Natrium muriaticum

 HERING: “Fever, with violent headache; much heat in face; great thirst, drinks much and often; excessive weakness, with nausea and vomiting; stitches in head; unconsciousness; blindness, blurred sight; faintishness; aversion to uncover; without chill, 10 to 11 a.m. ”
 ALLEN: “Tongue; mapped, with red insular patches….”
 ”Fever blisters, like pearls about the lips; lips dry, sore and cracked ulcerated.”
 ”Long and severe chill from 10 to 11 a.m.  beginning in the feet, fingers and toes, or small of the back (Gels.), with blue lips and nails (Nux).”
 ”Heat, with increased thirst; intolerable, hammering headache (as if beaten with a thousand hammers) with stupefaction and unconsciousness (Bell., Cact., Op.). or obscuration of sight and fainting.”
 ”Long severe heat, with excessive weakness, which compels him to lie down. Great thirst for large quantities of water; drinks much and often, which refreshes (Bry. Drinks little and often, but it produces vomiting-----Ars.). Nausea and vomiting (Ipec.).”
 ”Continuous heat in the afternoon, with violent headache and unconsciousness; they are gradually relieved during the perspiration which follows.”
 ”The heart’s pulsations shake the body.”
 Cause : Exposure to emanations from salt or fresh water; living on or in the vicinity of water, margins of streams, or ponds; in damp regions or near recently turned up soil, especially freshly plowed fields of virgin soil.”
 CLINICAL: Rheumatic fever (with chilliness); scarlet fever (with drowsiness, twitching, vomiting of watery fluids); measles (with excessive secretion of tears or saliva); fevers of every type.
 POTENCY : All potencies are considered effective.
 Complementary: Apis.


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