Rhus toxicodendron

 KENT: “The complaints of this remedy come on from cold damp weather, from being exposed to cold damp air when perspiring. The patient is sensitive to cold air and all his complaints are made worse from cold and all are better from warmth. In a general way, the aching pains, the bruised feelings over the body, restlessness throughout the limbs, and amelioration from motion are features that prevail throughout all conditions of Rhus…….Any continued exertion of the body or mind exhausts the Rhus patient. He suffers from rheumatic conditions with pains in the bones, lameness in the muscles, lameness in the tendons, ligaments, and joints from suppression of sweat, from becoming chilled. These occur with or without fever.”
 ”It has cured many cases of intermittent fever, is often suitable in remittent fever, and is a most useful remedy in continued fevers and in a low form of typhoid fever.”
 ”Most of the mental symptoms of Rhus are such as prevail during low forms of fever, especially in typhoid. There is then incoherent talking; answers questions hastily. There is anxiety, apprehensions, and fear. Intense fear at night. The complaints of Rhus often come on in the night.”
 ”Inflammation of the lungs; inflammation of the pleura with stitching pains, much fever, progressing towards the typhoid state with aching in the bones; restlessness; general amelioration from motion; intense fever, marked thirst, great prostration; typhoid symptoms. The pneumonia is of a low type; pneumonia such as would denominate typhoid.”
 ”Rhus is a useful remedy in fevers……..It is a very useful remedy in scarlet fever with coarse rash. When the rash has been suppressed with inflammation of the glands and much sore throat. During fever there is often violent urticaria which passes off during the sweat; night sweat with much itching eruption; fevers from suppressed foot sweat; rheumatic fevers; fevers worse at night; fevers that come with cold sores on the lips, remittent fevers and intermittent fevers take on the typhoid and run through their course as symptomatic typhoid fever.”
 ”Cause : Rheumatic exposure, especially getting wet when overheated; after a drenching from rain and neglecting the precaution of changing the wet clothes; too frequent cold bathing in ponds or streams; going in swimming too often in midsummer. Living in damp rooms; sleeping in damp beds; fevers occurring in damp; wet weather.”
 ”Shivering heat and perspiration over body at the same time (chill and heat alternating or simultaneously, Ant-t., Ars., Calc.), without thirst.”
 ”Cough during chill; teasing, fatiguing (dry, racking, with pain and pleuritic stitches in chest, Bry.).”
 ”Heat with thirst. General heat at 10 a.m.  with yawning, drowsy, tired feeling as if dashed with hot water, excessive heat, as from hot water running through the blood-vessels, without thirst with throbbing, dull headache, pressure and swelling at pit of stomach, and diarrhoea with cutting pain in abdomen, may last all night.”
 ”No cough in heat, but urticaria breaks out over entire body with violent itching, increased by rubbing, with great heat and thirst, drinks little and often; lips dry.”
 ”Restless, constantly changing position (Ars.).
 Shuddering on moving or uncovering.”
 ”Sleep during sweat (Podo.).”
 ”Tongue: coated white, often on one side; takes imprint of teeth (Merc., Podo.); with red, triangular tip, sore, cracked…….Hunger, without appetite; craving for milk; cold water;……”
 ”Hydroa on the lips (Nat.-m).”
 CLINICAL: Typhoid; dengue fever; influenza; pleurisy; measles; pneumonia; septicaemia; scarlet fever, rheumatic fever; typhus; continued fever; cerebro-spinal meningitis.
 ”Vertigo; delirium, epileptiform convulsions (Hyos.).”
 ”During chill, heat in head and face; during the hot stage, cold feet and legs; during sweat, cannot bear to be uncovered.”
 ”During fever, in children, they cry out in sleep, start suddenly, twitch and jerk; eyes half-open; pupils dilated; urine suppressed.”
 HERING: “Fever, with profuse sweat, which does not relieve.”
 ”Gastric fevers, with jerking of arms and fingers.”
 ”Stool and urine suppressed.”
 CLINICAL: Basilar meningitis (from suppressed ear discharge). Typhoid; meningitis; yellow fever; gastric fevers; continued fever.
 POTENCY: 6th to 200th potency.
 Is followed well by  : Acon., Bry., Nux-v., Pyrog.
 Follows well after  : Bell., Cupr., Hyos.
 Incompatible  : Coffee.
 Antidoted by :  Bell., Hyos., Nux-v.


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