Characteristic symptoms of infrequently used remedies - Non malarial fevers

 In some cases of fever it happens that there are concomitant symptoms that are characteristic of a remedy which is not known to be a fever remedy. In such cases the remedy that is so indicated will prove to be the similimum provided no other remedy is called for by the totality of symptoms. A typical instance of this is narrated by Dr. K.C.  Bhanja, whose daughter suffering from pneumonia was cured by Cantharis after all other remedies had failed. Canth. Was given because of the symptom, suppression of urine. A few such characteristic symptoms are given below:
 AETHUSA CYNAPIUM : Deathly nausea. Vomits large, hard curds, then limpness and deep sleep. Intolerance of milk.
 ARUM TRIPHYLLUM : Constant picking of nose until it bleeds. Picks lips until they bleed.
 AILANTHUS : Advancing malignancy and stupor. Fetor and lividity. Sudden and extreme prostration with fevers. Stupefaction or stupor with eruptive fevers.
 AMMONIUM MURIATICUM : Stools consist of coagulated blood, or resemble scrapings of meat.
 ANACARDIUM ORIENTALE : Child is very irritable, a slight offense or contradiction makes him excessively angry (Bry., Cham.). relief by eating.
 ANTHRACINUM : Malignancy. Sepsis . marked prostration with sub-normal temperature. Terrible burning pains.
 ARGENTUM NITRICUM : Chilly when uncovered; yet feels smothered if wrapped up. Craves fresh air. Parts feel enlarged.
 BELLIS PERENNIS : Deep trauma or septic wounds; especially abdominal, pelvic, etc.
 BORAX : Starts at trifles. Fears downward motion.
 CACTUS : Constriction of parts. Violent congestions. After exposure to intense heat of sun.
 CANTHARIS : Burning, scalding urine, with cutting, intolerable urging and fearful tenesmus or dribbling. Violently acute inflammation.
 CARBO VEGETABILIS : Weakness, flatulence and air hunger. Wants to be fanned.
 CICUTA VIROSA : Violent convulsive phenomena, then prolonged unconsciousness. Opisthotonos.
 COCCULUS : Empty, hollow feeling in internal organs. Nausea and vertigo, extreme weakness.
 COLCHICUM AUTUMNALE : The smell of cooking food causes nausea, even to faintness. Cold and weak, but sensitive and restless.
 CONIUM MACULATUM : Vertigo when lying down or turning in bed. While urinating, flow intermits.
 CROTALUS HORRIDUS : Haemorrhage and malignancy. Sepsis. High fever, with scarlet, with scarlet skin.
 HEPAR SULPHUR : Chilly and oversenstitive. Sweats easily. Low fevers.
 KALI CARBONICUM : Sharp stitiching pains. Respiration difficult.
 LACHESIS :  Aggravation from hot drinks. Tongue trembles when protruded, catches on teeth. Loquacity. Malignancy.
 MURIATICUM ACIDUM : Great weakness, slides down towards the foot of the bed, involuntary passing of stools and urine.
 NATRUM SULPHURICUM : Crushing or gnawing pain in occiput. Effects from head injury.
 PODOPHYLLUM :  Head not and rolling from side to side. Moaning. Bites gums together. Loquacity during fever (Pyrog.).
 SAMBUCUS NIGRA : Dry heat while asleep, profuse swear when awake.
 SECALE CORNUTUM : Aversion to heat or to being covered. Externally icy cold, yet burning hot internally.
 THUJA OCCIDENTALIS : Dry heat of covered parts; and sweat on uncovered parts.


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