum
Violent jerking, twitching and trembling.
Cramp like pains.
Pain comes suddenly and returns at an interval .
Shock like pain.
Rigidity of cervical muscles.
Icy sensation down spine.
agg. Morning, touch, noise, motion, after food .
>> Lying on back .
Zincum phosphoricum
After apoplexy .
With loss of memory .
Lightning like pain, brain fag, nervousness, and vertigo.
Sexual excitement and sleeplessness.
>> Lying down .


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