Mercurius solubilis

 KENT: “The complaints of Merc. When sufficiently acute to send him to bed are worse from the warmth of bed, so that he is forced to uncover, but after he uncovers and cools off he gets worse again, so that he has difficulty in keeping comfortable. This applies to the pain, the fever, ulcers and eruptions and the patient himself.”
 ”Think of Merc., it you are called to a child with sweating of the head, dilated pupils, rolling of the head, and aggravation at night, who has had scarlet fever or a suppressed ear discharge. Merc. Cures lingering febrile conditions analogous to the typhoid state, but caused by suppressed ear discharge.”
 ”Merc., is full of fever. Very seldom, however, has it a true, idiopathic, continued fever. It stands very low for continued fever. It stands very low for continued fever alone, but it is especially indicated in surgical fevers, at first remittent, but later continued, such as come on from the suppression of discharges. In surgical fevers, bilious fevers, worm fever in children, and remittent fevers there is much aching in the bones, great sensitiveness to the air, aggravation at night in bed when the fever runs highest, mercurial breath and sallow skin. It acts wonderfully in catarrhal fevers, grippe, etc., and when cold extends to the chest and there are copious discharges everywhere. It is suitable in quasi-typhoids that have come out of remittents, symptomatic typhoids, when the patient is icteric, low, prostrated, tremulous, with quivering muscles, great exhaustion fever.”
 HERING: “Continued or remittent fevers, particularly when complicated with enlargement or subacute inflammation of liver.”
 ALLEN: “Ptyalism; profuse fetid; metallic saliva; soapy, stringy.”
 ”Tongue: large, flabby, shows imprint of teeth.”
 ”Intense thirst, although the tongue looks moist and the saliva is profuse (dry mouth but no thirst, Puls.).”
 ”Chilliness on going into the open air (Rhus---reverse of Puls.).”
 ”Alternate sensation of heat and chilliness; not perceptible to external touch.”
 ”Heat in bed; chilly when not in bed.”
 ”Sweat in bed; chilly when not in bed.”
 ”Worse while sweating; weakness aggravated (Rhus).”
 Cause: atmospheric variations, exposure to cold, to damp places, to cold wet weather.
 CLINICAL : Infective hepatitis; catarrhal fever.
 POTENCY : 6, 30 and 200 commonly used.
 Followed well by: Bell., Hep., Chin., Sul.
 Follows : Bell., Hep., Sul.
 Antidoted by : Chel.


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