
 KENT: “Ipecac., has a wide sphere of action among acute illnesses……The febrile conditions commence with pain in the back between the shoulders, extending down the back, as if it would break, with or without rigors, much fever, vomiting of bile and seldom any thirst.”
 ”All the complaints in Ipecac. Are attended more or less with nausea; every little pain and distress is attended with nausea….When Ipecac., does its best work there is thirstlessness.”
 ”Ipecac., is sometimes as restless as Ars., but the Ipecac. Prostration come sby spells, whereas the Ars. Prostration is continuous. You will see Ipecac. Patients tossing over the bed as much as they do when they need Rhus, turning and tossing and moving the hands and feet with restlessness. This is especially the case when the spine is somewhat involved. Ipecac. Has symptoms that look like tetanus; it has opisthotonos, and it has been a useful remedy in cerebro-spinal meningitis with vomiting of bile, with pain in the back of the head and neck; and drawing of the muscles of the back, retracting the head. When cerebro-spinal meningitis has gone on until the patient is emaciated, when remedies have seemed but to palliate momentarily, and the whole body is inclined backwards, and there is vomiting of everything, even the simplest article taken into the stomach, the tongue is red and raw, and there is constant nausea and vomiting of bile, Ipecac., will cure.”
 ”ALLEN: “Cough with rattling of mucus in bronchi when inspiring (Ant-t.); threatened suffocation from mucus.”
 ”Chill worse in a warm room, or from external heat (Apis), lessened by drinking and in the open air.”
 ”Heat with thirst; usually long lasting; over whole body, with alternate coldness and paleness of face; nausea and vomiting; anxious, oppressed breathing, and dry, hacking cough, often exciting nausea and vomiting; cold hands and feet.”
 The tongue is at first clean; then coated yellowish or white; pale in all cases.
 ”Relapses from improprieties in diet is always an additional indication for Ipecac…..In all forms and types of fever, reckless or overeating is perhaps the most frequent cause of relapse.”
 HERING: “worm fever, with retching, blue rings around eyes, vomiting with a clean tongue.”
 CLINICAL : Catarrhal fever; gastric fever; hectic fever; infantile remittent fever, cerebro-spinal meningitis; broncho-pneumonia; scarlet fever.
 POTENCY : All potencies work.
 Is followed well by : Ant-t., Ars., Bell., Bry., Cham., China., Nux-V., Phos., Sulp.
 Antidotes : Arn., Ars., Chin., Nux-v.
 It antidotes: Ant-t., Arn., Ars., Chin., Op.


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