Concerning the remedies
 The remedies are put up as medicated pellets; their most convenient form for carrying, and for keeping in good condition.
 A DOSE consists of half a dozen pellets-less or more.
 It may be given dry on the tongue, to be dissolved before swallowing.
 Or, where quick effect is wanted in acute conditions, dissolve half a dozen pellets in half a tumbler of water, stir, and administer in doses of a dessertspoonful six hours apart; or in very urgent conditions, every hour, or half hour for a few doses, till reaction sets in, then stop, so long as improvement is maintained.
 CAMPHOR ANTIDOTES MOST OF THE MEDICINES. So the camphor bottle must be kept away from the medicine chest.
 POTENCIES. - The best potencies for initial experiments in Homeopathy are the 12th and the 30th.

 (see "fevers")
 Aconitum napellus
 Sudden fever, with chills, throbbing pulses. Restless and anxious. From cold dry winds.
 Gelsemium sempervirens
 Fever, with headache. Eyelids heavy. Limbs heavy ; aches all over. Chills up and down back. Chills and heats chase each other.
 Eupatorium perfoliatum
 Aching in bones, as if broken. Lumbar aching. Headache, dare not move for pain. Chills in back (gels.).
 Baptisia tinctoria
 Drowsy and comatose. Dull-red face. Besotted appearance. Drops asleep while answering. 'Flu-pneumonias with this besotted condition. Or 'flu, with gastric and bowel troubles. Tongue may be very foul. Typhoid and putrid conditions.
 Bryonia alba
 White tongue. Thirsty. Irritable. Wants to lie quite still; to be let alone. Especially indicated where there is threatening pleurisy, or pleuro-pneumonia. Bryonia is better for pressure, and worse for movement.
 Mercurius solubilis
 Profuse, very offensive sweat. Very foul mouth. Salivation. Worse when sweating.
 Severe aching, esp. thighs and lower part back. "Bapt-only more so!" Extreme restlessness. (Rhus Ars.) Chills in back. (Gels.)
 Arsenicum album
 Extreme mental restlessness and distress; prostation.
 Repetition of dose
 Every four hours till better.

 Natrium muriaticum
 Attack begins about 10 a.m.  Backache, small of back, relieved by hard pressure. Lies on back, on a hard cushion, for relief. Irritable. Hates fuss. Wants to be let alone. Great remedy for malaria, or for after-effetcs of malaria and drugging with quinine.  To prevent. Take a dose of Natrum mur. Three times a day on one day in every four weeks.
 Eupatorium perfoliatum
 "Break-bone fever." Malaria with Severe bone pains. Muscles, and all bones and joints, and lumbar muscles, painful. Painful soreness of eyeballs. Severe headache, worse for moving. Bilious headache. Soreness and throbbing at back of head. There may be retching and vomiting of bile. Great thirst before the chill, or before vomiting.
 Arsenicum album
 Great restlessness. Great anxiety. Great prostration. Anguish and tossing. Wants to move; to be moved; to get out of bed; to be put in another bed or room. Thirst for frequent small drinks.
 Gelsemium sempervirens
 Symptoms indefinite. Weariness and heaviness. Shivering and chills. (See "Fever.") Repetition of dose. Every four hours till better.

 Fevers in general
 Aconitum napellus
 Sudden, simple fever, from CHILL, STRESS, EXCITEMENT, FRIGHT, SHOCK, FATIGUE, after OPERATIONS. From COLD DRY winds. Early stages of illness, with aconite symptoms, viz: Restlessness. Anguish. Fear: fear of death. Worse at night. Pulses throbbing and bounding; rapid. Throbbing and palpitation. (Acts like charm.) (N. B-Later on, in severe illness, ARSENICUM is mentally, very like ACONITE. But  Aconite is a superficial, quick-acting remedy, for sudden, acute conditions.)
 Flushed. Brilliant eyes and cheeks. Pupils dilated. Dry, burning heat of skin, throat, face. Dry mouth and throat. Sore, dry, red. May be delirious. Early stages of INFLAMMATIONS. Jerking and twitching in sleep. Pains throbbing in character. Scarlet fever type of fevers, and SCARLET FEVER. Protects against scarlet fever. Palliative and abortive in early stages of all inflammations-visible parts red, hot, swollen and dry.
 Ferrum phosphoricum
 Half way between Acon. and Phos. lacks the fear of Aconite, the burning of bell. And the intense thirst of Phos.
 Gelsemium sempervirens
 Influenzal types of fever. VERY HEAVY EYELIDS and LIMBS. Aching, head and limbs. Chills up and down back. Feverish colds with severe headache, and the Gelsemium HEAVINESS and CHILLS. Usually thirstless. Useful in measles. (Puls. Bell.)

 Arsenicum album
 Extreme mental restlessness; anxiety; prostration. (Comp. Rhus Acon.)
 Baptisia tinctoria
 Drowsy,dusky-red face; comatose.
 Pneumonia, with this besotted condition. TYPHOID, and typhoid conditions. Gastric and bowel troubles, with this state-drowsy, dusky-red, comatose. Gastric forms of influenza. Thyphoid forms of influenza.

TYPHOID. (Pyrogen.) (See Typhoid Section.)
 Bryonia alba
 WORSE FROM MOVEMENT. Dry mucous membranes. White tongue. Thirst. Irritable. Dry, hard, dark stool. Dry inflammations of " serous" membranes, as in pleurisy, meningitis, inflamed joints. Bryonia's pains are sharp, and provoked by motion; even by breathing. Better pressure.
 Rhus toxicodendron
 RESTLESSNESS. Pain will not let patient lie still; even though movement hurts. Restless, but not the anguish and mental restlessness of aconite and Arsenicum. Worse for COLD, for DAMP, and when at rest. Chilly.
 Mercurius solubilis
 Very offensive sweat. Foul, very offensive mouth and tongue. Thirst, with salivation. Sweet, or salt, or filthy taste.
 Arnica montana
 Desperate cases, typhoid,etc., where the patient says he is quite well. Or, intense soreness, where the bed feels too hard
 Fevers at 9 a. m., with frantic irritability. Repetition of dose. Every four hours till better.

 Chest medicines. bronchitis-pleurisy-pneumonia
 Aconitum napellus
 Sudden fever, after chill, stress or cold dry winds. Throbbing pulses. Tightness of chest. Difficult breathing. Anxiety and distress. (Early stages.)
 Veratrum viride
 Sudden, violent congestion. Bloated, livid face. Slow, heavy breathing: must sit up. Dry, red streak centre of tongue. Rapidly swinging temp. With sweat. Rapid full pulse with violent excitement of heart.
 Face red. Eyes bright. Skin hot. Early stages of inflammations. Pains throbbing. Cannot lie on painful side. (Rev. of Bry.) Cases where there is noisy delirium.
 Ferrum phosphoricum
 Half-way between Acon. and Phos. in congestions and inflammations. Lacks the anxiety of Acon., the burning of Bell., and the intense thirst of Phos.
 Bryonia alba
 Dry, painful cough; hurts head, like a pressure. Tightness in chest. (Phos.) Stitching pains in chest, worse with movement and respiration. Bryonia patient is irritable. Thirsty for large quantities. Dry mouth. Pains worse for movement; better for pressure. Lies on sore side, or back. Pleurisy, pneumonia, pleuro-pneumonia with above symptoms.
 Kalium carbonicum
 The pains are cutting and stabbing, and independent of respiration and movement. Right lower lung especially: (left, Nat. Sul.) Worse 3 a.m.. -Asthma, and c. (Nat. Sul., 4-5.) Pericardium may be involved.

 Natrium sulphuricum
 Asthma and pneumonia, left base. Worst hour 4 to 5 a. m. Copious, greenish, purulent sputum. Depressed, hopeless, mustn't be spoken to. Turns his face away. Feels very ill.
 Early stages of bronchitis. Coarse wheezing. (Ant. Tart.) Spasmodic cough. (Asthma.) Nausea. It even persists after vomiting.
 Antimonium tartaricum
 Rattling in chest (Ipec.), usually later stages. Cannot get sputum up; choked with it lungs filling up. Blueness-lips, finger-nails. Dusky. Hates touch and interference. Not thirsty as a rule. Especially useful in children and old people.
 Tightness of chest. Bright blood in sputum. Or " prune-juice" sputum. Consolidation, especially lower lobe of right lung. Great thirst for cold drinks; iced. Anxiety if alone. Nervous in the dark. Cannot lie on left side. Hoarseness. Especially pneumonias of right base (Kali C.) But¸ with such symptoms, useful in every hind of chest complaint.
 Ammonium carbonicum
 Typical winter brochitis. Chests of old people. Fluids all acrid from nose, eyes, anus, etc. Face dusky and puffy. Coldness, prostration, weakness of chest. Wakes at 3 a.m.  With coldness and dyspnoea.
 Mercurius solubilis
 Excessive offensive sweat. Salivation: Mouth and breath foul and offensive.

 Baptisia tinctoria
 Influenzal pneumonias of bad type. "Typhoid pneumonias". Dull red face. Drowsy-comatose. Typhoid conditions. Mouth and tongue may be foul; putrid. Gastro-intestinal tract may be affected also. Repeat four-hourly till better. In pneumonia medicine should be continued, but less frequently, till temperature not only comes down but remains down for twenty-four hours.
 Or a pneumonia may need
 In a typical Sulph. patient.
 Tuberculinum bovinum kent
 Where there is a family history of consumption or any tuberculous disease.
 Lycopodium clavatum
 Where the patient is always worse at 4 p.m.  Forehead wrinkled and frowning. Wings of the nose flapping. Desire for hot drinks. Give one dose, or two, 6 hours apart.
 N.B. -With acute chests, pneumonias, and broncho-pneumonias, treat afterwards to avoid further attacks.
 Spasmodic croup
 There is a celebrated group of homeopathic remedies for Spasmodic Croup, sold for years as "Boeninghausen's Croup Powders." They are five in number. ACONITE, HEPAR, SPONGIA, hepar, SPONGIA: in that order, and should so many be required. Give at two-to four-hourly intervals, according to the urgency of the case.
 Whooping cough
 Drosera rotundifolia
 "Dros. 30, a single dose, not repeated, will cure epidemic whooping-cough in seven to nine days, on a non-medicinal diet." HAHNEMANN; (Often verified.)
 N.B. -No camphor, or camphorated oil: camphor absolutely antidotes Dros. violent, spasmodic cough, ends with retching. Violent impulses to cough, so that he can hardly get his breath between. Crawling in larynx provokes the spasms. Pain in abdomen during cough: must hold it.
 Kalium carbonicum
 Violent cough, causes vomiting.(Dros.) Worse at 3 a.m. , and thereafter. Swelling, like a little sac, above eyes.
 Carbo vegetabilis
 Attacks of violent spasmodic cough in paroxysms, with cold sweat and cold pinched face during attack. "One of the greatest medicines in beginning of whooping-cough. Gagging, vomiting, and redness of face. "Cough apt to occur after a full meal. "Burning pain in chest after cough."

 Scarlet fever
 Bright-red, hot face. Glossy, scarlet skin: intense heat: "burns the hand." Eyes red, injected: pupils later very dilated. Lips, mouth, throat, red, dry, burning. Jerking, twitching: possibly wild delirium. (Apis is better cool, uncovered: Bell. Better warm. Bell. Has more thirst than Apis.) "Where Bell. Has been used for prophylaxis, or cure, cases abort, or run a mild course; leave no sequeloe; are not infectious."
 Apis mellifica
 Rough rash, or rash does not come out. Throat oedematous, with stinging pain. Convulsions, when rash fails to appear. Worse heat: covering: warm room. (Bell. needs heat.)
 Ailanthus glandulosa
 "Malignant scarlet fever." Rash plentiful, bluish: or slow to appear: patchy, and livid. Throat livid, swollen: deep ulcers (tonsils). Pupils widely dilated. (Bell.) Semi-conscious; restless; muttering. Tongue, dry, parched, cracked.
 Mercurius solubilis
 Sore, foul mouth-throat-tonsils. Perspiration which aggravates the symptoms.
 Rhus toxicodendron
 Acute diseases take on typhoid form. "Rhus supplants Bell. if child gets drowsy and restless." Tongue red, or (characteristic) red tip.
 Ammonium carbonicum
 Malignant (Ail.). Somnolent: red rash: putrid throat; patchy surface. Blood-poisoning: great dyspnoea. Face dusky and puffy.
 Lachesis mutus
 Advanced-malignant-with purple face. Worse for heat. Bursting, hammering (head). Throat worse left side: may extend to right. Nothing must touch throat. Loquacious delirium; sleeps into aggravation.

 Aconitum napellus
 Catarrh, sharp fever, before rash diagnoses. High fever, red conjunctivae, dry cough. Itching, burning skin: rough miliary rash. Restless, frightened, worse at night.
 Gelsemium sempervirens
 Chills and heats chase one another. Sneezing: sore throat. Excoriating discharge nostrils. (Euph. bland, with acrid discharge. eyes.) Severe heavy headache: occipital pain. Thirstless: drowsy: stupid. Lids heavy: face dark-red, besotted (Bapt.).
 Euphrasia officinalis
 Cases with great catarrhal intensity. Acrid, watery lachrymation, with streaming bland discharge from nose. (rev. All. cepa.)
 Pulsatilla pratensis
 Catarrhal symptoms: profuse lachrymation. Dry mouth, but seldom thirst. (Acon and puls. have an old reputation for measles, but, " If much fever, Puls. will not be the remedy.")
 Kalium bichromicum
 "Like Puls., only worse." Follows puls. in more severe cases. Purulent discharge eyes and ears. Possibly pustules on cornea. Salivary glands swollen: catarrhal deafness.
 " Purplish measles may need Sulphur." Modifies case if skin dusky, and rash not out. Slow convalescence, patient weak and prostate.
 Cases that simulate scarlet fever. Red, burning heat, big pupils.
 Bryonia alba
 Rash slow to appear: dry, painful cough. Or rash disappears: child drowsy, pale, twitching face, chewing motions. Mild delirium, "Wants to go home!" at home. Bronchitis or pneumonia with Bry. symptoms.

 Suppressed eruptions, and brain affected
 Apis mellifica
 Rash goes in, and brain symptoms appear. Stupor with stinging pains, extorting cries, (crie cerebrale). Thirstless: worse from heat, hot room, fire. Better cool air. Urine scanty.
 Cuprum metallicum
 Symptoms violent. Starts from sleep. Spasms, cramps, convulsions. Cramps of fingers and toes, or start there.
 Zincum metallicum
 When child is too weak to develop eruption. Rash comes out sparingly. Body rather cool. Lies in stupor, grinding teeth. Dilated pupils: squinting and rolling eyes. Fidgety feet.
 Rash not properly out. Hot, bright-red face (Bell.) Tosses: cries, as if frightened, in sleep. Convulsive motions, but not angular (Hyos.).
 Bryonia alba
 Rash disappears, child drowsy. Pale twitching face (Bell. red.). Chewing motion of jaws (Zinc. Grits teeth). Mild delirium: "wants to go home."
 Kidney trouble following scarlet fever
 Terebinthinae oleum
 Albuminuria and uraemia following scarlet fever. Intoxication, confusion, better profuse urination. Often indicated in dropsy after scarlet fever. Haematuria: urine cloudy and smoky. "Haematuria, dyspnoea, drowsiness." Tongue dry and glossy.

 Mercurius cyanatus
 Is almost specific. Especially where the mouth is foul, and there is a vile taste.
 Lachesis mutus
 Mouth not foul, disease left side: may cross to right. Face and throat look cyanotic. Choking. Great sensitiveness throat; patient cannot stand touch of clothing. Aggravation from heat: after sleep. The longer the sleep, the worse on waking. Mental: loquacity and suspicion.
 Lycopodium clavatum
 Mouth not foul; disease right side, may go to left. Warm drinks more easily swallowed: (rev. of Lach.) but reverse sometimes the case. Nostrils flap; frowning forehead.
 Phytolacca decandra
 Membrane gray or white,(?) starts on uvula. May spread from right tonsil to left (Lyc.) But, unlike Lyc., worse from heat. Fauces dark red: complains of lump or red-hot ball stuck in throat. Pain goes to ear in swallowing.
 Lac caninum
 Nervous, imaginative, highly sensitive. Skin hypersensitive (Lach.) Membrane pearly. Milky coating on tongue. Characteristic feature is alternation of sides: jumps from side to side, and back.
 Arsenicum album
 Membrane dry, shriveled: with anxiety, restlessness and prostration. Worse 1a.m.  :1-2 a.m.  Thirst for frequent sips of cold water.
 Malignant from onset. Painless. Dark-red swelling tonsils and throat. Breath and discharges very offensive. Temp. low, or subnormal. Prostration and collapse from the start. Patient, from the first, seems doomed.

 Mercurius corrosivus
 Persistent straining before, during, and after stool (rev. of Nux). Scanty stools of bloody or shreddy slime. Stools excoriate, burn. Burning in rectum. "Never-get-done" sensation. Straining to pass hot urine, drop by drop.
 MERC. COR. IS ALMOST A SPECIFIC FOR DYSENTERY. Tongue large, flabby, tooth-notched. Mouth foul. Salivation.
 Nux vomica
 Stools of slimy mucus and blood, but small and unsatisfactory: with relief, pro tem.,after every stooI. Nux is irritable, hypersensitive, offended. Is chilly, with great aversion to uncovering. Gripping pains, now here, now there, in abdomen. COLIC.
 Much colic, only relieved by bending double, and pressing hard into abdomen.
 Dysenteric stools oozing from an open anus. Patient craves COLD DRINKS and food; ices.
 Dysentery with constant nausea. Stools with bright blood, or green mucus. Tongue clean with nausea.
 Arsenicum album
 RESTLESSNESS. ANGUISH. FEARFUL anxiety. Burning thirst for sips of cold water. Internal, violent burning pain, with cold extremities. Better heat, hot drinks. Great collapse and prostration. Tongue dry, to brown, or black. Putrid stools
 THE GREAT REMEDY IN PTOMAINE POISONING. (N.B. -Don't give Ars. in dysentery unless there is the Ars. restlessness, anxiety, and thirst for frequent small drinks.)
 Dose. Hourly or half-hourly till improvement.

 Some remedies of typhoid states in any disease/ typhoid
 Baptisia tinctoria
 Typhoid fever. Typhoid conditions in fevers. Rapid onset. Rapid course. Abdomen distends early. Odour horrible. Delirium. Besotted condition: purple, bloated face. Answers a word or two, and is back in stupor. Feels there are two of him. Is scatered. Tries to get the pieces together. (Pyrog.) In typhoid, "Bapt. Vies with Pyrog. And Arn." N.B. -In recent provings of Bapt. On examination of the blood, the typical typhoid agglutination was found to occur.
 (BURNETT'S great remedy for typhoid.) Bed feels hard. (Bapt.) Great restlessness: must constantly move (Rhus), to relieve soreness of parts. (Arn.) Tongue(typically) clean, smooth, fiery-red; or dry and cracked.  
 Horribly offensive diarrhoea. (Bapt.) Sense of duality. (Bapt.) Pulse quick: (characteristically) out of all proportion to temperature.
 Rhus toxicodendron
 "Fever take on the typhoid type, with triangular red-tipped tongue and restlessness" Cannot rest in any position. (Pyrog.) Slow and difficult mentation. May answer correctly. Talks to himself. Refuses food and medicine. Fears that people want to poison him. (Hyos., Lach.) Dreams of strenuous exertion.

 Bryonia alba
 A most persistent remedy: develops slowly. Lacerating, throbbing, jerking headache. Nausea, whitish tongue, bitter taste. Thirst for large cold drinks. (Phos.) "Nervous, versatile or cerebral typhoid." Sluggishness, then complete stupefaction. When roused, is confused: sees images. Thinks he is away, and wants to go home. Irrational talk: prattles of his business: Worse after 3p.m.  Delirium apt to start about 9 p.m.  Wants to be quiet. Pain limbs, when moving. Tongue dry. Easily angered. Faint if sits up.
 Arnica montana
 Says she is "So well!" when desperately ill can be roused, answers correctly, then goes back into stupor. (Bapt., Phos. a.) "I am not sick: I did not send for you: go away!" Foul breath-stool. Haemorrhagic tendency. "Bed feels so hard." (Bapt., Pyrog.) "So sore," can only lie on one part a little time: restlessness from this cause. Involuntary and unnoticed stools and urine.
 Arsenicum album
 Rapid sinking of strength: great emaciation. Least effort exhausts. Great restlessness: constantly moves head and limbs: trunk still, because of extreme weakness. Face distorted, hippocratic, sunken, anxious. Rapid sinking of forces: extreme prostration. ANXIETY: RESTLESSNESS: EXHAUSTION. Thinks he must die. (Arn. Says "not ill.") Worse 1-2 a.m.  and p.m.  Cadaveric aspect: cadaveric smelling stools. Thirst for cold sips.

 Abdomen distended, sore, very sensitive to touch. (lach.) Worse lying left side: better right. Stools offensive, body, involuntary. The anus appearing to remain open. (Apis.) Burning in stomach: burning thirst for cold water. Ices: ice cream.( Ars. Burning, better heat.) Fear in dark alone: thunder. Suspicious. Especially useful in typhoid pneumonias.
 Lachesis mutus
 Loquacity: delirium with great loquacity. Face puffy, purple, mottled. Much rumbling in distended abdomen Clothing must not touch abdomen or throat.
 Tongue swells: difficult to protrude. Suspicious; "Trying to poison her!" (Rhus.) Worse after sleep: sleeps into aggravation. Cold, clammy. (Crot. Cold, dry.) Stool with dark blood.
 Terebinthinae oleum
 Tongue bright-red, smooth, glazed. (Pyrog.) Extreme tympanitis. Thick scanty urine: mixed with blood, or cloudy, smoky, albuminous. Diarrhoea with blood intermixed. Fresh ecchymoses in great numbers. (Arn.)
 Crotalus horridus
 Typhoid with decomposition of blood and haemorrhages-anywhere. Intestinal haemmorrhage; blood dark, fluid, non-coagulable. Tongue fiery-red, smooth, polished (Pyrog.),intensely swollen. Yellowness of skin is an indication for Crot. "Lach. cold and clammy: Crot. Cold and dry". Attacks with great rapidity. (Bapt.) Rapidly increasing unconsciousness. Besotted appearance. (Bapt.) Typhoid when it becomes putrid. Diseases of the the very lowest, the most putrid type, coming on with unusual rapidity.

 Phosphoricum acidum
 "One of our best remedies in typhoid." Simultaneous depression of animal, sensorial and mental life from the the start. Slowly increasing prostration. Advanced typhoid. Lies in stupor, unconscious of all that goes on: but if roused is fully conscious. (Arn.) Glassy stare, as if slowly comprehending. Tympanitic abdomen. Dry brown tongue. Discoloured lips, become black. Sordes. Bleeding from nose, lungs, bowels. Jaw drops: "as if must die of exhaustion."
 Hyoscyamus niger
 Fever rapidly become typhoid. (Bapt.) Sensorium clouded. Staring eyes. Carphology. Picks bedclothes. Tongue dry, unwieldy, rates in mouth, so dry. Teeth covered with sordes. Subsultus tendinum. Involuntary stool and urine. Mutters, or says no word for hours. Very suspicious: refuse medicine, thinks you are going to poison him. (Rhus.) Jealous. Alternately mild and timid, then violent. Will scratch, and try to injure. Exposes person.(Phos.) Wants to be naked. Talks to imaginary people: to dead people. Illusions: hallucinations: talking with delirium, then stupor. Busy with wallpaper, or imaginary things which he puts in rows, and leads like toys. Early, can be roused: later, complete unconsciousness.
 Muriaticum acidum
 "Also one of our best remedies in typhoid." Tongue dry, leathery, shrunken. Muscular prostration comes first, mind remains long clear (reverse of Phos. a.) Lower jaw drops. Slides down in bed. Cannot urinate without bowels acting. "Nearer to Carbo veg, than any remedy."

 Carbo vegetabilis
 " A sheet-anchor in low states of typhoid, in the the last stages of collapse; where there is coldness, cold sweat, great prostration; dyspnoea-wants to be fanned. Cold tongue." "Desperate cases. Blood stagnates in the capillaries." Blueness-coldness-ecchymoses. Can hardly breathe: "Fan me! Fan me!" Haemorrhages, dark, decomposed, unclotted. (Crot. Hor.) Indescribable paleness face and body.
 Blackwater fever
 Crotalus horridus
 Bleeding from every organ:--from every outlet of body. Urine, stools, vomit-all blood. Even bloody sweat (?). Skin yellow to pale green. A remedy for very rapid, acute conditions, with great prostration. (N.B. -Lachesis and Crotalus are much alike; but Lachesis is more blue, Crotalus more yellow.)
 Repetition of dose. Four-to six-hourly till better.

 Doubled up with colic. Pain only relieved by bending double, and pressing into abdomen.
 Cuprum metallicum
 Diarrhoea with cramps: abdomen, fingers; feet.
 China officinalis
 Painless diarrhoea. Much flatulence. Passes undigested food.
 Veratrum album
 Coldness. COLD SWEAT. Profuse evacuations with profuse cold sweat. Faint and collapsed with cold sweat forehead.
 Arsenicum album
 After eating ices; cold drinks when hot. After tainted meat and foods; after fruit. Relentless vomiting and purging.
 Carbo vegetabilis
 Diarrhoea from bad food (like Ars.), but with more distension.
 Podophyllum peltatum
 Excessive evacuations, very offensive: with much flatus and much colic.
 Phosphoricum acidum
 Like podoph. but not offensive, and no colic.
 Aloe socotrina
 Stool urgent: at once after eating.
 Diarrhoea from DAMP, or DAMP COLD.
 Half a dozen pellets hourly, till better. A quicker effect if they are dissolved in water for hourly dessertspoonfuls.
 Camphora officinalis
 Two drops of tincture on a lump of sugar quarter-hourly till better, generally quickly cures acute diarrhoea (see "Cholera").
 Keep camphor away from other medicines.

 Camphora officinalis
 For all early cases. Will generally promptly cure. Also for later cases, with coldness and collapse.
 Give a couple of drops of the strong tincture on sugar every five to fifteen minutes in bad cases, till reaction. (The strong tincture is a saturated solution of camphor in rectified spirits of wine.) (A lump of ordinary camphor in a small bottle of whisky or any such spirit will make a "saturated solution." The spirit dissolves only as much as it can.) N.B. -Always give camphor on sugar. In water it burns and nauseates. And keep camphor away from medicines.
 Cuprum metallicum
 Where cramps are the feature of the case, especially cramps in abdomen, fingers, calves, toes. (Copper poisoning and cholera are difficult to distinguish, and workers in copper mines are said never to get cholera.)
  A dozen pellets dry on the tongue; repeat every quarter hour in bad cases, or half-hourly to two to four in mild cases. Acts more rapidly if dissolved in half a tumbler of water and given in dessertspoonful doses.
 Veratrum album
 For the cases with very profuse evacuations, profuse vomiting and purging, and profuse cold sweat.
 As in CUPRUM.

 Cystitis-inflammation of the bladder
 Cantharis vesicatoria
 The great remedy. Painful urging to urinate. Painful discharge of a few drops of (? Bloody) urine. Burning and cutting pains during urination. Tongue may be fiery-red, or blistered. Helps, and may be curative in any disease, if these urinary symptoms are present.
 Mercurius corrosivus
 Straining to pass urine, which is passed drop by drop. But with Merc. Cor. the tongue is very foul, and the mouth offensive. Merc. Cor. has excessive straining of rectum and bladder.(Lil. Tigr.)
 Terebinthinae oleum
 "A less acute Canth." Soreness, abdomen and bladder. Urine, "odour of violets," typical. Bleeding bladder.
  Four-to six-hourly.

Traumatic remedies, etc.
 Red, hot face. Flushed. Headache, worse for light, noise, jar. Severe throbbing. Even delirium.
 Waves of terrible, bursting, pulsating headache. Worse motion-jar. Sudden upward rushes of blood to head. Feels it will burst. Repeat dose Two four-hourly till relief.
 Natrium sulphuricum
 For after-effects of sunstroke and injuries to head.

Fatigue and bruises
 Arnica montana
 For bruises. Effect of falls. For excessive physical fatigue. "Tired heart," or dilated from exertion. Stiffness after long riding. Give internally , a few pellets, four-hourly. Externally, two drops of tincture to the ounce of water, saturate lint and apply, covering with cotton-wool, or oil-silk. (N.B. -If the skin is broken, use Hypericum instead.) A FEW DROPS IN FOOT_BATH, for tired feet; or use in the bath, for tired muscles.
 Rhus toxicodendron
 Sprains. Lumbago. Stiff neck. Rheumatism, where pains are worse for first movements, agony; but relieved by continued movement and massage. (Bryonia is worse for all movement.) Dose.-A few pellets four-hourly.
 Ruta graveolens
 Also for spains-especially of tendons. Especially helps wrists-ankles-knees. (N.B. -For sprained ankle, don't attempt to walk, but stand with flexed knee and, leaning on the toes, carefully twist and move the foot in every direction, and so give displacements a chance to slip back into place. Repeat this at intervals. Compress of Rhus, or Arnica will help-2 drops to the oz. Of water: and Arnica or Rhus internally.
 Burns and superficial ulcers
 Urtica urens
 (tincture of stinging-nettles.)
 Two drops to the oz. F water. Saturate gauze or lint, and apply to burn. Cover with cotton-wool, or oil-silk. Moisten again and again without removing the gauze, if stuck. Quickly relieves pain, and heals. (N.B. -Boiling water poured on stinging-nettles will do as well as the tincture. Soak the lint in this.)
 Cantharis vesicatoria
 Or, a dose or two of Canth. will stop the pain.
 Hypericum perforatum
 The tincture, two drops to the ounce of water, to saturate lint or gauze, and apply. Cover with wool, or at first with oil silk and wool. Hypericum wounds are acutely painful. Hypericum, externally draws edges of wounds together, and promotes rapid healing. Give internally also, half a dozen pellets, three doses, four-hourly.
 Ledum palustre
 For punctured wounds, wounds by rusty nails. Insect bites. Animal bites or scratches. Ledum feels the COLD: yet wounded parts are cold, and are relieved by cold bathing. (N.B. -In punctured wounds, if pains begin to shoot upwards and tetanus threatens, go on to Hypericum, internally and externally.)
 Calendula officinalis
 Cuts: rapidly heals, and prevents suppuration. Apply as above.

 Hypericum perforatum
 Give internally, a few drops of the strong tincture, or the pellets (preferably dissolved in water), four-hourly. Externally, Hypericum compress (two drops to the ounce as above) to the wound.
 Strychninum purum
 Where the slightest touch aggravates spasm. (with Hypericum to wound.)
 Nux vomica
 Same symptoms as Strychnine
 Dose.-Pellets dissolved in water, two to four-hourly.

 Cantharis vesicatoria
 Inflamed stings. Swollen, red, very bad gnat bites. Burning, biting pains: v. acute inflammation.
 Ledum palustre
 Punctured wounds and stings. Antidotes insect, bee and animal poisons. Coldness of part, and relief from cold bathing. (Internally and externally: as Hypericum.)
 Apis mellifica
 Bright red, smooth swelling, with burning and stinging: worse from heat of fire.
 Tarentula cubensis

Spider stings, or where stings " go septic."
 Arnica montana
 A drop of the strong tincture applied to a wasp sting cures it at once.
 Snake bites
 Lachesis mutus
 A few pellets in half a tumbler of water, or brandy or whisky. A teaspoonful every fifteen minutes at first. Apply Hypericum externally, as above.
 Carbolicum acidum
 Dusky face. Paleness about mouth and nose. Comatose.
 Oxalicum acidum
 Violent pains in streaks, or spots. Livid, cold and numb. Trembling hands and feet.
 Ammonium carbonicum
 Livid, weak, drowsy, aversion to cold.

 Boils and abscesses
 In a warm and hungry patient.
 Lachesis mutus
 For suppuration, with BLUENESS of part.
 Hepar sulphur
 In the choleric patient, even to violent. Oversensitive mentally and physically:--to a word, to contact, to

pressure of dressings.
 Silicea terra
 Faint-hearted: anxious. Confusion and want of self-confidence. Sweats, 6 a.m. , 3 - 5 p.m.. , 11p.m. Head sweats at night. (Calc.) Boils leave indurations-to promote suppuration, and so heal. (Calc. Sulph.)
 Calcarea carbonica
 In a chilly, sweating patient. (CALC. SULPH.) Running or recurrent abscesses. Won't heal.
 Great restlessness: feels bruised, sore. (Arn.) Fiery-red, smooth tongue. Very septic conditions. Pulse-rate high.
 Tarentula cubensis
 "Lachesis-only worse." Parts bluish, burnings like Ars. but without the Ars. relief from heat. Doses.-Four to six-hourly till relief. Externally, compress of hypericum, two drops to the oz.

 Arsenicum album
 Burning like fire, with relief from hot applications. Externally a compress of Hypericum, three drops to the ounce of water, or Calendula in potency, 30 or 200-a few drops in water to wet compress. Cover with oil skin and wool. Bandage very lightly.
 Tarentula cubensis
 Like Lachesis with blueness of parts, (or Crotalus) with haemorrhages of decomposed blood. Burning and blueness. (See BOILS above.)


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