Hyoscyamus niger

 KENT: “Hyos. Is full of convulsions, contractions, trembling, quivering and jerkings of the muscles…….    All the muscles tremble and quiver, a constant state of erethism throughout the economy……Choreic motions.”
 ”The mental state is really the greatest part of Hyos. Talking, passive delirium, imaginations, illusions, hallucinations; talking rousing up and talking with a delirious manifestation, and then stupor. These alternate through complaints.”
 ”He is in alternate states. One minutes he raves, and another he scolds in delirium, in excitement; the next he is in stupor. Finally in a typhoid state, after he has progressed some time he passes into quite a profound stupor. Early in the case he can be roused and he answers questions correctly, and he seems to know what you have said to him, but the instant he finishes the last answer he appears to be sound asleep.”
 ALLEN: “In delirium, Hyos. Occupies a place midway between Bell. And Stram. ; it lacks the constant cerebral congestion of the former and the fierce rage and maniacal delirium of the latter.”
 ”Whole body cold with burning redness of face; chill alternating with beat (Bell.); cannot bear to talked to (Cina, Sil.) or hear the least noise (Gels.).”
 ”Burning heat all over, skin hot and dry, to touch, with distended veins (Bell.). The skin burning in place touched (Bell.). epileptiform convulsions (Stram.). sleeplessness .Throws bed clothes off, not because they are warm, but will not remain covered."
 ”Fever: pneumonia, scarlatina, rapidly becomes typhoid; sensorium clouded, staring eyes, grasping at flocks or picking bed clothes, teeth covered with sordes, tongue dry and unwieldy, involuntary stool and urine, subsultus tendinum.”
 HERING: “Fever cases in which torpor of entire organism predominates; dull, fixed expression of face, delirium is lacking; or if present it consists of a confused farrago of comlex images; the perceptive faculty is almost suspended.”
 Attempts to escape (in delirium); plays with the genitals (during fever, Boericke).
 CLINICAL: Typhoid fever (high fever and delirium); low forms of fever; continued fever; febrile state lower than Bell. Or Stram.
 POTENCY: 3c to 200c.
 Compatible:  Bell., Puls., Stram.
 Antidotes  : Bell., Stram.


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