Materia medica ,Crotalus cascavella: a toxicological report

(The following is a toxicological report which was published together with the proving of Crotalus cascavella by Mure. The text has been rearranged to make it more readable as the original had the times in words)
Mure: We commence the publication of our provings by the symptoms of the Crotalus cascavella, not so much on account of the importance of the symptoms which the poison of this dangerous reptile produces on the healthy body; but because the unfortunate experiment which was attempted a few years ago, on a sick person, offers a fair opportunity of contrasting the hazardous and uncertain results of a merely clinical experimentation, with the positive advantages of Hahnemann's method of proving.
This case has been reported in detail, in the Medical Gazette of Paris, of the 5th of January, 1839 by the attending physicians, Maïa and Reis. We transcribe it for the benefit of our readers.
Mariano José Machado, fifty years old, of athletic form, bilious-sanguine temperament, was afflicted with elephantiasis leontina alibert. The whole body, especially the extremities, were insensible. The skin and the cellular tissue were thickened, hard, rugose and covered with tubercles which were somewhat raised but not ulcerated. A few pustules under the arms looked like itch pustules, and seemed to indicate a complication with this disease. The epidermis and nails began to alter, and the fingers had lost their normal shape. Internally, the patient felt quite well, enjoying both vigour of mind and body. After six years of suffering, he had come to the determination to try this dreadful experiment, which would either lead to death or a deliverance from his horrible affliction.
On the morning of the fourth of September, at 11:55, he was bitten by a rattlesnake, the Crotalus cascavella, in the two last fingers near the metacarpus. He felt neither the bite, nor the poison as it penetrated into the wound. A few drops of blood came out of the wound, and the hand began immediately to swell.
1200 Slight feeling of coldness in the hands.
1215 The hand swells a good deal.
1225 Swelling of the jugular veins. Alteration of the features. Formication in the face.
1245 The sense of swelling extends through the whole forearm.
1320 Trembling of the whole body.
1336 The head is affected, with frequent pulse, difficulty of moving the lips, disposition to slumber, constriction of the throat, violent pain in the whole arm, the hand swells more and more.
1338 Sense of chilliness; the patient covers himself.
1348 Pain in the tongue and larynx, increased pains and swelling of the bitten hand; sense of coldness in the feet.
1425 Difficulty of swallowing, anguish, copious sweat on the chest.
1450 Weakness of the arms, nosebleed, anguish, now and then, restlessness, pulse 96.
1510 Intensely violent pains in the arms, restlessness.
1525 Pulse 98, red face, continual bleeding of the nose.
1530 The patient drinks some wine and water without any difficulty, and changes his linen which was all wet from the perspiration. Intense redness all over.
1535 Pulse 100.
1555 Pulse 100, the whole of the skin, especially on the bitten arm, is very red, violent pains in both arms, which do not leave the patient to rest, constriction of the throat, impeded respiration.
1645 Pulse 104, the body is very hot all over, flow of saliva.
1725 Torpor, copious emission of urine, thick, viscid saliva, which it is difficult to get out of the mouth, muscular debility, frequent moaning on account of the pains which he feels in the whole body, quiet breathing, pulse full and frequent, skin soft, the bitten hand swells enormously.
1855 Somnolence with moaning, after waking the pains in the arms are less, but he experiences violent pains in the chest, sensation of a lump in his throat, copious emission of urine, great difficulty of swallowing, white, viscid saliva, discharge of a bloody liquid from the nose, inability to swallow a drink composed of water, sugar and brandy.
1955 The sweating abates, restlessness, moaning, emission of urine.
2010 The moaning ceases, deep sleep.
2155 Takes an infusion of guaco, pulse 108, the bloody discharge from the nose ceases, shrivelling of the tuberculous formations on the arms and in the face, they exhibit an erysipelatous redness.
2215 Emits two ounces of a natural urine, a few minutes quiet sleep, without moaning.
2235 The pains abate a good deal, but he complains of pains in the thighs and feet, where he had felt a considerable coldness until now, pulse 108, ordinary thirst, the patient sits up in order to drink, and swallows the drink with ease.
2255 Takes four spoonfuls of a strong infusion of guaco.
2340 Emits a deeply coloured urine, pulse 110, the bitten hand and arm are very inflamed and intensely painful.
2355 Quiet sleep, disturbed by eructations, pulse 112, emission of urine.
0025 Restlessness, screams, despair.
0035 Emission of urine, pulse 116, sensation of burning heat in the legs, which he uncovers.
0055 Emission of urine, quiet, he takes an infusion of guaco.
0155 He sits up in bed, and drinks water, during which he moves about violently and screams.
0255 Emission of urine, the swelling of the lower lips abates, the salivation ceases.
0340 Pulse 110, involuntary motion of the right thumb and left foot.
0455 The patient feels very sick, pulse 100, frequent moaning.
0655 Excessive debility, involuntary motion of the lower jaw, and lower extremities, bloody urine.
0755 Accelerated, intermitting pulse, increase of the motions, the swelling of the extremities, and the redness of the skin are less, extreme difficulty of swallowing, anxious respiration.
0845 Diminution of the convulsive motions.
0850 The convulsions cease.
0855 He takes an ounce of lizard oil, which he swallows with difficulty.
0925 Death.
In a few minutes, the blue coloured body, was swollen considerably.
Twenty three hours after death, the body had swollen enormously, was covered with blue and red spots, and smelt so horridly that no postmortem examination could be made. (Hempel).
The Crotalus cascavella will become a useful adjunct to the Lachesis proved by Doctor Hering; it is my belief that it affects the organism longer and more thoroughly that the latter, and will effect many cures which had to remain incomplete under the use of Lachesis.
This remedy has a strong avaricious element and is quite resentful about material possessions being taken away to the point of anger and violence. It also has strong elements around superstition and fear. In Sankaran's cases they were ripping other people off a lot. They can have hives as an allergic reaction.
Complete repertory
These are additional symptoms from the toxicology report with Mure's proving of Crotalus cascavella.
Moaning, groaning from pain
Swelling, lower lips
Spasms, spasmodic constriction
Inflammation, hand
Pain, burning, leg
Swelling, hand
Swelling, hand, painful
Swelling, lower limbs
Discolouration, bluish spots
Discolouration, red spots
Trembling, externally
Vermeulen's concordat
Thoughts and dreams about death. Paralysis of articulation. Embarrassed stertorous respiration and semi-consciousness. Cutting sensation all around eyeball.
Thoughts of death when alone. Delusions; eyes were falling out; hears footsteps behind him; fancies he hears groans; sees spectres, ghosts, spirits, death appears as a gigantic black skeleton; hears voices that he must follow. Insanity [] metrorrhagia. Restlessness { drinking. Answers monosyllabic, "no" to all questions. Clairvoyance. Fear at night. FEAR OF BEING ALONE. Fear that someone is behind him. Hurry. Loquacity. Moaning during sleep. Starting during sleep.
Lancinating pains are frequent, and are aggravated cold washing. Many symptoms aggravated night. Hallucinations are marked and peculiar: a magnetic state is induced. Headache aggravated after sleep.
Ailments from the jealousy of others especially in women eg. women at work who persecute the patient. Also among teenage girls. It is to do with competition.
They are much more clairvoyant and mediumistic than Lachesis which they also share with Hydrophis cyanocinctus.
Louis Klein: This remedy has a strong avaricious element and is quite resentful about material possessions being taken away to the point of anger and violence. It also has strong elements around superstition and fear. In Sankaran's cases they were ripping other people off a lot. They can have hives as an allergic reaction.


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