
 KENT: “Violent chill intermingled with heat and sweat, or dry heat with marked aching in the limbs; restlessness relieved by motion and heat. The sore, bruised condition is as marked as in Arn. And Bapt.; the aching in the bones like Eup-per., the restlessness, relieved by motion and heat like Rhus., complaints come on from becoming cold, and from cold damp weather.”
 ”These features are found in hectic fevers in the last stage of phthisis, as well as septic fevers. It aborts puerperal fever in a few hours when clearly indicated. In cases of typhoid where there is the confusion like that found in Bapt. And the heat is too intense for that remedy, Pyr., should always be considered. When the temperature reaches 106° and there is great soreness and aching this remedy will make great changes in a single day; but if the pains are better by motion and heat; it will abort the fever.”
 ”When the pulse is extremely high, and the temperature not correspondingly high this remedy will be useful. On the other hand, when the pulse and temperature are out of rhythm either way this remedy should be considered if the case is of septic origin.”
 ”It is a most useful remedy when there is threatening heart failure in septic and zymotic fevers……..It will often save life in the most dangerous and rapid septic fevers.”
 ”Loquacity; can think and talk faster than ever before, especially during fever.”
 ”Frequent calls to urinate as the fever comes on.”
 ”Heart failure in septic fevers, worse by least motion…….Rapid, irregular, fluttering pulse.”
 ”Hot sweat with high temperature.”
 ALLEN : “The bed feels hard (Ars.); parts lain on feel sore and bruised (Bapt., Nux-m.); rapid decubitus (Carb-ac.).”
 ”Great throbbing of the temporal arteries, every pulsation felt through the head.”
 ”Circumcribed redness of the cheeks.”
 ”Chill: begins in the back, between scapulae; severe general of bones and extremities; marking onset of septic fever; temperature 103 to 106; heat sudden, skin dry and burning; pulse rapid, small, wiry, 140 to 170; cold clammy sweat follows.”
 Taste: Sweetish; terribly fetid; pus like; as from an abscess.”
 Cause : “Sepsis intestinalis from eating ice-cream, cheese, sausage or canned meat undergoing the putrefactive process; sepsis following abortion, labour or surgical operations; sewer gas poisoning.”
 BOGER : “Quickly oscillating temperature. Chilly, wants to breathe heat of fire. Fever at menses. Fiery red, smooth tongue. Hallucinations. Sudden pulsation, with fever and intense restlessness. Foul taste, secretions, odor of body, etc.”
 BOERICKE : “Temperature rises rapidly. Great heat with profuse hot sweat, but sweating does not cause a fall in temperature.”
 MATHUR : “Fan-like motion of alae nasi (Lyco., Ant-t.).”
 ROMER: “I have found this remedy to be useful particularly at the onset of lymphangitis, formation of furuncles, flu and erysipelas always in cases where coldness or chills preceded the fever. They were mostly accompanied by intestinal catarrh. With horribly offensive diarrhoea, general restlessness and desire to move in bed.”
 CLINICAL : Septic fever; typhoid conditions; influenza, etc.
 POTENCY : 6 to 1m potency. The medicine should be repeated until the effect is seen.
 It follows well after : Bry., rhus-t.
 Complementary : Ars.
 Compare : Arn., Bapt;, Rhus-t., Ars;, Tar-c.
 Note : “When once the idea of its essential action is grasped an infinity of applications become apparent.”


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