Gelsemium sempervirens

 KENT: “If you will observe the weather conditions in sharp climates such as Minnesota, Massachusetts and Canada, you will find that the cold spells are very intense and that people, when exposed, come down with complaints very rapidly and violently. That is the way the Bell. And Acon. Cases com on, but Gels. Complaints do not come from such causes nor appear that way. Its complaints are more insidious and come on with a degree of slowness.”
 ”When we think of the climate, and consider the people and the pace of remedies, we see that Gels. Is a remedy for warm climates, while Acon. Is a remedy for colder climates.”
 ”It is only a short acting remedy, though slow in its beginning. In this it is like Bry.”
 ”With the coldness of the extremities, the very dark red countenance, the dazed condition of the mind, the glassy eyes and dilated pupils, we have the neck drawn back and rigidity of the muscles of the back of the neck, so that the neck cannot be strainghtened, and there are violent pains up the back and coldness in the spine. This state would remind one of cerebro-spinal meningitis. Pain in the base of the brain and in the back of the neck. With all states there is a very hot skin and a high temperature, with coldness of the extremities. Sometimes the troubles are ushered in with a violent chill.”
 ”In congestive chill with high temperature occurring in the afternoon, the chill part of it subsiding and the fever becoming continued, Gels. Is a useful remedy. It is also a very important remedy in afternoon fevers without chill in infants and in children. With Gels. The child will lie as still as in Bry. But there is more congestion to the head; there is the dark red face and duskiness like Bry.”
 ”Running through the febrile conditions……there is one grand feature, viz., a feeling of great weight and tiredness in the entire body and limbs. The head cannot be lifted from the pillow, so tired and heavy it is, and there is such a great weight in the limbs. The Bry. Patient lies quietly because if he moves the pains are worse.”
 ”During marked febrile conditions, he has a profound sleep or coma. When he is not in this comatose sleep during congestion, he is in a state of nervous excitement in which he lies awake thinking, and yet he thinks of nothing in particular, because his mind will not work in an orderly way.”
 ALLEN: “Desire to be quiet, to be let alone, does not wish to speak, nor heave anyone near her hor company, even if the person be silent (Ign.).”
 ”Weakness and trembling; of tongue, hands, legs; of the entire body.”
 ”Lack of muscular co-ordination; giddy, confused, muscles refuse to obey the will."
 ”Chill and chilliness especially along the spine; running up the back from loins to nape of neck,….”
 Heat in the face, sleepless or sleepy, stupid, besotted, with half-waking, muttering delirium, tired, wants to lie still (Bry .), or great nervous restlessness; sensation of falling, in children; child starts and grasps attendant or crib, and screams out for fear of falling.”
 Tongue: Coated yellowish-white, or nearly clean, or with white centre and red margins.
 ”Absence of all gastric and hepatic symptoms.”
 CLINICAL: sluggish fever; bilious remittent fever (with stupor, dizziness, faintness; thirstless, prostrated); influenza; measles; cerebro-spinal fever; dengue fever; poliomyelitis; tendency to typhoid.
 POTENCY: All potencies are said to be effective. The 3rd potency seems to act better.
 RELATIONSHIP: Is followed well by Bapt., Ipec.


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