Chronic Tendinitis ,Dislocation and Instability

Chronic Tendinitis
 Chronic tendinitis tends to be more common among older sports people, and younger athletes and dancers who ignore the warning signs. It is often the result of overuse and repetitive stress of the joint. Although the actual site of the tendon affected may not be important for choosing the best homoeopathic remedy, the action which caused the injury may well be. For example, excessive repetitions of a weight training exercise such as a military press could be assessed as an injury caused by lifting, and you could choose a remedy which has lifting in its causation. Many chronic tendinitis conditions are caused by a throwing action. The nearest rubric we have to this in the homoeopathic repertory is 'Pain, sprained, as if'.
 The problem with chronic tendinitis in the shoulder, from the patient's point of view, is that the pain limits his activity. Pain with movement is a constant reminder of the incapacity and this may make him despair of recovery. Some people are reluctant to take antiinflammatory drugs continuously because of the side effects, and are even more reluctant to submit to steroid injections. The condition may therefore become incapacitating.
 There are homoeopathic remedies which, in conjunction with physiotherapy, osteopathy and acupuncture, have been helpful in reducing pain and promoting healing. I have found that once a person begins to be able to move the shoulder and arm more freely, he becomes more positive about recovery. Rehabilitation exercises become more acceptable and the underlying distress of long-term injury can be alleviated.
 Although Arnica is more commonly associated with the immediate treatment of traumatic injury such as falls or blows, it is sometimes indicated if the shoulder feels sprained and the condition was brought on by overlifting and straining. For example, a weightlifter who increases his overhead press weight may gradually feel increasing pain in his shoulder. His shoulder is better when his arm hangs down. He complains of lack of strength in his hands when grasping something. He fears touch and further injury.
 Dosage: Arnica 30c, once daily for as long as necessary to control the pain, but for not longer than two weeks. I sometimes find that a higher potency is more effective when the original pain was some time ago, and would give one dose of Arnica 200c as a first remedy in such a case. Repeat this if the pain returns.
 Ferrum Metallicum
 See page 00 above.
 Dosage: It would be appropriate to use the 200c potency in cases of chronic tendinitis, one daily until relief is felt, but for not longer than two weeks.
 Tearing pain in the left shoulder, worse at night. Weakness in the affected arm on exertion, sometimes with trembling. The condition may have arisen from overlifting and overuse generally, and the onset will have been gradual. The joint may be stiff without pain. Sleeping on the left side makes it worse. Worse in the morning and evening, and when tired. This person likes to have his shoulder massaged, is very sensitive to the feelings of others and likes sympathy. The shoulder condition seems to come and go with the weather, day and night, wet and dry, etc. Often suitable for young dancers who have grown very quickly and have very flexible joints.
 Dosage: Phosphorus 200c one daily in chronic cases. Stop the remedy when the condition begins to improve, but do not take for longer than two weeks.
 Rhus Toxicodendron
 This remedy is very specific for conditions brought on by overlifting, overstretching, and overuse. See above for symptoms.
 Dosage: Rhus Tox. 200c, one tablet. Repeat as necessary. Stop the remedy when the condition begins to improve, but do not take for longer than two weeks.
 Ruta Graveolens
 See Chapter 10 for symptoms.
 Dosage: One Ruta 200c.
 This remedy is indicated specifically when the pain is worse from putting the hands behind the back, and when raising the arms. The condition will originate with strain, and will be worse from motion. The person may be headstrong, obstinate and irritable, and does not want to be touched.
 Dosage: One Sanicula 200c daily. Stop the remedy when the condition begins to improve, but do not take for longer than two weeks.

Dislocation and Instability
 A forced movement involving rotation and abduction, a fall on to an outstretched arm, or tackling in rugby can give rise to a common shoulder injury - that of dislocation. Both anterior and posterior dislocations cause considerable pain. Reduction of the joint may be achieved by skilled qualified staff soon after the injury, but delayed reduction after muscle spasm and inflammation has set in will be much more difficult. In any case there will be the likelihood of sequelae to the trauma. These can be helped by homoeopathic remedies in lessening the effects of the trauma and to promote healing of the capsule, rotator cuff and associated tissue.
 If immediate reduction is proposed, it will be much more effective if the patient has received a dose of Arnica in any potency. This will enable the athlete or dancer to relax and be less fearful of the manipulation. It will also reduce the amount of haemorrhage from the tissues and the resultant inflammation, swelling, stiffness and incapacity. Arnica will also help to reduce the immediate pain. If reduction under anaesthetic is proposed, Arnica 30c, three doses the day before the operation, will speed recovery and reduce the possibility of complications.
 If, following injury, the person is unwilling to move at all because of the pain, one Bryonia 30c hourly for five doses maximum will help.
 CASE 25
 A twenty-eight year old international rugby player suffered a subluxation of the right shoulder. It had been reduced immediately by the club physiotherapist. He still felt very shocked and in great pain. He had been operated on four years previously for the same problem in his left shoulder. As he still had pain in that shoulder he was very worried that he would have to have another operation. He denied that there as anything wrong with him 'apart from this stupid shoulder'. There was no point in going to see a doctor because he knew they could not help.
 He was reluctant to be touched and winced if anyone came near. He slept very badly because of pain in the shoulder, but suggested it may have been because of a strange bed. The shoulder hurt less when he moved it, but if he carried on moving it became much worse.
 He was given one dose of Arnica 1M immediately and the shoulder was gently massaged with Arnica oil. In this case Arnica fitted the patient's symptoms very closely, especially the denial of injury. He telephoned the next day to report that he felt 'much lighter', and that the swelling and pain in his shoulder was much reduced. A week later he was keen to begin training again. By the end of the same season he was back playing for the first XV, and scoring spectacular and robust tries.
 Recovery Remedies
 Other remedies will be useful during the recovery phase.
 There is a feeling of paralysis in the arm, and in the deltoid, so that he cannot raise his arm to his head. The pain is tearing, rheumatic and raw and is relieved by warmth, especially in bed. He tries to stretch, bend or crack his joints. He may describe the pain as if it feels dislocated or paralysed. There may be a cracking in the joints. You may have a feeling that without a lot of encouragement this patient is really going to have a paralysed shoulder. Anxious and depressed, very sensitive and guilty about being injured, he will feel that he has let down the team or the company.
 Dosage: One Causticum 30c three times daily until improvement begins, or for a maximum of one week.
 Rhus Toxicodendron
 Tearing and burning sensation in the shoulder, worse when resting, and in bed. The right arm is weak and feels rheumatic. First movement is painful while continued movement relieves the pain. The person is very restless. Cannot rest in any position, and is inclined to keep moving. Worse at night, when cold, and when wet. Better after a hot bath. Rhus Tox. may be needed later in rehabilitation.
 Dosage: One Rhus Tox. 30c taken last thing at night or first in the morning, for a week.
 Ruta Graveolens
 Wrenching pain in the shoulder that is worse when the arm hangs down (Arnica is better when the arm hangs down), and when resting on it. So he will be supporting his arm, which is typical of someone who has dislocated his shoulder. There will be a dull tearing pain in the humerus, and he feels bruised. The shoulder may be rigid, and later is very weak. Worse when cold, damp, sitting and lying. Because of the damage to tendons, Ruta should be given regularly during recovery. The pains are sore, bruised, and aching and the arms are restless.
 Dosage: One Ruta 30c daily for two to three weeks maximum.
 You may also give Ferrum, Phosphorus or Sanicula if the symptoms are appropriate. See the details above and in Chapter 10.


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