Veratrum viride

 HERING: “Congestions, especially to base of brain, chest, spine and stomach.”
 ”Acute rheumatism with high fever; full, hard rapid pulse; pains in joints and muscles; scanty red urine.”
 ”Meningitis; high fever, intense congestion, later rolling of head or vomiting; face haggard, cold; pulse slow,; breathing labored; trembling, as if child were frightened and on verge of spasms.”
 ”Tongue : white or yellow, with red streak down middle; dry or moist with white or yellow coating, or no coating at all on either side, feels scalded, inclined to be dry.”
 Enteritis, with high fever, great vascular excitement; vomiting dark, bloody stools.”
 ”Pneumonia, pulse hard, strong quick, engorgement of lungs, with faint feeling in stomach, nausea, vomiting, slow or intermittent pulse.”
 ”Irritative fever, with cerebral congestion, causing convulsions, particularly in children.”
 ”Fevers during dentition with irritation of brain, spasms or tendency to them.”
 ”Scarlatina, during first or febrile stage, when arterial excitement is intense, and there is cerebral congestion.”
 ”Ephemeral fevers with vertigo, headache, dimness of sight, nausea and weakness.”
 BOGER : “Trembling here and there during sleep, as if on the verge of convulsions.”
 ”Livid, turgid face but becomes faint on sitting up.”
 BOERICKE : “Ver-v. will raise the opsonic index against the diplococcus pneumoniae, 70 to 109 per cent. Congestive stage and early manifestation of hepatization in pneumonia. Zigzag temperature.”
 ”Hot head, bloodshot eyes, bloated livid face. Head retracted, pupils dilated, double vision.”
 ”Pain from nape of neck; cannot hold head up.”
 ”Face flushed.”
 ”Hyperthermy in the evening and hypothermy in the morning. Suppurative fevers with great variation of temperature.”
 ALLEN : “Intense fever with cerebral irritation and tendency to spasms; violent pain in back; sleepy during the day;, nausea at stomach, or vomiting and black diarrhoea; face hot, flushed, great weakness of lower extremities and marked prostration.”
 ”Typhoid; temperature 103-106, pulse 120-140; violent occipital headache; boring head into pillow, jerking head, backward and forward; twitching of facial muscles; dropping of lower jaw; picking of bedclothes; stool and urine involuntary.”
 TYLER : The case looks very like a Phos. Case. The face is red, with profuse sweat. Red streak down centre of tongue. High temperature; bounding pulse; perhaps delirium thirst. The patient has an aversion to sweets, and may complain that water tastes sweet.”
 CLINICAL : Hyper-pyrexia : rapidly oscillating temperature; cerebro-spinal fever; sepsis; typhoid; yellow fever; measles (with intense conjunctivitis and high fever); pneumonia; pleurisy; puerperal fever; influenza; scarlatina; measles (during febrile stage especially if pulmonary congestion is impending; convulsions before eruption); acute meningitis, continued fever.
 POTENCY : 6 and 30.
 Antidoted by : hot coffee.


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