By Y.O. Mueller, m.d. From the Austrian periodical for homoeopathy List of symptoms (Among the following symptoms of the nitrate of silver, those of the Argentum foliatum which have been observed by Hahnemann, and by his co-provers, Franz Gross, Haynel, Hartmann, Herrmann, Langhammer, Meyer, and Wislicenus, have been classed as being strikingly analogous to the former. The name of the prover has been appended to every symptom.) 1 Head Vertigo in the morning (E., 30 pot.; 2 dose, 4 d.). In the morning she was attacked with vertigo, as if she were turning in a circle, inducing her to squat down, lest she should fall; accompanied with headache (N., 30 pot., 2 d.). Vertigo with headache (Graves), vertigo before the eyes (M. 1 pot. 1 dose, 1 d.). Vertigo, with complete but transitory blindness (Hull). 5. Vertigo with nausea and confusion of the senses (E., 30 pot. 2 d.). Vertigo and buzzing in the ears, and general debility of the limbs as...