Helleborus niger

 KENT: “In all complaints of Hell. Stupefaction occurs in greater or less degree. Sometimes it is a complete stupor, sometimes a partial stupor, but it is always stupefaction and sluggishness.”
 ”Hell. Is useful in affections of the brain, spinal cord, the general nervous system and mind, but especially in acute inflammatory diseases of the brain and spinal cord and their membranes, ……”
 ”Complete unconsciousness in connection with cerebral congestion, or inflammation which has gone one to hydrocephalus, cerebro-spinal meningitis, or inflammation of the brain, with stupefaction. Even early in the disease Hell. Lacks the wildness and acute delirium found in Stram. And Bell.
 ”The patient lies upon the back, eyes partly open, rolling the head, mouth open, tongue dry, eyes lustreless, staring into space.”
 ”The Hell. Case will linger for weeks and sometimes months in this state of stupefaction, gradually emaciating. He lies upon the back, with the limbs drawn up; he looks pale and sickly. When questioned he answers slowly.”
 ”The most striking type in Hell. Is the sick child. It comes in especially in children between two and ten years of age. The staring-lying on the back and staring with half closed eyes---is typical of the remedy. Sometimes the lips move without any sound. The lips move on if the child wishes to say something, but on further questioning the words he wished to speak are lost, forgotten.”
 BOGER: “Rolls head or bores it into pillow for relief.” “Stupid, staring or tired look. Eyes half open. Pale face. Chewing motions. Sopor; with cries and starts.”
 BOERICKE: “Picks lips and clothes. Bores head into pillow; beats it with hands. Horrible smell from mouth. Falling of lower jaw. Chewing motion. Greedily swallows cold water though unconscious. Child cannot urinate.
 ”Automatic motion of one arm and leg. Cri encephalique.
 MATHUR: High fever with stupor. Brain troubles with urine suppressed. Convulsions with extreme coldness of body, except head or occiput which may be hot (Arn.).
 Twitching of the muscles of the face; wrinkled forehead; nostrils dilated with brain troubles.
 CLINICAL: cerebro-spinal fever; acute meningitis; typhoid; tubercular meningitis.
 POTENCY: Medium to high potencies in acute conditions (Mathur).
 Compatible : Zinc, Bell., Bry., Lyc., Nux-v., Phos., Puls., Sul.
 Compare : Apis, Ars., Canth., Lach., Pho-ac.
 Antidotes : Camph., Chin.


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