Crotalus cascavella Cases

Jayesh Shah p. 35 Homeopathic Links 2/94
Two more snake ladies, both had menstrual problems. One is a devotee of Sai Baba, has clairvoyant dreams about him, the other is very rigorous Buddhist. Very compelling personalities, strong, magnetising the listener, Their remedy was Crotalus cascavella. Typical for this snake: Tremendous fear of being alone, to be pursued, intense clairvoyance. Strong need of a spiritual leader. The rubrics he chose were:
Fear alone, of someone behind him; Delusion hears footsteps behind him, hears voices he must follow.
DD. Crotalus cascavella and Elaps: Both have fear alone, but Elaps nevertheless wants to get away, into the country. Crotalus cascavella loves bustle, crowds, activity.
DD. Lachesis: Lachesis has more hidden deceit and overt jealousy. More intense competition.
Case BG 2732
Female patient, born 1934, first seen November 1995. She has had four severe nervous breakdowns in the past 8-10 years, three of which were when she was still married. Three weeks ago she was hospitalised for severe depression. Is almost divorced, has been under lots of pressure from her husband and the circumstances of the divorce. He is a very successful businessman and controls people. Likes dogs (3). It is a spiritual thing more than anything else; she has allowed herself to become subjugated by a bad person. Has a daughter aged 15. He has tried to be mean with money. He has chosen a mistress who lives in the same village, he's done everything possible to humiliate her, he has made her feel worthless. She sees going to the mental hospital as a painful learning experience, but has become quite tranquil about it. Laughs about her husband now. Had a car accident, had thoughts of it as she was falling asleep. They were nearly killed by another driver. It was as if she was walking around the edge of a fog, then it was a premonition. Husband is twenty years younger than her; she confronted his lover and was furious with jealousy and shouted, etc. Next day felt as if drawn to where the woman's garage was. Her husband was there, and she went berserk and was almost incoherent. Then she was pursued by the police because she (the other woman) had her husband's briefcase - Does she think I was a saint? She uses slightly obscure words. Felt guilty about the way she had behaved, felt humiliated by her lack of self control. Wrote a note to her husband saying she forgave him and asked him to forgive her. Felt bad that she did not have forgiveness. Lost weight, did not eat. Quite talkative and laughs. Had an awful feeling she would not see her family again. Her worst fear was going into a mental hospital and went because of her daughter. Was taking drugs but isn't now - Prozac, etc.
Fears used to be about spiders, now sees them as God's creatures. Has sat in a cage with a snake. If she has a distressing dream, then it is always something to do with water and drowning, but she can swim OK. Feels quite compassionate towards her husband now. Loves animals, has a tremendous rapport with them. Was bombed out in 1944 and her mother and sister dug her out with their bare hands from their house being blown up. It was a feeling of being under a heavy weight and not being able to move. Reads her Bible every day, a great source of teaching. Feels her system was poisoned by the Prozac. Does volunteer work with alcoholics, down-and-outs, etc. Has had an abscess in her mouth, upper right jaw, for about two weeks. The rankling feels like a poison in her system.
11/95 Rx Crotalus cascavella 200c/2xW
12/95 Fine things seem to be simmering down emotionally. The bitterness is seeping away. Is encouraging her daughter to see her husband. Feels that she used to see things in a warped and apasherd way used to see herself as a victim but these views have changed. Has an abscess upper right jaw is seeing a dentist. Had the abscess since November may have been there for a while. Rx Crotalus cascavella 200c/2xW
1/96 Access appears to be healing and it is not swollen. Would like to have a homeless person to stay with them/ feels compassion for them. Rx Crotalus cascavella 200c/2xW
2/96 Tries to be open minded feeling OK. The divorce is working out OK. The abscess is very much better but not quite gone, can brush and touch it now. Does not want to be dependent on her husband again. Rx Crotalus cascavella 1M/1xW
4/96 Fine takes her three months to come to a conclusion about anything. Can only just feel the abscess when touches it. Rx Crotalus cascavella 1M/1xW
7/96 Fine has been well past three months is peaceful at heart. Sleeplessness from being overtired. Gets up early in the morning and talks to the fish in the garden. Rx Crotalus cascavella 1M/1xW
9/96 First husband died of heart attack in August had to do a lot of organising. Been getting pain in her legs and arms at night. Painful to stand or sit down her mobility is affected and cannot stoop. Thinks that she has polymyalgia rheumatica back which she had six years ago and was treated with steroids soon after that she had a hysterectomy. She stopped the steroids 2.5 years ago Feels extreme weakness in the legs and better from a hot bath. Wonders whether it was the shock she had. Flopped after the funeral. Has to get up and walk about at night. The back of her neck is affected too. Driving the car is very painful. Rx Crotalus cascavella 30c/2xD
10 days later Patient phoned and is very much better and is able to walk now. Symptoms were worse by being stung by a wasp. Is very allergic to bees and wasps this time she had a swollen arm and red streak.
Case MG 2852
A female patient (Case 2852), born 1935, seen March 1996. Has always been healthy and in control of herself, then in January 1996 got a tight chest, terrified, giddy, not a heart attack. All the left arm had gone numb, the left leg too. The left sided numbness had been like that a long time but this was the worst ever. The next three to four weeks had panic attacks and breathless. Married 38 years. Daughter died 31 years ago. The night had the episode there was a programme on TV about cystic fibrosis which her daughter died of at age three and a half. Everything she had to do for her daughter was horrible and feels guilty about it. Never grieved for her and had to force her daughter to eat. Her daughter died when she gave up. She has not gone, as far as she is concerned - felt had failed her. The programme was just before the anniversary of her daughter's death. Did not grieve because felt dead and numb inside. Also her father had died just before her daughter died and had an abortion about the same time which felt guilty about. Has another older son who is OK. Never got on with her mother; who is cold and selfish. Also felt did not belong to her mother, only to her father, but looked after her mother after her father died as a duty. Also has an adopted daughter. Despised her husband, finds it difficult to talk about it. Hated him for a time. Was hurt because her son could see her daughter and she could not. Has been psychic since a child but it has not helped her. Could not leave this world because of her son. It did not hurt to talk about it before, but it does now. It should have been easy to let her go, but it is not. Daughter was also psychic before she died. Believes that we have the power to heal ourselves. For the first time, does not know where she is going. Did not sleep well after the panic episode - drank a bottle of red wine and was not drunk - had no effect. In the past was easily drunk. Goes to a spiritualist church regularly and if hears voices in her right ear knows they have passed on. Sister says she is a witch. They make jokes about broomsticks etc. Has premonitions and made prophesies as a child. Senses if her adopted daughter is ill when she is abroad. Felt drawn to my name when looked in Yellow Pages for a homoeopath. Is fascinated by snakes and I showed her some books. After our first interview, talked to me on the phone at length, and mentioned various clairvoyant experiences.
3/96 Rx Crotalus cascavella 200c/2xW
4/96 Only taken one dose of the remedy had a reaction. Phoned me and mentioned more clairvoyant experiences. Feels emotionally uplifted - a feeling has not had for years, feelings of excitement. Feels that life is worth living since the last visit. Sister-in-law has died, mother had a stroke and brother has six months to live. Rx Wait
5/96 OK supposes today. Lives more with the dead than the living. Does feel contented and happy. Feels secure and safe with her father. All her life has been searching for something. Even when much younger could get depressed and have a deep longing inside. Never felt belongs here. Rx Crotalus cascavella 200c/1
9/96 Patient returned my call to say has been getting on well even though there have been four deaths in the family and has been from one end of the country to the other to funerals. Felt so much better since last came to see me and will certainly come back if needs to.
The MacRepertory chart shows the rubrics used to analyse the case with a comparison of snake remedies only. Because Lachesis has so many more symptoms by comparison to other snake remedies it will always swamp other snake remedies and this is why the others are not often prescribed and so on and so on. The strategy that I use in such cases is to use Lachesis as archetypal snake, so that if Lachesis seems to come up then I look at all the other snakes too. For example in The Complete Repertory Lachesis has ten times as many symptoms as Crotalus cascavella so one can justifiably say that as in this case that six Crotalus cascavella is much more than twelve Lachesis symptoms. Using this approach I have been able to use most of the lesser known snake remedies with success.
They often have a spiritual teacher or guru (Delusions hears voices he must follow). This is a typical Crotalus cascavella case, from the cases I have seen so far. Crotalus cascavella patients are strongly clairvoyant and spiritual. The reaction to alcohol, either easily affected or not affected at all are also strong indications for a snake remedy. They are easily confused with Naja naja especially as in this case with the heart symptoms, even though it does not appear in any of the angina rubrics. Crotalus cascavella venom is one of the most powerful of all the rattlesnake venoms and quite different in its effect to Crotalus horridus venom.
Case BS 2859
A woman, born in 1940, presented in April 1996 One year ago had fluttering in head and eyes which progressed to twitching of the eyes it was always at night better by pressing into the eyes and rubbing head. GP gave antidepressant. Six year old stepdaughter was killed in an accident and also she moved house. Not sleeping, given Temazepam. Head movement and eye flickers went after eight months. Wants to clench her teeth together, a constant desire. Feels it is all happening in the jaw and it can be day or night. Has been high on Amytriptaline for three weeks now. It moved from the head to the jaw straight away, no break from it. Still does not sleep feels very tired in the day 2pm eyes feel like lead. Temazepam did help the sleeping for a while but not now. Although she loved her stepdaughter it was creating problems between patient and her partner. Lived with the two of them for three years. Felt angry with stepdaughter the month before she died which was when the problem all began. Father died two years ago and after stepdaughter death had lots of problems with newspapers badgering her. Has tree sons from her marriage, the middle son moved into live with his father last year which was a big blow to her. Talks about her stepdaughter every day and misses her tremendously visits the church weekly. 12/95 her eldest son had a nervous breakdown, he was suicidal he wants a miracle cure. 2/96 another son attempted suicide. Has been to hell and back in the past few years. Divorced in 1989 her husband was violent for the last eight years of their marriage. Not close to her Father but is to her Mother who she sees twice a week. Is a very strong person, likes a challenge, taking more responsibility, loves socialising mainly dancing and parties rock and roll loves all kinds of dancing. Likes gardening, cooking, knitting. Hates to be cheated on, her ex husband wanted to get into wife swapping. Enjoys going to the spiritualist church, psychic powers, super natural, tarot cards. There were lots of spirits at Manfield shoe factory where she worked, did a parapsychology course.
Fears: at the age of 12 was afraid of death and being left alone. No fears of animals.
Food: loves Chinese food 3, steak 3, Indian food 3, spicy 3, dislikes bland food.
Regrets staying with her ex-husband as long as she did and getting married young. Regrets her son living with his father regrets her present partners x wife ever taking her stepdaughter that was how she was killed in a car accident with her partners wife. Had an out of body experience in the factory. Was told by the priest that the spirit went into her. There have been some poltaghost phenomena in houses she has lived in. Gets a lot of premonitions that are right eg phone calls. I suggested that she might be a witch!!! watches people very carefully I asked her because I felt this from her other people have made comments to. People would say that she has an intense, spooky look.
Back injury from four five years ago now has a constant dull ache.
4/96 Rx Crotalus cascavella 200/2xW
Two days later worse from remedy. Rx Stop remedy and wait.
5/96 Had bad weather on holiday just took the remedy once a week but did not take it for the last week. Now the jaw tremors have stopped but has gone to the tongue which feels tingly and she wants to bite her tongue and keep moving the tongue around. Tremor in the head is better. Overall is 80 % better symptoms do not happen as often often does not last for an hour ie less time but it can still be day or night and when it happens she does not want to talk to anyone. Still on the Temazepam which is not happy about. Sleeping better but not as good as would like to be restless and wakes at night. Wants to sleep in the afternoon but cannot sleep at night without the Temazepam. Still does not feel well in herself. Since the remedy swallowing was a problem/ is unable and had to think about it/ almost feels has to regurgitate food for the last three weeks. Enjoys lying in the sun loves it. Rx Wait.
Two weeks later still has the tongue symptoms. Rx Crotalus cascavella 200/1
Five days later better after the single dose but had tongue symptoms yesterday and took the remedy again which caused insomnia. Rx Wait.
6/96 Seems depressed constant tiredness and unable to sleep. It is still the tongue that is affected. Keeps her awake. Depressed with the symptoms that they go on so long. Moves the tongue because it tingles. Now it is an effort to do things around the house just cannot make the effort. Mouth breathes at night which cools the tongue. The tongue was hot and repeated the remedy to soon. Even when sleeps feels unrefreshed and is easily waken from noises. Rx Crotalus cascavella 1M/1
7/96 Back is painful is worse after going to bed and rising it takes about two hours for it to improve deep deep ache in the lumbar region. Better warm applications, better scrunched up kneeling with head on floor, better lying on back with knees up to chest. When walks keeps one hand on the back. Better stretching it is bitter sweet! Seen three different GP's in three weeks / pain killers and nsiad no better. Sitting aggravates for a long time moving does help. Jaw and tongue symptoms are 100% OK nothing at all or two weeks and is of the sleeping tablets has lain on back with hands clenched underneath pressing into her back. Is not able to go dancing normally goes each week to rock n roll. Feels sick and tired with the pains and is near to tears. Rx Sepia 30c/2xD
9/96 Spoke to the patient on the phone jaw tongue and head symptoms are still completely OK but the back was no better after the Sepia and so has been going to chiropractor and sports injury person is using a tens machine. Still in pain with her back and has spent two weeks lying in bed. Suggested that she comes to see me again with her back.
Case DZ 3200
Massimo Mangialavori (3)
Young woman, 21 years old, very timid and reserved. She talks confusedly, as if she were eating the words and it's difficult for me to understand her also because the tone of her voice is low, although I've urged her to talk with a higher voice.
*** "I've always been troubled; 1 month ago I had a nervous break down. Usually I'm very nervous; I get upset about anything and I've got nervous outbursts. I change my mind from one moment to the other. Last February I got my first job and afterwards I was dismessed because I was a substitute for a girl having a baby; they'd told me they would have kept me.
I think nothing was evaluated rightly there... instead of me they've taken another one recommended by the head of the plant. I liked the job but I didn't like the place. After that I've been under stress about my sister's wedding (bigger)
I felt very much under stress because of my parents; but I was sorry my sister was leaving.
I was afraid of staying alone.
We quarrel but that's why we get on so well. I would have missed her plate in front of mine".
"In this period it seems my stomach and my mouth are separate _things; I may be hungry and have cramps in my stomach, but my mouth doesn't taste anything, as if I don't like anything at the level of my palate".
"I don't sleep well at all. Before I didn't wake up with cannon shots. I dream about the things of the day and there's no detachment; there's no rest.
I dream about the quarrels with the clients or about a discussion with a friend of mine... I do nothing else than take the things of the day up again.
When I was a child I dreamt about witches; I felt their presence on me, like a swelling in the mouth... it was like touching a sack full stuff and instead of the sack I was touching my hands. Those dreams attrackted me but I didn't escape; I stayed there with that sensation".
"I've always liked drawing: if I drew someone laughing in the end I was very cheerful.
I'm still a subscriber of TOPOLINO (Mickey Mouse)".
*** "I feel oppressed by my parents; I must do everything the most precise and quick way... I wait for them to tell me that I've been a good girl; at times I feel guilty, e.g. when I sit down for a 5 minutes rest".
**** "I have dreams or sensations that come out. About my dog or my pigeons dying. I feel things that later come out. I feel frightened; I feel as if death is on me (she cries) I THINK ABOUT WHAT EXISTS AFTER DEATH.
I think there's something like a spirit but there isn't anything like substance.
I don't understand how right it is to recreate another living after someone you loved has died, but I think reacting is the best thing for all.
It's not right that we should die if we're still alive. As a child I thought about death like the sketelons in the musea... I thought about paradise".
"I often think about good and evil. It's more difficult to do well; evil attracks more than good things, but it serves otherwise we _wouldn't understand the difference.
I don't accept neither good nor evil. I do what I feel like doing, even when I don't do anything wrong".
"I get frightened thinking of dying, not knowing what there'll be afterwards".
MIND; DEATH; thoughts of (58)
MIND; FEAR; death, of (172)
TASTE; WANTING; tastelessness of food (77)
MIND; DREAMS; clairvoyant (14)
MIND; DREAMS; quarrels, strife (83)
MIND; TALK, talking, talks; confused (28)
MIND; DELUSIONS, imaginations; body, body parts; head; separated from body, is (9)
MIND; THOUGHTS; persistent; separated; mind and body are (3)
After 3 months.
!!! "Before I had outbursts on the slightest things and I fall asleep easily; I'm more relaxed and my sleep isn't troubled anymore; I woke up very tired in the morning.
I don't quarrel with the clients anymore; I've decided to leave those that make me nervous to my mother.
I feel more like drawing and doing something and be occupied in something".
!! "I don't suffer stomachaches anymore: I also want to eat; before I ate less and I had those cramps because of that, too. I didn't notice having them anymore".
"I got loose from anything that kept me in its grip, on holidays. I was kind of afraid before leaving and a friend of mine has a tumour; since he told me so I've had this feeling less. If I understand where my fear comes from it gets less because I understand its font. I foresee my death or that of my beloved ones; I'd never want to know".
** "Since about 7 days my headache have come back that come in Spring and in Autumn.
It starts from the neck, where I've got 2 nodules and it spreads forward. If it keeps on long it catches my stomach with sickness".
I prescribe CROTALUS CASCAVELLA 200 CH + 35 k
After 7 months.
!! "I don't have any headache anymore. I can feel a little dazed, when the weather changes or when I'm very tired".
** "During these last weeks I've noticed that, about unimportant things, I forget what I must do at that moment. At times this happened to me but it's frequent now. The other day I sneezed and afterwards I'd forgotten what I was doing. I don't bother too much because it regards unimportant things but I loose time going around the house".
"I'm on trial in a ceramics studio and I hope not to loose my patience in the traffic. I must drive a very busy road 4 times a day. I'm afraid of being late".
* "In the morning my eyes hurt; they're burning and it seems to me to feel cold air inside the eye".
!! "I never had stomachache or heartburn again; I also eat more and anything and with more pleasure.
Before I didn't like meat very much; I now eat anything".
!! "I sleep well and I'm calm; before I woke up being more tired than when I went to bed. I feel fine now. I didn't have outcoming dreams anymore... I had them before something happened".
* "I notice time's always running faster and I can't find my way. I think I don't have an exact idea of what I'd like to do. I don't know where to go to realise something.
I wait to see what's going to happen".
! "I think less about death: I used to think about it before falling asleep... I immediately fall asleep now and I've got a better temper. I seems things are going better now. Not thinking about it I feel less stressed and feel the challenge against time less... this tension isn't there anymore and the haste to say that I've got to do something before time runs out or it'll be too late".
!! "Before I immediately felt sick when my menses came while now much less".
I prescribe CROTALUS CASCAVELLA 200 CH if necessary.
Massimo Mangialavori (2)
26year old woman, shopkeeper.
** "I've already been under homeopathic treatment for a symptomatology of anxiousness and depressiveness. It would take too much to explain them all...
Every pain I feel I get frightened and anxious, aggressive, which I vert on my husband or on my daughter.
6 months ago I've opened a new shop. Last year I moved from Perugia to Piacenza.
I'm very attached to the town and its traditions. I'm worried because this economical crisis frightens me".
** "Since last June I have diarrea and constipation alternately".
** "I suffer backache: when it's damp!!.
I suffered rheumatism as a child, too. I must lay down because otherwise I get tired... I feel like loosing my arms because of the pain. Spreading articular pains an dsciatic pains that spread from the lumbar zone to the right leg, until the calf of the leg".
** "Headache in the forehead when I get rheumatic pains".
* "I feel a lump in my throat that doesn't go down. It's a daily matter; I get it both because of my anxiousness as because of a sore throat".
*** "When I feel these pains I immediately think of a tumour... everywhere... I'm very frightful.
These crisis take me when I'm alone... before with my husband, but now he doesn't listen to me anymore".
** "Fear of death: I think about it at every moment I make. I am terrified and I vert it on everything... I'm afraid I'll be ill and nobody will help me.
If I'm with people it doesn't occur to me, or when I go to the doctor, because he's there to think about it".
*** "Food is my hideout. Anything there is. I'd continuously eat bread with oil, ever since I was a child; it's enough if there's oil. Bread is a kind of food that reassures me".
*** "I often dream about my father dying; death, coffins, wreaths, the death... I see my desperate mother crying... it's a dream, that repeats itself all night".
MIND; DEATH; thoughts of (58)
MIND; DEATH; thoughts of; alone, when (1)
MIND; DREAMS; death, of; relatives (18)
BACK; PAIN; General; lumbar region, lumbago; extending to; legs, down the (34)
MIND; DREAMS; coffins (4)
MIND; DREAMS; funerals (13)
I prescribe CROTALUS CASCAVELLA 200 CH + 35 K After 7 months.
!! "I didn't have any crisis of anxiousness anymore, not one and it seems to me I react in a different way; before I was much more agressive and I reacted without thinking. I didn't even have any panic fits anymore. I've been dreaming a lot since 3 months but I don't remember well about what.
Often about flowers and plants; once I dreamt about bats trying to attack me and I avoided them.
Since last April I only dream about coffins, white ones and I see myself being pregnant... then this image disappears and I only see coffins.
They are coffins hanging in the air... and then there's a glare of light and I see myself being pregnant but it leaves me cold; it doesn't frighten me.
Lately some agressiveness is coming back and in my dreams I quarrel. I didn't dream about my father dying anymore... neither my desperate mother... but I remember there was a white minibus instead of the hearse".
* "We're being annoyed at work: there's a woman envious of us... yesterday she scratched the whole car with a knife... maybe I keep things inside and let them out during the night".
** "Lately I hate everybody: I trust them but they're trying to make me believe in witchcraft and evil eyes... I'd like to attack those who tell me these things to make them keep quiet. I don't trust anybody now and put the blame on ecerybody for what's happening to me".
* "I've been well from October until January... then when the cold has begun I've had my backache again.
When my backache comes back I feel pain in my right arm and then it catches my hand with pins and needles at the extremities of my fingers; at times the pins and needles spread in my whole body as if I had many ants inside".
!! "My thinking about death has changed a lot; I feel more lighthearted. I dreamt I was talking to a cousin of mine who's died 2 years ago and she told me they're very fine over there and then I took Christ at his shirt and I beat him to have him tell me how things are in the next world but he didn't answer me... after that dream I've stopped thinking about it every day.
I think about it vaguely now, only when I'm nervous and when I'm thinking we're working for nothing because we must die".
! "My feeling about food has gotten better; I eat less but I eat the wrong way because I work too hard".
!! "Lonelyness is less important.
I need company, to go back to my town... I've had this wish ever since I left... I've got a lot of friends over there, all of them nice people and I don't feel at home here.
The people are unfriendly, ban and envious... that woman passing in front of my shop and spitting.
I act as if nothing is happening but I don't let it show I'm getting angry because she enjoys that".
** "15 days ago the diarrea has come back; I even had rice with carrots but it doesn't pass over. I feel pain where the liver is and the last drops of urine are like tenesmus... in the end I feel I still have to empty my whole intestine. But if I drink a lot I clean up and it passes over. In February 1992 I had a renal colic and I forgot to tell you about it".
!! "I didn't happen to think about tumours anymore; when I've got pain I tell myself it'll pass over... before every pain I had was a tumour.
As soon as I felt pain I watched myself and in front of the mirror I investigated myself very carefully and I read in the book what it was or I called the doctor. Now I don't do this anymore".
After 2 months.
** "For 15 days now I've got deep stomachache after a meal followed by faecal discharge in diarrea. I've styed without eating i day and I had vomiting... if I don't eat my stomach moves continuously. If I eat it gets worse; as soon as I wake up I've got terrible pains and my faeces have mucus; this happened to me when I was a child and I remembered 2 years ago I had to call a specialist because I had too much constipation or I suffered diarrea. I feel air that's hurting me when it moves and then I always feel full. After the faecal discharge the pains disappear and I feel relaxation in my stomach.
I've got intense heartburn just after starting to eat, it doesn't matter what I eat, worse when it's pizza".
* "I can't bend towards the washbasin because my back pulls".
** "As soon as I lie down I feel as if something was moving inside me; something is pulsing inside me... after having drunk I feel something like an extrasystole in my stomach".
* "As soon as I lie down I feel like I'm sinking in my bed. When I'm going to fall asleep my head is spinning".
** "My husband is the manager of a company and I don't know how he'll end up".
** "I'm angry because I was well... as soon as I took the HOLLY drops I've started to feel bad".
** "I must avoid sex because I feel deep pains in my stomach".
** "When I go by bike I feel pains and contractions like rectal _spasms; even afterwards".
* "I have much thirst and I drink a lot...".
After 3 months.
!! "I 'm feeling much better; I'm more secure and I get less frightened. I didn't have any stomachache anymore and sometimes I have some heartburning that passes immediately... I don't feel my back pulling anymore... I've noticed I can have that when I turn around suddenly with my back but it disappears immediately".
* "The movements in my stomach are less and I can have them after a meal or when I'm laying in my bed or when I'm really relaxed and I may have some extrasystoles in my heart, too".
!! "Lately I drink the right amount and I don't feel the desire like before".
!! "My intestine is regular and I don't have any rectal spasms anymore".
!!! "I'm waiting to sell the shop and to go away from here... I feel much more secure and I don't have those problems anymore of going out alone.
I notice I meet my problems without fear. I was afraid of driving the car alone with my daughter; I asked her to keep quiet in the car because I was afraid it would distract me whilst now I'm calm and I even manage to sing in the car. I do things I didn't do before and I regained confidence. When my husband was away I used to close the doors and the windows and now I'm staying at home alone well and I tell my daughter fairytales". I feel like going ahead.
It's nice to notice I make it less dramatic when I feel pain and don't immediately call the doctor anymore... before I went immediately to read in the book what it was... and I was immediately worried. I'm not thinking about tumours anymore or about my father's death. I can drive without fear for death... at times I think I'll die... but I make it less dramatic... we all have to die and this is a thought I accept now".


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