
 KENT : “The patient himself, generally considered, is sensitive to cold. All his complaints are worse from cold, and cold the complaints of the head and stomach, which are ameliorated from cold…….”
 ”Weakness prevails in a marked degree, finally becoming paralysis or paralytic weakness such as occurs in most forms of typhoid fever, with sliding down in bed, trembling and jerking of the muscles.”
 ”Apathy or indifference; indifferent to his friends and surroundings……Answers no questions, takes no notice of his family and things about him, answers slowly, thinks sluggishly, seems dazed or in a stupor…………Delirium of low forms of fever……”
 ”The lips become black, brown and cracked as in low forms of fever…..In acute and chronic complaints there is violent thirst; thirst for ice-cold drinks. Wants something refreshing; is ameliorated momentarily by drinking cold things, but the thirst appears as soon as water gets warm in the stomach.”
 ALLEN: “Chilliness every evening, with shivering, with aversion to uncovering. Chill alternating with heat (Ars.); veins of hands swollen; yawning; gooseflesh.”
 ”Heat and sweat at night, with ravenous hunger, that could not be appeased (hunger in every stage Cina).”
 ”Hunger, must eat during chill and heat, before he can get up; feels faint, wants cold food ice water, ice cream. Regurgitation of food, in mouthfuls, with nausea.”
 CLINICAL: Painless fevers, adynamic fevers (with lack of thirst but unnatural hunger); pulmonary febrile ailments; typhoid; yellow fever (haemorrhagic forms).
 POTENCY: The 30th potency seems to be the safest; but Phos. Has been given in both lower and higher potencies with good results.
 Antidoted by     : Nux-v., Coff., Tereb.
 Compatible  :  Ars., Bell., Bry., Chin., Nux-v., Puls., Rhus-t., Sil., Sulp.
 Incompatible   : Caust.
 Complementary   :  Ars., Cepa.


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