The nitrate of silver -Chapter VII

 By Y.O.  Mueller, m.d.
 From the Austrian periodical for homoeopathy

List of symptoms
 (Among the following symptoms of the nitrate of silver, those of the Argentum foliatum which have been observed by Hahnemann, and by his co-provers, Franz Gross, Haynel, Hartmann, Herrmann, Langhammer, Meyer, and Wislicenus, have been classed as being strikingly analogous to the former. The name of the prover has been appended to every symptom.) 1
 Vertigo in the morning (E., 30 pot.; 2 dose, 4 d.). In the morning she was attacked with vertigo, as if she were turning in a circle, inducing her to squat down, lest she should fall; accompanied with headache (N., 30 pot., 2 d.). Vertigo with headache (Graves), vertigo before the eyes (M. 1 pot. 1 dose, 1 d.). Vertigo, with complete but transitory blindness (Hull).
 5. Vertigo with nausea and confusion of the senses (E., 30 pot. 2 d.). Vertigo and buzzing in the ears, and general debility of the limbs as after fatigue, and trembling (Moll). Vertigo and staggering gait (Stuppe). Attack of fleeting vertigo, as if intoxicated (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 1 d.). Creeping and vibratory sensations in the head, as if intoxicated (Hahnemann). He constantly feels as if intoxicate; he cannot tell what is the matter with him (Franz).
 10. Giddiness, as if from intoxication, accompanied with lassitude and debility of the lower limbs (M., 30 pot., 1 d.). He felt dizzy suddenly, and as if a mist had been before his eyes (Hahnemann). Fits of vertigo; he is not well able to collect his senses; the fits come on even when sitting and reflecting (Gross, after 1/2 h.). Giddy, dullness of sense, and as if he had lost all sensations; accompanied with drowsiness (M., 30 pot.; 1 d.). Drowsiness resembling vertigo; his eyes closed involuntarily (Hahnemann).

 15. Dizziness before falling asleep (J., 1 pot., 1 d.). Soporous condition (Oesterlen) (coma, Bull. De Thérap.). Giddiness in the head, as if he would faint, the body feeling tired, but not disagreeably so (M., 30 pot., 1 d.). Stupefaction, with suffering look (P., 30 pot., 2 d.). Difficulty to collect his senses; he found it extremely difficult to conceive an idea, with heat and fulness in the head (M., 2 pot., 3 d.). Dullness of sense, absence of thought, inability to think; he is unable to find suitable words for his ideas; hence he falters in his speech (M., 2 pot., 2 d.). Weakness of memory: he is unable to think consistently, and falters in his speech (M., 30 pot., 2 d., 2 d.). Imbecile appearance; he looks at people with an insipid expression of countenance, even while conversing with them on some serious subject; he behaves shyly and sillily and talks in a childish manner. On lying down for the purpose of relieving his head, visions and distorted faces hover before his imagination, although his eyes are closed, even in daylight. (E., 30 pot., 2 d., 2 d.).
 25. Stupid feeling in the head (Gross). Stupid feeling in the head when writing (M., 30 pot., 1 d.). Dullness of the head, with feeling of stupidity, overnight; in the morning, when waking, it is changed to fullness in the forehead with stinging digging-up in the same, increasing after rising (M.; 1 pot., 1 d., 5 d.). Stupid and hollow sensation in the head; his whole brain aches, with chilliness (Hahnemann). Confusion of the head (M., 2 pot., 1 d.).
 30. Dull and muddled state of the head, with beating in the whole body and hypochondriac taciturnity, after dinner (M., 30 pot., 2nd d., 2 d.). On waking in the morning from a sleep full of dreams, his head aches and feels dull (M., 2 pot., 1 d.). Since waking his forehead feels painful and dull, which abates after dinner (J., 1 trit., 2 d.). The whole day his head feels obtuse, especially the occiput, the left region of the vertex, and the forehead (M., 2 pot., 2 d.). The head feels obtuse after drinking coffee.
 35. The head feels obtuse, accompanied with whizzing in the ears and hard hearing (N., 30 pot., 6 d.). The whole night his head feels heavy and dull, accompanied with heat in the head, inducing him to lay his head on cool places, by means of which he obtains relief (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). Sensation in the head as if the epileptic fit were approaching (Hahnemann). Gloomy sensation in the head, as if the head were filled with smoke (Meyer). When waking in the morning, he has a terrible headache, obliging him to gnash his teeth (K., 1 pot., 3 d.).

 40. He wakes with a headache in the morning; the head feels full, heavy and stupid; the headache becomes intolerable when making the least movement, and continues the whole day (M., 2 pot., 2 d.). Pressing pain in the whole head, occasioned by mental exertions (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). Painful fullness in the brain (M., 30 pot., 1 d.). Fullness and heaviness of the head (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 2 d.). Fullness, pushing and heat in the head, relieved by pressing upon the head (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 3 d.).
 45. Fullness and heat in the head, at night, with great agitation of the nerves (N., 30 pot., 4 d.). Painful fullness and heaviness in the head, with inability to recollect, and glowing heat of the head and cheeks, in the afternoon and vertex, as if the parts were grasped together (P., 30 pot., 1 d.). She wakes with a headache: pressure deep in the brain, accompanied with chilliness, the whole forenoon (P., 30 pot., 1 d.). Pressure in the forehead (E., 30 pot., 1 d.).
 50. Aching pain in the forehead above the eyebrows (Wislicenus, a. 2 h.). Aching pain extending as far as the eyes, with sneezing (P., 30 pot., 3 d.). Aching pain in the forehead, in the daytime, increasing considerably in the evening (E., 30 pot., 4 d.). Aching stupefying pain in the sinciput, and drawing with pressure in the occiput (Hahnemann). Aching pain in the region of the temporal bones, externally (Hartmann). Pain in the head as if it would burst, occasioned by mental labor (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 2 d.). Undulating throbbing in the whole forehead (M., 6 pot., 3 dose). Drawing, in streaks or bands, over the surface of the brain, apparently in the membranes or the sinuses (M., 6 pot., 4 dose). Narrow traction extending from the occiput into the middle of the brain (M., 6pot., 4 dose). Slight digging-up moving about in the parenchyma of the brain (M., 6 pot., 4 dose).
 60. Sensation as if a cool current were blowing from the right frontal eminence into the right eye (M., 30 pot., 1 d.). Stinging-burning pain in the head (Hahnemann). Violent sticking and tearing pain in the head (Hahnemann). Early in the morning, stinging headache, with redness of one eye (Hahnemann). Tearing, extending from the forehead into the left eye and left side of the face; lachrymation of the eye, which looks red and glistening (P., 30 pot., 3 d.).
 65. Tearing, extending down the right temple as far as the face (M., 30 pot., 2 dose). Tearing in the left temple (Gross). Tearing apparently in the left temporal bone and above the left mastoid process (Haynel). Drawing pain extending from the occipital bone to the middle of the frontal bone, in an oblique direction across the right temporal bone, externally (Herrmann). Sensation of pressure and drawing in the head, over the right ear, posteriorly (Gross, a. 4 h.).

 70. Drawing with pressure and heaviness in the right side of the head, abating in rest, but increasing by the least motion (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Pain in the right side of the head, consisting in heaviness, fullness and pressure, for several evenings (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Excessive aching and tearing pain in the left temple (Gross, a. 5 h.). Aching and tearing pain in the region of either temporal bone, increased by contact (Herrmann). Aching-tearing pain in the left frontal eminence (Gross, a. 6 h.).
 75. Aching-tearing pain below the left frontal eminence, the eyeball feeling compressed at the same time (Gross). Clawing pressure in the region of the right temple, with stitches from without inwards at regular intervals (Wislicenus, a. 5 d.). Pressure in the right half of the forehead, especially in the region of the eyebrows, in the morning when waking (M., 30 pot., 3 d.). Aching pain in the region of the left parietal bone, externally (Herrmann). Pushing-beating pain in the right side of the head, accompanied with a general feeling of uncomfortableness (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.).
 80. Pushing in the right side of the forehead as of a load (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). Pulsations in the left side of the forehead (M., 30 pot., 1 d.). Digging-up and tumultuous raging in the right hemisphere of the brain, until he lost his senses; if the pain abates in the forehead, it increases in the side of the head and towards the occiput, where it extends down to the nape of the neck; the pain increases during motion, when vertigo accompanies it, to such an extent that he walks to the left side, instead of walking straight (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). Digging-up headache, in the right side (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Constant drawing and digging-up in the left frontal eminence., afterwards accompanied with a drawing tearing extending along the whole arm (M., 6 pot., 3 dose).
 85. Stitches and digging-up in the left frontal eminence, every day, at different periods, but more frequently in the afternoon (M., 6 pot., 4 dose). Sticking and afterwards digging-up pain in the left frontal and vertical region, extending as far as the malar bone (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Troublesome stinging and digging-up pain, alternately anteriorly and posteriorly (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 3 d.). Cutting stitches apparently in the skull or in the surface of the brain, directly in front of the left ear, anteriorly (Haynel). Digging-up, incisive motion through the left hemisphere of the brain, extending from the occiput to the frontal protuberance, recurring frequently and increasing and decreasing rapidly (M., 30 pot., 2 dose).

 90. Cutting as with knives in the left temple (M., 30 pot., 2 dose). Intermittent boring pains in the left side of the forehead, anteriorly, the whole day, increasing in the evening after lying down (Langhammer, a. 7 h.). Excessive congestion of blood to the head, with throbbing of the carotid arteries, obliging him to loosen his cravat, accompanied with heaviness, stupefying dullness of the head, great melancholy, weakness of mind, inability to express himself suitably and coherently (E., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). Pain in the head, the head seeming enlarged (P., 30 pot., 3 d.). If the pain is felt all over the head, this one appears to him enlarged; if the pain is felt only in one side of the head, the eye of the affected side appears enlarged (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.).
 95. There is no region in the head which was not painfully affected by the drug. Headache all the time (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 2 d.). The headache is worse in the open air. The headache is relieved by lying a handkerchief tightly around the head. Headache, accompanied with eructations and chilliness.
 100. Generally the headache is accompanied with chilliness, and sometimes with a general increase of the temperature of the body. Headache and toothache (N., 30 pot., 3 d.). Sore pain occasioned even by a slight pressure upon the head (Franz). Slight creeping shuddering over the right half of the hairy scalp (Haynel). A good deal of itching of the hairy scalp (K.M. , 2 pot., 1 dose, 2 d.).
 105. Intolerable nightly itching of the confines of the neck and the hairy scalp (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 5 d.). On the confines of the nape of the neck and the hairy scalp irregularly shaped blotches make their appearance, itching violently, and feeling sore when scratched; after scratching them for some time they become inflamed and emit a fluid (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 6 d.). A good deal of itching and biting near the nape of the neck (M., 2 pot., 2 dose, 5 d.). Tumor shaped itching elevations on the hairy scalp and in the nape of the neck (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 3 d.). Creeping in the hairy scamp, as of vermin, towards morning (P., 30 pot., 3 d.).
 110. Extremely troublesome itching, creeping and crawling of the hairy scalp, as of vermin, with sensation as if the roots of the hairs were pulled upwards; she had to scratch all the time (P., 30 pot., 4 d.). Stiffness in the nape of the neck and sensation as if a foreign body were lodged in the occiput a kind of drawing and pressure in the occiput (Hahnemann). Spasmodic jactitation and subsultus of the right temporal muscle, of the right frontal portion of the occipito-frontalis muscle, of the lateral cervical muscles, of the muscles near the thyroid cartilage, and towards the nape of the neck, so violent that the hand was pushed backward, with a jerking pain (Hahnemann). Pimple on the left temple, with ulcerative pain when touched (Hahnemann).

 Dull-drawing, rearing pains from the right temple to the upper jaw and to part of the teeth (M., 30 pot., 2 dose).
 115. Painful, gnawing pressure in the region of the right facial bones, most violent in the region of the malar bone (Wislicenus, after 1 h.). Tearing in the region of he left malar bone (Herrmann). Fine, drawing pain in the facial muscles, especially in the region of the malar bones (Wislicenus). Fine, painful stitches in the region of the right malar bone (Wislicenus). Convulsions of the facial muscles, the mouth being almost locked (Bullet. De Thérap.).
 Sickly appearance (J., 1 pot., 2 dose). Sunken, pale, bluish countenance (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Appearance of old age; the skin in the face is more tightly drawn over the bones, hence the muscles are more distinctly delineated (M., 2 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). Pimples on the chin and cheek, which rapidly fill with pus (M., 6 pot., 2 dose).

 Violent itching of the corners of the eyes (Hahnemann).
 125. Itching of the canthi (M., 30 pot., 4 d.). Smarting of the right outer canthus (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 2 d.). Tearing, extending from the forehead into the left eye and the left side of the face; the eye runs, looks red and glistens (P., 30 pot., 3 d.). (The upper and lower eyelids are very red and thick, but they do not ulcerate, Hahnemann).
 130. Aching pain deep in the eye early in the morning (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). Burning and dryness of the eyes, early in the morning when waking; he had great trouble in opening them (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Pressure in the eyes as if too full, heat and pain in the ball of the eye when moving or touching it; mucous flocks impending the sight and obliging him to wipe the eyes, in the daytime; a scarlet redness which had appeared already in the morning, in the inner canthus of the right eye, extended considerably in the evening, looked very much heightened, and spread as far as the cornea; the conjunctiva, bulbi and palpebrarum looked inflamed and puckered; the eye was affected with a stinging-itching pain, as if occasioned by a grain of sand which had become lodged in the eye; gray spots and bodies in the shape of serpents moved before the visual ray; he saw through mist; even the light of the candle which was not tinged with colors, was enveloped in mist; the aperture between the edges of the lids became narrower, and he had to wink frequently (with general debility and increased temperature of the skin, M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Nightly agglutination of the right eye; in the morning the eye was closed with crusts of dry gum, which had to be soaked before they could be removed, and the eye could be opened; when opened it looked redder than the day before; pressure and heat in the eye were more intense, the aperture between the lids was smaller, accompanied with photophobia, dimness of sight (M., 2 pot., 2 dose).

 135. The eyes are filled with mucus; reading is difficult (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). The canthi are red as blood, the caruncula lachrymalis is swollen; it stands out of the corner of the eye like a lump of red flesh; clusters of intensely red vessels extend from the inner canthus to the cornea; the conjunctiva is puckered and interstitially distended; increased secretion of tears and gum (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 2 d.). The conjunctiva of the eyes and lids is red as blood (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 2 d.). Around the cornea, towards the inner canthus the conjunctiva exhibits a red congested swelling (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 2 d.). In the morning, when waking, the eyes are filled with mucus; at the same time the head feels slightly confused, especially in the forehead and root of the nose (M., 30 pot., 2 d.).
 10. Mucus in the eyes, drying up in the lashes ad forming scurfs (M., 30 pot., 3 d.). Blear-eyedness (m., 2 pot., 3 dose, 3 d.). Dampness of the eyes and slight agglutination of the lids, in the morning (M., 30 pot., 5 d.). Vanishing of sight; he is constantly obliged to wipe off the mucus which obstructs the axis of vision (M., 2 pot., 3 d.). Weakness of sight, with damp eyes, impeding (M., 30 pot., 4 d.).
 145. In the evening, at twilight, she felt as if she would become blind; her sight became so suddenly weak, that she broke forth into loud complaints; she had to open her eyes widely to recognize the things around her, with dilatation of the pupils; she had not yet recovered her full power of vision at candle-light, although there was an improvement (P., 30 pot., 1 d.). The letters become blurred before the eyes; her sight vanishes when reading or writing (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 4 d.). She is only able to read by holding the page which she is reading at a distance from her eyes (P., 30 pot., 3 d.). Fiery bodies and flashes before her eyes, in the morning, in the dark (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 3 d.). Obscuration of sight with anxiety, heat in the face and lachrymation (Hahnemann, on the nitrate of silver).

 Ophthalmia with intense pains (Gaz. de Santé). Opacity of the cornea; a large portion of the cornea is covered with a white, opaque, apparently dense, but not very deeply penetrating spot (Etienne Saint-Marie). Contraction of the pupil (Medico-Chirurg. Gazette). Wild rolling of the yes, the pupils being dilated and insensible to light (Bullet. De Thérap.). Hollow-eyedness (M., 30 pot., 5 d.).
 155. Ophthalmia, abating in the cool and open air, intolerable in the warm room.
 Tearing with pressure over the left ear, at a small spot (Gross, a. 12 h.). Drawing pain, extending from the cavity behind the right lobule to the skin of the cheek and as far as the lower jaw, apparently in the periosteum (Franz). Corrosive itching of both lobules, in the morning, after rising (Gross, a. 24 h.). Violent itching of the outer ear, which he had to scratch until it bled (Hahnemann).
 160. Dragging pain in the ears (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 4 d.). Tearing and dragging in the right ear (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Incisive stitches extending from the interior of the left ear as far as the brain (Hahnemann). Cutting sensation toward the parotid gland, as if in the Eustachian tube, when chewing, as after tasting some acrid substance (Franz). Clear ringing in the ears, confounding the senses; she imagines it is at a distance (P., 30 pot., 1 d.).
 165. Clear ringing before the ears, passing into momentary deafness with dull roaring (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 1 d.). Ringing in the ears and deafness (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 3 d.). Whizzing before the ears, with dullness of the head (N., 30 pot., 6 d.). Whizzing, feeling of obstruction and hard hearing in the left ear (P., 30 pot., 5 d.).
 170. Sensation in the right ear, as if it were obstructed (Hahnemann). She thought a board had been placed before the left ear (N., 30 pot., 6 d.). Painful stoppage of the ears, with headache (M., 330 pot., 2 dose, 4 d.).
 Twitching and creeping behind the skin close to the left side of the nose (M., 1 pot., 1 d.). Pain and swelling of the right nasal wing (K., M., 3 pot., 1 dose, 6 d.).
 175. The left nasal bones are painful, as if bruised (M., 1 pot., 1 d.). Readily bleeding pimple near the septum of the....???

 235. Confluence of watery saliva in the mouth (K., 1 pot., 2 dose). Speech is impeded by the confluence of viscid saliva in the mouth (Franz). Watery mucus in the mouth and posterior nares, day and night (K., 1 pot., 4 dose). The palate and fauces were so dry that he was merely able to mutter instead of talking (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 4 d.). Burning pain in the region of the velum palatinum and the posterior nares, as if sore or as if corroded by pepper (M., 1 dose, 4 d.).
 240. Ulcerative pain of a small spot in the velum pendulum palati (M., 6 pot., 2 dose). Troublesome tension and prickling of the palate; a few days after this a swelling with a wart-shaped excrescence showed itself, impeding deglutition (P., 30 pot., 7-9 d.). Sensation as if the velum pendulum palati were swollen, not per se, but when moving the tongue and during deglutition (Hahnemann). Scraping sensation in the region of the velum pendulum, as if a rough body were adhering there; the sensation was not very painful but troublesome, and more distinct during empty deglutition than when swallowing any thing, however it was felt all the time and obliged him to swallow saliva; in a few hours the sensation descended down into the fauces (Franz).
 Pharynx and oesophagus
 Intense titillation of the palate and pharynx, causing the eyes to become moist, and occasioning a fatiguing short hacking cough, at noon (M., 2 pot., 3 dose).
 245. Dark redness of the uvula and fauces (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Redness of the velum palatinum, posterior nares and isthmus (M., 6 pot., 1 dose). Titillation in the throat, as if caused by a little feather, obliging one to hawk (M., 6 pot., 2 dose). Scraping in the throat (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Roughness and scraping of the pharynx, continuing the whole day (Haynel).
 250. Roughness and scraping of the throat, as if raw and sore (M., 6 pot., 1d.). Rawness and painful soreness of the throat (Hahnemann). Soreness and rawness of the throat, during an expiration and when swallowing (Franz). Sore feeling in the pharynx when drinking cold water or during empty deglutition (M., 2 pot., 3 dose). Roughness and dryness of the throat, with ulcerative pain, at night (M., 2 pot., 2 dose).
 255. Seated ulcerative pain in the pharynx, apparently in the posterior wall; changed to an aching pain when yawning and taking a deep inspiration (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 3 d.). Boring-digging pain in the throat (Hahnemann). Sore throat when swallowing, as if swollen, or as if a splinter were sticking in the throat (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 5 d.). Painful tension in the fauces as if swollen, when yawning (Gross). Pain in the right side of the throat, as of an ulcer, drawing and tension upward and downward; sensation as if a splinter were lodged in the throat when swallowing, eructating, breathing, stretching and moving the neck; sometimes an undulating jerking and pulsating was felt in the throat, continuing for several days (M., 2 pot., 2 dose) 1.

 260. Burning and dryness in the fauces and pharynx (K., 1 pot., 1 dose). Dryness and strangulation in the throat, with shortness of breath, at night (N., 30 pot., 5 d.). Frequent accumulation of a tenacious, thick mucus in the throat, obliging one to hawk, and causing slight hoarseness (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 1 d.). Accumulation of mucus in the posterior nares, obliging him to hawk, in the forenoon (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Accumulation of mucus in the mouth and fauces: he has to hawk and spit all the time, in the morning (K., 1 pot., 2 dose).
 270. Watery mucus in the mouth and in the posterior nares, day and night (K., 1 pot., 4 dose). Thick, tenacious mucus in the throat obliges him to hawk all the time, the whole day (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 1 d.). Balls of soap-like mucus accumulate in the larynx, occasioning slight turns of cough by means of which they are expelled (M., 6 pot., 1 dose). Tenacious, gray, jelly-like mucus in the throat, easily hawked up, in the morning (Gross). Strangulation (Oesterlen).
 270. ??? Troublesome strangulation in the larynx (Moll). Spasm and strangulation in the pharynx (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 4 d.). Continuous repulsive sensation in the stomach and pharynx (Moll). Paroxysms of cramp in the oesophagus (in the forenoon at 10 1/2 o'clock). After yawning a sensation is experienced in the stomach as if it would burst; wind presses upwards, but the oesophagus feels spasmodically close; hence an ineffectual effort to eructate, with excessive strangulation, pressing pain in the stomach, faintish sort of nausea, confluence of water in the mouth and inability to stir; the paroxysm ceases after a quarter of an hour, amidst frequent and violent belching of wind (M., 6 pot., 4 d.).

 Metallico-styptic taste in the mouth, like ink, immediately (J., 1 pot., 1 dose).
 275. Ink-like metallic taste with styptic adstriction of the mouth (M., 1 pot., 1 dose). Bitter, astringent, stinging coppery taste in the mouth, with nausea and inclination to vomit, immediately after taking the drug (P., 1 pot.). Bitter, astringent metallic taste as of verdigris, exciting nausea and inclination to vomit (K., 1 pot., 1 dose). She has a taste as of ink in the mouth (N.). In the morning, after rising, he has a clayish taste in his mouth, the tip of the tongue being white, the root yellow, with viscid lips and no thirst (M., 6 pot., 2 d.).
 280. Pappy, chalk-like taste in the mouth, viscid lips, thin mucous coating on the reddish-white tongue (M., 30 pot., 1 dose). Pappy, bitter taste, with viscid mouth (E., 30 pot., 4 d.). Sweetish-bitter taste, with hypochondriac mood (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 3 d.).

 Diminished appetite (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). No appetite; a quantity of eructations (J., 1 pot., 1 dose).
 285. No appetite; food tastes to him like straw (J., 1 pot., 3 dose). The appetite has disappeared entirely; the mere thought of food nauseates him (Hahnemann). Indifference to food; he is satiated immediately (Franz). Speedy repletion (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). No appetite at breakfast (Franz).
 290. No appetite at breakfast (J., 1 pot., 1 dose). Unusual appetite (M., 6 pot., 1 dose). String appetite (M. and N.). Strong appetite (Gross, a. 40 hours). Strong appetite, although the stomach is replete (Gross).
 295. Excessive gnawing hunger, which cannot be satisfied by food, the whole day, afterwards it could only be appeased for a short while, several days in succession (Haynel). Urging desire for acrid cheese (P.). Irresistible desire for sugar in the evening (M.).
 Gastric symptoms
 Violent belching (K., 1 pot., 2 dose). Belching, immediately (N., 30 pot.).
 300 A good deal of belching in the morning (P., 30 pot., 3 d.). Most of the gastric derangements are accompanied with belching. Sensation like heartburn (Meyer, a. 1/2 hour). Burning sensation like heartburn, early in the morning, in the abdomen, in the stomach, and extending up into the chest (Hahnemann). A sort of choking, resulting in the bringing up of a bitter, acrid, badly tasting fluid from the stomach into the mouth, after which a scraping and burning sensation remains continually in the throat; heartburn (Gross, a. 8 hours).

 305. Nausea arising from the stomach and the praecordia, with desire to vomit (P., 30 pot., 3 d.). Slight nausea in the stomach, with chilliness and shuddering, and accompanied with a peculiar sensation of rigor in the lower limbs (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 1 d.). Nausea, resembling hunger (M., 6 pot., 2 dose). Nausea, with gurgling in the abdomen (M., 1 pot., 1 d.). Faintish sort of nausea with violent palpitation of the heart, of which she had three paroxysms on the same day (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 3 d.).
 310. Leaden-colored countenance, with nausea (N., 30 pot., 2 d.). Almost constant qualmishness and nausea (Franz). Nausea (Schneider, Oesterlen). Constant nausea, and frequent and extremely troublesome efforts to vomit (Westphal). Sensation in the throat as if one would vomit, followed immediately by heat all over, most violent about the head, accompanied with redness of the face, without thirst (Meyer, a. 1/2 h.).
 315. Vomiting (Blancard). Violent vomiting (Boyle). Vomiting, the substances which were thrown up tingling the bed clothes black (Bullet. De Thérap.). Great irritation of the stomach, anxiety in the praecordial region, and vomiting (Elbers). Vomiting and diarrhoea with violent colicky pains (Oesterlen).
 320. Two paroxysms of vomiting, in the afternoon, at stool (Hahnemann). Retching and vomiting of mucus, accompanying the diarrhoeic stools (N., 30 pot., 4 d.). She wakes about midnight from the oppressive sensation of having a heavy lump in the region of the stomach, inducing vomiting; not till morning does she throw up glassy mucus, which can be drawn into threads; she had two paroxysms of that kind of vomiting, after which she felt the whole afternoon a desire to vomit, a tremulous weakness and a sensation in the head as if it were in a vise (N., 30 pot., 6 d.). Anxiety in the praecordia, after dinner (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). Pain in the praecordia (E., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.).
 325. Pressure in the pit of the stomach (Franz). Attacks the stomach (Boerhaave). Excites the nerves of the stomach (Cappe). Oppresses, cools and injures the stomach (Sta. Hildegard). Trembling and throbbing in the stomach (K., 1 pot., 2 dose).
 330. Pains in the stomach (Bullet. De Thérap.). Sensation of heaviness and pains in the stomach, with nausea (Burdart). Nausea, heaviness and pressure in the stomach (Hull). Oppression of the stomach (Moll). Increased pressure at the stomach (E., 30 pot., 1 dose).
 335. Violent pressure at the stomach, in the afternoon (N., 30 pot., 4 d.). hard pressure near the pit of the stomach, on the right side, which is more intense during a deep inspiration (M., 30 pot., 1 d.). Pressure and heaviness in the region of the stomach, and as if the stomach were being pulled down (M., 30 pot., 2 d.). Sensation as if the stomach and oesophagus were filled with food (M., 30 pot., 2 d.). Tension and pressure in the stomach, causing anxiety and a sensation as if the stomach were filled unto bursting (M., 30 pot., 2 d.).

 340. Weak stomach: food oppresses the stomach like a dead weight, and drags it downward; sensation as if the stomach and oesophagus were filled with food; eructations tasting of the ingesta even eight hours after a meal (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). In the morning he dreams that he is hungry; this sensation wakes him; upon waking he finds himself attacked with a violent spasm of the stomach, which is accompanied with hunger, nausea, and considerable flatulence (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 3 d.). Wild gnawing at the stomach, a sort of hunger with nausea (M., 30 pot., 2 d.).
 345. Slight turn of spasm of the stomach before breakfast (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 4 d.). slight turn of spasm of the stomach at five o'clock in the morning (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 4 d.). Cardialgia and turns of nausea before breakfast, early (M., 30 pot., 3 d.). Cardialgia an internal chilliness early in the morning, before breakfast, accompanied with very bad appearance (M., 30 pot., 2 d.). Shifting of wind and twisting in the stomach with frequent empty eructations (N., 30 pot., 1 d.). Violent cardialgia, waking her in the night; twisting of the stomach which extends down into the abdomen (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 1 d.). Violent cardialgia (Richter).
 350. Violent cardialgia; griping and burning, momentarily (M., 320 pot., 1 d.). Burning, ascending from the stomach (N., 30 pot., 3 d.). Momentary feeling of warmth in the stomach accompanied with slight nausea (Burdach). Warmth in the stomach, with rumbling in the intestines and emission of flatulence (Moll). Burning sensation, nausea, and pain in the stomach (Schneider).
 355. Burning sensation, nausea, and pain in the stomach (Schneider).
 355. Burning heat in the stomach (Kinglake). Burning in the stomach and chest (Moodie). Inflammation of the stomach (Richter). Inflammation, suppuration and dissolution of the mucous membrane of the stomach, the muscular membrane appearing to be more or less involved in the inflammatory process (Burdach). Gastro-enteritis (Moll).
 360. Gangrene of the primae viae( Boerhaave). Contraction of the stomach; it is less spacious (Schneider). Gnawing pain in the stomach, on the left side (M., 6 pot., 3 dose). Stinging ulcerative pain on the left side of the stomach, directly below the short ribs, more intense during a deep inspiration and when touching the parts (M., 6 pot., 3 dose). Ulcerative pain in the stomach after dinner (M., 30 pot., 2 d.).

 365. Pinching across the stomach and in the left hypochondrium (Franz). Hard pressure in the left hypochondrium (M., 30 pot., 1 d.). Pain in the hypochondria (K., 1 pot., 2 dose).
 Stinging in the liver (K., M., 2 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). Stitches in the liver, coming on as with a jerk (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 1 d.).
 370. Cutting and stinging in the liver (K., 1 pot., 2 dose). Peculiar fullness in the liver, painful, with occasional drawing and stinging, especially when walking, sometimes reaching into the chest (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 1 d.). Periodical dull stitches in the anterior surface of the liver (M., 30 pot., 1 d.). Affection of the liver, ending in fatal dropsy (Wedemeyer). Stitches in the spleen, recurring several evenings (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 5 d.).
 375. Fine stitches in the spleen coming on at intervals (M., 10 pot., 1 dose, 4 d.). Peculiar uncomfortableness and emptiness in the abdomen, with nausea (M., 6 pot., 2 dose). Fullness, heaviness and distention of the abdomen, with anxiety, impeding respiration, after supper (M., 30 pot., 1 dose). Oppressive, painful distention of the abdomen, at night, passing off without any emission of flatulence (Hahnemann). Oppressive drawing pain in the whole abdomen down to the groin, with tension, as in ascites (M., 6 pot., 2 dose).
 380. Painful tension and pressure in the abdomen, as if sore and ulcerated (M., 30 pot., 1 dose). Pain in the abdomen as if sore, accompanied with great hunger, abating after eating, but a trembling setting in the place (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 2 d.). After he had commenced eating, he felt an excessive pressure from the abdomen to the public region, worse during an inspiration and relieved by rising from his seat (Gross). Stitches dart through the abdomen like electric sparks, especially during a sudden transition from rest to motion, on the left side (M., 6 pot., 4 dose). Coldness in the abdomen, which is painfully irritated (N., 30 pot., 4 d.).
 385. Sensation as of a ball ascending from the abdomen into the throat (N., 30 pot., 3 d.). Troublesome colic, like cramp, after a slight catarrh (M., 30 pot., 1 dose). Contractive colic, as from a cold after the morning evacuation, when sitting (Hahnemann). Extremely disagreeable drawing, sown the whole left side of the abdomen, when standing (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 1 d.). Sharp stitches from within outwards in the muscles of the abdomen, near the last true rib, terminating in a fine pinching, and abating somewhat by friction (Wislicenus).

 390. Contraction of the abdominal muscles when walking, and tension in those muscles, obliging him to walk crooked (Franz). Intermittent dull pressure in the transversalis muscle of the abdomen, near the crest of the ilium, as if made with a foreign body (M., 6 pot., 1 dose). Boring pain in the right side of the abdomen, directly above the groin (Langhammer). Cutting on either side of the abdomen, in the region of the abdominal ring (Haynel, a. 3 1/2 hours). Pressing pain in the groins, more violent when touching them (M., 6 pot., 2 dose).
 395. Sensation as if the tendon of the left psoas-muscle were upon the stretch; it is painful when touched as if bruised (Franz). Cutting in the small of the back and abdomen, even when touching the parts (H., 1 pot., 2 dose). Cutting, transversely through the abdomen, internally (Franz). Colic, as in diarrhoea (Franz). Colic around the umbilicus, for several days (K., 1 pot., 4 dose).
 400. Uneasiness in the abdomen, several times a day (P., 1 pot., 1 dose). Loud rumbling in the abdomen, on the left side, resembling the croaking of young toads (Langhammer, a. 3/4 h.). He wakes in the morning, from shifting of flatulence, rumbling, and a sensation in the intestines as if he had to go to stool (J., 1 pot., 1 d.). Rumbling in the abdomen, in the night, and emission of flatulence (Hahnemann). Emission of flatulence, immediately (K., M., 2 pot.).
 405. Emission of a quantity of flatulence, after diner (M., 30 pot., 1 d.). Flatulence (M., 30 pot., 2 d.). The symptoms are less troublesome after emission of flatulence. Painful urging in the hypogastrium during loose stool (Hahnemann). Urging in the hypogastrium, even during a pretty loose stool, and even afterwards (Wislicenus, a. 72 hours).
 410. Frequent, never ineffectual urging for stool in the lower part of the rectum, and discharge of a small quantity of loose stool (Hahnemann, a. 21/2 hours, continuing several hours). Three diarrhoeic stools at short intervals, the first being papescent ad copious, the two next scanty and of a watery mucus of dark color (J., 1 pot., 1 night). Six liquid, brown evacuations of a fetid smell (J., 1, 2 night). A slight colic wakes him from his uneasy slumber, and he had sixteen evacuations of a greenish, very fetid mucus, accompanied with emission of a quantity of noisy flatulence, in one night (K., 1 pot., 1 dose). Shifting of flatulence in the abdomen, in the morning, followed by two diarrhoeic stools (K., 1 pot., 3 dose).

 415. Two diarrhoeic stools in the evening (K., 1 pot., 4 dose). Four evacuations of green mucus, with retching, vomiting of mucus, pain in the stomach and drawing pain in the abdomen; during all this time she could not bear being tied around the hypochondria (N., 30 pot., 4 d.). After having eaten sugar greedily in the evening, he was attacked with scanty watery diarrhoea about midnight, accompanied with flatulent colic, and a quantity of noisy flatulence during the evacuation (M., 6 pot., 2 dose). Diarrhoeic stool after breakfast (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 2 d.). Acts powerfully upon the intestinal canal, occasioning from four to five stools a day (Badley).
 420. Frequent evacuations, with slight pains in the abdomen (Balardini). Diarrhoea with colic (De Lens). Violent diarrhoea (Fodéré). Bloody evacuations (Burdach). Bloody stools with great debility (Fried., Hoffmann).
 425. Several evacuations od bloody mucus, without any particular pain, toward morning (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 1 d.). A good deal of urging during the diarrhoea (M.). Colic previous to the diarrhoea (M.). Dry and sandy stool after dinner, but which is passed without any trouble (Franz). Constipation; the substances evacuated were dry and of a firm consistence, whereas his bowels were generally loose (M., after taking small doses and on the last days of the proving).
 430. Slowness and diminution of the faecal and urinary discharges (M.). Dry, firm, alvine evacuation (E., 30 pot., on the last days). Diarrhoea or constipation (Burdach, Richter). Violent constipation (Moll). Intestinal phthisis, ulceration of the intestines (Hom. Lex.).
 435. Creeping and burning in the anus (K., 1 pot., 3 dose). A good deal of frequently repeated itching of the anus, inducing him to rub until he became sore (M., 30 pot.). Discharge of a quantity of ascarides (Born). Discharge of taenia (Michaelis). Discharge of several yards of taenia (Currie).
 Urinary organs
 440. Pains in the kidneys (Tranchan). At first the urinary organs are greatly irritated (Moodie). Is a diuretic and diaphoretic (Glauber). Frequent urination (Gross, a. 6 hours). Frequent urging to urinate and copious emission for several hours (Langhammer, a. 2 hours).
 445. Frequent emission of a pale, strong-smelling urine (J., 1 pot.). Accelerated and increased emission of a quantity of pale-yellow urine (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 1 d.). Frequent and copious emission of a pale urine (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Frequent micturition (K., 1 pot., 2 dose). Frequent and copious urination in the daytime, the stream being sometimes divided (K., 1 pot., 3 dose).

 450. A good deal of urination, at night (K., 1 pot., 3 dose). Copious urination at night (K/, M., 2 pot., 2 dose, 1 d.). Scanty and rare emission of a dark-yellow urine (after taking the higher potencies and on the last days of the proving, E.M. ). The urine is passed with an ease as never before, and which was almost pleasant; the stream seemed to be more voluminous (M., 1 pot., 2 dose). In emitting the urine it was longer before it made its appearance (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 2 d.).
 455. Emission of a few drops of urine after he had done, accompanied with a sensation as if the interior of the urethra were swollen (J., 1 pot., 2 dose). Inability to pass the urine in a projecting stream (M., 2 pot., 2 dose, 5 d.). Burning micturition and feeling in the urethra as if swollen; the last portion of the urine passes off with difficulty (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 2 d.). Burning during micturition, and sensation as if the anterior portion of the urethra were constricted (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Burning after micturition (M; 2 pot., 2 dose).
 460. After urination a burning drop ran along the urethra (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 2 d.). Sensation as if something fluid were running along the urethra from behind forward (M., 2 pot., 3 dose). When emitting the last drop of urine, he experiences a cutting from the posterior portion of the urethra as far as the anus (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Dragging pains during micturition (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 3 d.). Painful pushing in the urethra (M., 3 pot., 3 dose).
 465. After urination, during which an ulcerative pain was felt in the urethra, a second but ineffectual urging to urinate was experienced (M., 2 pot., 3 dose). Heat, itching and titillation, in the morning when urinating for the first time (M., 2 pot., 2 dose, 5 d.). Sore feeling in the urethra, even after micturition (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 3 d.). The urethra is painful as if closed up by swelling, and ulcerated (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). The urethra is painful between the acts of micturition as if ulcerated (M., 6 pot., 3 dose).
 470. Ulcerative pain in the middle of the urethra, as if a splinter had been pushed in (M., 6 pot., 3 dose). The urethra feels swollen, hard and knotty (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 3 d.). Inflammation and violent pains of the urethra with increased gonorrhoea, Priapism, dysuria, bloody urine, fever (Venot). Slight burning in the whole course of the urethra, increased gonorrhoea, burning during micturition, painful tension during erections, chordee, bleeding from the urethra, shootings in the same from behind forward (v. Gutceit). Oozing of mucus from the urethra (K., 1 pot., 4 dose).

 475. Stricture of the urethra (Brown).

General organs of the male
 Chancre-like ulcers on the prepuce; at first their tips were covered with pus, but afterwards the ulcers became diffused through a pretty spacious depression, exhibiting the tallow-like coating of chancres (K., 1 pot., after the 5th dose on the 9th day). Contusive pain in the left testicle (Langhammer, after forty-nine hours). The right testicle is enlarged and hard (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 3 d.). Emission almost every night (Hahnemann).
 480. Nightly emissions without any lascivious dreams (Langhammer). Three copious emissions in one night (H., 1 pot., 5 dose). Frequent nightly emissions, sometimes accompanied with lascivious dreams (M.). She had two seminal emissions at night, which she had never had before (P., 30 pot., 4 d.). Painful coit; the urethra felt as it put upon the stretch, absence of pleasure (M., 6 pot., 3 dose).
 485. Want of sexual desire, the genital organs having shrunk (M., 30 pot., 4 d.).
 Female organs of generation
 Excites the capillaries of the uterus (Hudson). Congestions to the uterus (Tanchon). Haemorrhages from the uterus (Tanchon). Haemorrhage from the uterus (a fortnight before the menses), only a few hours (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 4 d.).
 490. The menses appear at the usual period, but they are much more copious than usual, and are accompanied with cutting pains in the small of the back and groin, and contractive sensation in the latter (N., 30 pot., 6 d.). Suppression of the menses, miscarriage and metrorrhagia (Smith). Suppression of the mucous leucorrhoea; it reappeared in a few weeks, but less and milder (P.).

 Irritation in the nose, as if coryza would set in (Meyer, a. 1 h.). Sneezing, after tingling in the nose and the posterior nares (M., 30 pot., 1 d.).
 495. A good deal of sneezing (K., and A., several days). Fluent coryza, the nose is full of mucus all the times (Gross). Excessive fluent coryza with frequent sneezing, two days (Haynel). Violent fluent coryza without sneezing (Langhammer, a. 10 hours). Coryza with constant chilliness, sickly look, lachrymation, sneezing, and such a violent stupefying headache that she had to lie down (P., 30 pot., 3 d.).
 500. Sensation as if both nostrils were stopped, quite low down, with smarting in the left nostril (Franz). Disagreeable stoppage of the upper part of the nose, for three days (Hull). Discharge from the nose resembling white pus, with clots of blood (Hull). When sneezing he discharges a purulent mucus from the nose, mixed with little spots of blood (K., M., 2 pot., 1 dose, 5 d.).

 Larynx and trachea
 When lying down, after dinner, he perceived a whizzing and whistling in the larynx (in the throat and the bronchial tubes), occurring regularly as the pulse; the noise did not seem to occasioned by accumulation of mucus, but by the movement of the blood; it was hears only when lying on the left ear (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.).
 505. Hoarseness with roughness in the throat (M., 2 pot., 5 dose). Nightly hoarseness, with turns of dry cough, after which she throws off blood-tinged mucus mixed with saliva (N., 30 pot., 7 d.). Rawness and painful soreness in the upper part of the larynx, when coughing, not when swallowing (Hahnemann). Irritation and titillation in the larynx, followed by accumulation of mucus in the larynx, occasioning a slight rattling and a whizzing breathing until the mucus is thrown off in small lumps (E., 30 pot., 2 dose, 4 d.). Laughing causes phlegm in the trachea, and cough (Franz).
 510. When going up stairs and stooping, mucus gets into the trachea; it is thrown off by a single turn of coughing (Franz). A dull cutting, which passes into a stitching, is felt in the trachea from below upwards, occasioning two or three turns of cough, and continuing even after the cough ceased; the cough occasions a watery expectoration by which the irritation is not relieved (Franz, a. 24 hours). Dry tickling in the larynx, occasioning a cough, in the daytime (K., 1 pot., 2 dose). Night-cough occasioned by a titillation in the larynx (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Roughness in the throat, occasioning a short hawking (M., 6 pot., 1 dose).
 515. Cough occasioned by a titillation in the throat (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Violent titillation in the throat, obliging him to cough, before dinner, recurring at the same hour for several days (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Dry, fatiguing cough, occasioned by a violent, almost burning titillation in the throat, before retiring in the evening (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Morning-cough (Hahnemann). Irritating hacking cough without expectoration early in the morning after rising (Langhammer, a. 48 h.).
 520. Evening-cough which makes the accustomed tobacco-smoke intolerable to him (M., 2 pot., 2 dose, 5 d.). Dry and hacking cough, several times a day (K., 1 pot., 2 dose). Occasional cough in bed, at night (P., 30 pot., 3 d.). paroxysms of dry cough at night, sometimes so violent as to induce vomiting (K., 1 pot., 4 dose).

 525. Suffocative cough for several days at noon (M., second experiment). Cough after dinner, impeding speech (M., second experiment, 3 dose).

 Accumulation of mucus in the chest (., 1 pot., 4 dose). Mucus in the chest and cough with expectoration (Langhammer, a. 26 hours). Several paroxysms of a short rattling cough in the daytime, not in the night or in the open air, accompanied with a whitish, thickish, loose expectoration resembling boiled starch, but not transparent, without taste or smell (Hahnemann). Catarrh which is at first slight and dry, and afterwards loose, changing in a few days to a rattling cough with yellow expectoration profuse sweat and breaking out readily, bad look, hollow eyes and disturbed nightly sleep; as the cough improved, the boy blew from his nose puriform mucus mixed with blood (30 pot., 2 d. to 4th day).
 530. Violent, continual irritation, with cough and spiting of blood, accompanied with torturing oppression of breathing (Homoeop. Lex.). Nightly cough and sweat (K., 1 pot., 5 dose). Sighing, owing to oppression of the chest (M., 30 pot., 1 d.). fullness and anxiousness in the chest, with disposition to sigh (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 1 d.). Heaviness in the cavity of the chest, with desire to sigh (Moll).
 535. Oppression of the chest, accompanied with a clawing sensation moving through the chest (M., 6 pot., 2 dose). Difficulty of breathing (Oesterlen). Excessive suffocative oppression of breathing (Stuppe). Suffocative fits (Hom. Lex.). Pressure in the side of the back, opposite the abdomen; afterwards, when standing, when making the least motion or when taking an inspiration, a frightful, oppressive stitching is experienced as if he would die; he had to walk crooked; clutching sensation in that region, when lying still, as is felt in a malignant ulcer; oppression in the thoracic cavity, preventing the breathing, as if a great weight were oppressing the chest (Hahnemann).
 540. Nightly pain in the chest (K., M., 2 pot., 2 dose, 1 d.). Stitches in the chest (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Sticking in the left side of the chest (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 5 d.). Dull stitches in the left side, below the last false ribs (Herrmann). Dull stitches in the third true rib of the left side, the same during an inspiration and expiration (Herrmann).
 545. Dull stitches under the cartilages of the last true ribs, on the left side of and above the pit of the stomach, in the evening when in bed, slowly going and coming (Gross). Prickings under the xiphoid cartilage (Herrmann). Acute stitches on the right side of and near the handle of the sternum (Herrmann). Acute stitches between the sixth and seventh true ribs of the right side, increased during an inspiration (Herrmann). Violent stitch in the right side of the chest from within outward, lasting a minute, and so violent that he was scarcely able to breathe, when sitting (Langhammer).

 550. Fine stitches on the inner side of the upper part of the sternum from within outward (Wislicenus, a. 48 hours). Sticking-clawing pain in the left side of the sternum, most violent when sitting crooked, the same during an inspiration or expiration (Wislicenus, a. 8 hours). Sticking, with pressure, in the right side of the chest and in the region of the sternum, somewhat increased during a deep inspiration (Wislicenus, a. a few minutes). Painful pressure from within outward in a spot of the size of half a dollar between the second and third ribs of the right side, during a deep inspiration (Haynel). Aching-tensive pain in the chest, in various places of the chest, of the size of half a dollar (M., 2 pot., 2 dose).
 555. Pressure and weight as of a stone, in the middle of the sternum, in a spot of the size of a hand (N., 30 pot., 5 d.). Violent pressure in the middle of the sternum, internally, increased by every movement, especially when raising the trunk again after stooping (Haynel). Aching pain in the region of the sternum (Herrmann). Aching pain in a place of the right side of the chest, as if pressure were made upon the ribs with any thing hard (Franz). Sensation of oppression in the left side of the chest above the heart (Wislicenus, a. 78 hours).
 560. A cramp-like tensive pain with pressure is experienced in the region of same ribs (Hahnemann). Severe cutting in both sides in the region of the lowest ribs, from within outward, during a deep inspiration; it is only feebly felt between inspirations; if he moves the trunk without taking an inspiration, the pain is not increased; but the increase is felt as soon as he takes an inspiration (Wislicenus, a. a few hours). Cutting stitches at the extremity of the ribs, on the right side of and near the vertebral column, especially when curbing the back (Haynel). Cutting below the last rib of the felt side, when bending forward to one side and when leaning the arm upon any thing (Hahnemann). Burning in the chest (Moodie).
 565. Oppressive burning in the region of the heart (Haynel). Palpitation of the heart, at night (J., 1 pot., 3 dose). Violent palpitation of the heart accompanied with a faintish sort of nausea, of which she had three paroxysms in one afternoon (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 3 d.). Beating of the heart (Moll). Stitches in the breasts (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 5 d.).
 570. Sharp stitches in the right side of the chest, near the nipple (Herrmann). Sticking below the right nipple, not changed by either an inspiration or expiration (Gross). Tearing below the right nipple (Gross). Gnawing scraping in the left side of the chest, in rest (Wislicenus). Cramp-pain in the left side of the chest; the part is still painful to the touch, after the pain had disappeared (Wislicenus, a. 9 hours).

 575. The outer chest is painful to the touch (K., 1 pot.). The mammary glands of the right side are painful as if ulcerated, towards the axilla, especially when touching the part; when stretching the arm and turning the trunk speedily to one side, an oblong rounded protrusion is distinctly felt (P., 30 pot., 5 d.). itching of the chest and the axillae (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 3 d.). Stinging itching of various parts of the body, most violent around the left nipple (M., 6 pot., 2 d.).
 Pressure on the outer and left side of the neck, when walking in the open air (Franz).
 580. Swelling of the region of the sub-maxillary glands, which makes the neck stiff, a tensive sensation being experienced in it during motion; deglutition is impeded as if the throat were closed by swelling; he has to force every mouthful down his throat (Wislicenus, a. 48 hours). Clawing in the right anterior cervical muscles, resembling a cramp (M., 6 pot., 4 dose). Bounding pulsations of the left carotid at regular intervals, distinctly seen by the naked eye (P., 30 pot., 3 d.).

 Sharp pressure in the region of the scapulae, interiorly (Wislicenus, after one hour). Drawing with pressure in the top of the left shoulder, as of a load (M., 6 pot., 2 dose).
 585. Violent pressure between the shoulders, penetrating deeply, especially at the angle of the right shoulder, early in the morning on waking (M., 6 pot., 4 dose). Excessive tearing in the upper portion of the left scapula when sitting, abating on rising (Gross). Tearing in the top of the shoulder and in the region of the head of the humerus (Herrmann). Tearing in the glenoid cavity of the acromion process, extending into the clavicle (Herrmann). Titillating, itching stinging between the scapulae, as if caused by a violent flea or mosquito bite (Hahnemann).
 590. Itching pimples on the back, the itching being especially felt in the evening and obliging him to scratch (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 5 d.). itch-like eruption, especially on the back (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 6 d.). Tensive-clawing pains in the back (M.). Nightly pains in the back (M.). Burning stinging in the right side of the small of the back when sitting; when rising or when pressing upon the part, a painful burning, but no stinging, is experienced in the part (Franz).

 595. Weight in the small of the back which prevents him from sitting (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 4 d.). Violent pain in the small of the back, as if sprained, early in the morning when sitting; the pain was so violent that he had to rise (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 2 d.). Violent pains in the small of the back as if sprained, in the morning, scarcely permitting him to rise and not permitting him to walk about except crooked; recurring in the same manner for four days in succession (M. 1 pot., 1 dose, 3 d.). Pain in the small of the back, relieved when standing or walking (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 4 d.). Sensation as if the small of the back had been knocked off (Gross, a. 24 hours).
 600. The small of the back is painful as if bruised (Gross, a. 36 hours). The small of the back feels weary (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 4 d.). Digging-up in the small of the back, not permitting her to bend (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 4 d.). Cutting in the small of the back and in the abdomen (K., 1 pot., 2 dose). Frequent complaints about pain in the small of the back and in the loins (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 4 d.).
 605. Dull stitches in the region of the second lumbar vertebra (Herrmann). The lumbar region feels bruised (K., 1 pot., 1 dose). Heaviness and drawing in the loins, accompanied with great debility and weariness, trembling in the lower limbs, as after a fatiguing journey (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 1 d.). Extremely painful drawing and heaviness in the os sacrum along the pelvis, as if the menses were going to make their appearance (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 3 d.). Paralytic heaviness in the lumbar region, on the left side, extending into the hip-joint of the same side (M., 6 pot., 4 dose).
 610. The lumbar region feels rigid and as if put upon the stretch (M., 6 pot., 4 dose). Stiffness, heaviness and paralytic pain, commencing at the os sacrum and going down along the pelvis and the hips (M., 6 pot., 4 dose). Heaviness and paralytic sensation in the region of the os sacrum, not permitting him to sit for a long while, and obliging him, when walking, to stretch the dorsal spine as much as possible (M., 6 pot., 4 dose). He experiences such an intense pain in the sacral region that blowing and sneezing cause him to start (M., 6 pot., 4 dose). Drawing in the right side of the circumference of the pelvis and in the small of the back (Gross, after 1/4 hour).

 Superior extremities
 615. Boring stitches in the right axilla, not going off by contact (Langhammer, a. 30 hours). Tension in the right axillary glands (K., 1 pot., 4 dose). Pain in the right axilla as if strained or torn; upon raising the shoulder, the pain extended along the arm as far as the hand, where a prickling sensation was experienced (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Tearing with pressure below the shoulder-joint (Gross). Tensive drawing in various parts of the arm, resembling a sticking (Hahnemann).
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 620. Continuous pinching in the right upper arm, superficially (Wislicenus, a. 1 hour). Tearing in the left upper arm (Herrmann). Burning, quickly passing stitch in the middle of the right upper arm, anteriorly (Haynel). Aching pain in the flesh of the upper arm, increased by contact (Herrmann). Clawing in the middle of the upper arm when raising it; not much felt unless when raising it (Wislicenus, a. 10 hours).
 625. Paralytic sensation in the arms during motion, especially in the region of the elbow-joint (Wislicenus, a. 32 hours). A kind of paralysis of the right arm and hand; it sinks down, and he is scarcely able to write in spite of any exertion he males (Herrmann, a. 3 hours). Paralytic drawing pain in the whole of the upper right extremity (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Cramp-like aching drawing pain in the bend of the right elbow, as if the arm had been violently moved, felt only during motion, but more when stretching than when bending the arm (Hahnemann). Aching-drawing tensive pain in the bends of both elbows and in both knees, in any condition and position of the body, disappearing only for a moment when pressing upon the parts strongly; but returning again immediately (Hahnemann).
 630. Cramp-like drawing pain with pressure in the internal surface of the right forearm ( Hahnemann). Paralytic drawing in the bones of the forearm (M., 6 pot., 4 dose). Tension in the tip of the olecranon process, externally, when bending the arm inwards (Wislicenus, a. 1 hour). Burning in the tip of the right elbow (Gross). Violent tearing with pressure in the muscles covering the shaft of the ulna of the left arm, superiorly, not far from the carpal bones (Gross, a. 3 hours).
 635. Tearing at intervals, and not continuing long, apparently in the ulna, first of the left then of the right arm and lastly in the posterior joint of the right middle-finger, returning from time to time (Haynel). Sharp intermittent stitches in the muscles covering the right ulna (Herrmann). Nightly bone-pain of the ulna (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). Sharp continuous stitches behind the wrist-joint, at the commencement of the ulna (Wislicenus). Stinging-itching burning under the skin in the inner side of the left wrist-joint (Wislicenus, a. 32 hours).

 640. He wakes in the night owing to an acute pin in the left wrist-joint as if sprained, accompanied with heat of the whole hand and uneasiness in the hand, obliging him to change the position of the hand all the time; in the morning a pimple is seen not far from the joint, the tip of which is filled with pus, and in which a stinging pain is experienced as of a splinter which had been stuck in; the tip is raised upon a red, hard base of considerable extent (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 1 d.). The dorsum of the right hand and that of the index-finger is covered with red blotches which became transformed to yellow blisters upon a red base (K., M., 2 pot., 1 dose, 2 d.). Rheumatic tearing in the region where the phalanx of the thumb joins the metacarpus (M., 6 pot., 4 dose). Tickling in the palm of the right hand, obliging him to scratch (Langhammer, a. 33 h.). Cramp-like drawing in the dorsum of the right hand and foot (Franz).
 645. Tearing with pressure in both carpi (Gross). Tearing with pressure in the region of the metacarpal bone of the thumb and in both posterior joints of both big toes, which is felt only when touching the parts (Herrmann). Cramp of the ring-finger when seizing any thing (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 3 d.). Tearing in the posterior joint of the fourth finger of the left hand ad in the metacarpal bone of the same, the finger becoming bent as by a cramp, especially when grasping anything (Haynel). Drawing in the joints of the three middle fingers of the left hand, both in motion and rest (Herrmann).

 Inferior extremities
 650. Tension and drawing in the groin below the abdominal ring, near the left thigh (Franz). Paralytic weakness in the hip and thigh (Hahnemann). Paralytic heaviness and debility of the lower limbs, so that she did not know where to put them (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 3 d.). Periodical nervous ("cramp-like") drawing from the hip down to the knees, in paroxysms, sometimes so violent that it caused her to exclaim; the drawing descended along the anterior surface of the thigh (ishias antica) (P., 30 pot., 3 d.). Sticking-drawing pain in the hip down to the tarsal joint (P., 1 pot., 1 dose). Violent pain in a spot behind the left hip, as if he had had a violent fall upon it, only during motion; the pain is not excited by standing (Langhammer, a. 32 hours).
 655. Painful pressure as with a sharp point, in the hip-joint, when bearing upon the left foot in running (Gross). Paralytic weakness in the right hip-joint when walking, especially when bringing up the foot; the weakness is not felt in rest; this made his gait appear limping; the symptom disappeared speedily (Haynel). Paralytic weakness of the lower limbs and emaciation of the same (M., 2 pot., 3 dose, 2 d.). Creeping buzzing in the left thigh, and drawing in the anterior muscles (Franz). Jactitation of several portions of muscles, especially in the right thigh (Gross).

 660. In the night his lower limbs, especially his knees, start up; the starting awoke him (K., 1 pot., 4 dose). Slight jerking in the outer side of the left knee, accompanied with a bubbling sensation when sitting (Wislicenus, immediately). Cramp-like incisive pain over the left knee, on either side of the knee, when remaining quiet (Wislicenus, a. 8 hours). Itching, blotch(shaped pimples make their appearance upon the lower limbs in the night (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). At night, in bed, he experiences a torturing itching of the hard blotches on the lower limbs and in the bend of the knee; he had to scratch all the time, and was then as if in flames until morning (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 3 d.).
 665. Tearing, dull stitches over the left patella, in any position of the body (Haynel). Tearing in the left knee-joint, when sitting (Gross, a. 72 hours). Drawing tearing on the left side of and near the patella (M., 6 pot., 2 dose). Paralytic painful drawing as if bruised, one handbreadth above the left patella, in the rectus cruris muscle (M., 6 pot., 2 dose). The knee is painful as if bruised, more so when sitting than wen walking (Wislicenus, a. 1 1/4 h.).
 670. Tumult in the knees, with great weariness (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 1 d.). Violent tearing, raging, digging-up pain under the patellae, first the left, then the right (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 2 d.). Drawing tearing from the knees into the legs (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 2 d.). The knees frequently bend, when walking (Haynel). Aching pain in the knee-joint and in the muscles of the left lower limb, exteriorly, when sitting (Herrmann).
 675. Burning-corrosive stitches in the left tibia, not far from the knee, in the evening in bed, causing an involuntary jerking of the leg (Haynel). Several pimples on the tibia, with burning pain (Hahnemann). Cramp in the left calf, worst in rest (Wislicenus). Rigidity in the calves, with great debility and exhaustion as from fatigue, scarcely permitting her to walk across the room (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 3 d.). Excessive weariness of the calves as from fatigue (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 1 d.).
 680. Violent drawing in the calves when going up stairs, so that he was scarcely able to drag himself along (M., 2 pot., 3 dose). Pain in the calves as if too short, when going down stairs (Haynel). Great debility and weariness in the calves as after a long journey (M., 6 pot., 3 dose). Weariness of the legs (E., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). Drawing and scraping in the lower half of the tibia, anteriorly (M., 30 pot., 4 d.).

 685. Sensation in the tarsal joints as if beaten to pieces, with throbbing in the same, most violent when sitting (Wislicenus, a. 3 h.). violent tumult and dull beating in the tarsal joints and in the lower parts of the legs, as if occasioned by excessive weariness, accompanied by crawling and stinging in the skin of the legs, worst in rest, but less during motion (Wislicenus, a. 14 hours). Sensation in the left tarsal joint as if the foot were detached, and as if the articular cartilages did no longer touch one another, when walking (Franz). Sticking cutting in the external malleoli from within outward, when sitting, scarcely at all when walking, most violent when placing the foot on its edge (Wislicenus, a. a few hours). Stinging in the outer ankle of the right foot (K.M. , 2 pot., 1 dose, 2 d.).
 690. Arthritic drawing in the right foot (M., 30 pot., 4 d.). The tarsal joint bends easily of itself (M., 30 pot., 4 d.). Tearing in the feet, now in the bottom of the feet, now in the dorsum, now in the heels, now in the toes, especially in the posterior joints of the toes, at times in the metacarpal bones; the pain does not extend beyond the ankle, except at times a flashing-tearing pain, which reached above the ankle (Herrmann). Somewhat burning sensation in the right heel and tendo Achillis, as if the foot had gone to sleep (Franz). Pain in the heel when treading, as if it were pithy (continuous) (Hahnemann).
 695. Violent burning in the corn, at intervals, even without external pressure (Wislicenus). Staggering gait in the open air (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). He vacillates when walking, feeling moreover extremely uncomfortable in the whole body and unsteady in his limbs (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). Tearing with pressure in the region of the extremities of the long bones, a little above or below the articulation, in various parts of the body (Gross, a. 48 h.).
 General symptoms
 -Fits: Uncomfortableness and laziness in all the limbs (Gross).
 700. Lassitude and weariness of the lower limbs, accompanied with dizziness as from intoxication (M., 30 pot., 1 d.). Great debility and weariness in the lower limbs, the whole afternoon, as after a long journey on foot, accompanied with sick feeling, dread of labor, drowsiness, chilliness and sickly appearance (J., 1 pot., 2 d.). Great debility of the whole body, especially of the thighs, when sitting or walking, accompanied with drowsiness (Meyer, a. 4 h.). peculiar debility (Schneider). Debility in the afternoon (Hahnemann, in the nitrate of silver).

 705. She feels so debilitated that she is scarcely able to walk across the room, complaining a good deal about rigidity in the calves (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 3 d.). Going up stairs is very troublesome to him; he experiences a drawing in the calves while going up stairs; when walking in the open air he feels hot and debilitated all over, without sweating, and he experiences an oppressive anxiety as if his clothes were too tight (Hahnemann). Lazy and debilitated (M., 2 pot., 3 dose). Feeble, weary and without appetite (J., 1 pot., 2 dose). He is almost exhausted, having had sixteen diarrhoeic stools in the night previous (K., 1 pot., 1 dose).
 710. In the afternoon he felt so weak that he had to lie down, accompanied with an increase of warmth in the whole body and heat in the palms of the hands (M., 2 pot., 5 dose). In the morning, after rising, he feels very much debilitated, tremulous, irritated and apprehensive (M., 6 pot., 3 dose). Tremulous weakness, accompanied with general debility as after great physical exertions, and apathy (J., 1 pot., 3 dose). Great debility and despondency (Oesterlen). After breakfast he feels extremely debilitated, nervous, tremulous, afraid to undertake any thing, lest he should not succeed (M., 6 pot., 4 dose).
 715. Nervous, faintish, tremulous sensation, as if a severe disease were going to attack him (M., 30 pot., 1 d.). Excessive debility, wretched appearance and emaciation (Roget). Trembling and tremulous sensation (M.). Tremor of the limbs, general debility as from a physical exertion (Moll). Powerful excitation of the muscles and nerves, and consensual excitation of the nerves of the stomach (Cappe).
 720. Her nerves are so much affected, that she apprehends she will lose her senses, accompanied with constant chilliness (P., 30 pot., 3 d.). Disagreeable sensation moving about in the body, now in the limbs, now in the head (M., 6 pot., 3 dose). Orgasmus in the whole body, with increased temperature (M., 30 pot., 1 d.). Sensation as if the body, and especially the face and head, expanded; he feels as if the bones of the skull separated, with increase of temperature (M., 30 pot., 1 d.).
 725. Sensation in all the limbs as if they would go to sleep or become rigid (Hahnemann, on the nitrate of silver). Complete insensibility of the body (Bullet. De Thérap.). Convulsions (Cappe). Violent convulsions (Hom. Lex.). Convulsive contraction of this or that portion of muscles (Oesterlen).

 730. Presentiment of the approaching epileptic fit (Hahnemann on the nitrate of silver). Paralysis of the extremities (Oesterlen).

 Soporous condition (Oesterlen). Attack of sopor in the evening (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 3 d.). She inclines to fall asleep in the evening while sitting down (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 3 d.).
 735. Sleepiness when sitting: he had to exert himself to prevent himself from falling asleep (M., 30 pot., 1 d.). Is prevented from falling asleep by fancies and images hovering before his imagination; in the first part of the night, he is in a sort of fantastic half-slumber full of dreams (K., 1 pot., 1 dose). Fancies and images crows upon him when falling asleep (M., 2 pot., 1 dose). Nightly nervousness (K., 1 pot., 2 dose). Nightly nervousness with heat and fullness in the head (N., 30 pot., 4 d.).
 740. Sopor with tossing about, in the night; no sleep (J., 1 pot., 3 dose). Sleeplessness and tossing bout in the bed (K., 1 pot., 2 dose). Sleep very restless, she tossed about in the bed, and spoke aloud (K.M. , 2 pot., 1 dose). Had a restless night, was awake most of the time, or slumbered merely, and had dreams (E., 30 pot., 3 d.). Restless night; he woke almost every hour, and had an unrefreshing slumber, disturbed with dreams (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.).
 745. Restless night, full of dreams (P., 1 pot., 1 dose, 2 d.). Restless night; tossing about, heavy dreams (E., 30 pot., 1 d.). Restless night with fantastic dreams (K., 30 pot., 1 d.). Restless, stupefied sleep, with horrid dreams (M., 2 pot., 3 dose). Restless night, with headache and stupefaction (P., 30 pot., 3 d.).
 750. The night's rest is disturbed with a dull headache (M., 2 pot., 1 dose). In the morning he wakes from a slumber full of dreams, with dullness of the head (M., 2 pot., 1 dose). He wakes in the night with sore throat (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). He frequently wakes in the night from dreams about putrid water, fishes and serpents, filling him with horror (M., 6 pot., 4 dose). Anxious dreams; the anxiety was still so great after waking that he imagined he had really had the accident he dreamed of (Hahnemann, a. 65 h.).
 755. He dreamed towards morning that an insect had burrowed so deeply in his heel that it had to be cut (M., 6 pot., 4 dose). Lascivious dreams in the morning, during which he would have had an emission of semen, if he had not waked up before (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). He dreamed about the affairs of the past day (Hahnemann). He woke early in the morning owing to shifting of flatulence, rumbling in the intestines and sensation as if he would go to stool (J., 1 pot., 1 dose).

 A good deal of yawning and drowsiness (at five o'clock in the evening) (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.).
 760. Long and deep yawning (at ten o'clock in the forenoon and in the afternoon) (M., 6 pot., 2 dose). Yawning and chilliness (M., 6 pot., 2 dose). Feverish sick feeling, the whole afternoon; constant weakness and exhaustion (M., 2 pot., 2 dose). Shudderings through the whole body (Langhammer, a. 1 1/2 hours). Shuddering over the whole body, which goose-flesh and coldness, the head being hot and the hands cold, with nausea, the whole forenoon, recurring at the same period on other days (K., 30 pot., 2 d.).
 765. Chilliness and nausea after rising (N., 30 pot., 7 d.). Chilliness and headache, in forenoon (K., 30 pot., 2 dose). Chilliness in the afternoon, until bed-time; he was unable to get warm in the bed; sweat after midnight (Hahnemann). Febrile chilliness of the upper part of the body, in the night, when in bed and lifting the cover of the bed ever so little; when covered he felt an ordinary degree of warmth (Hahnemann, a. 4 hours). Chilliness in the back, and from below extending above the ankles, where the chilliness continued for two hours and was very painful; could not be relieved by walking (Haynel, a. 6 1/2 hours).
 770. The chilliness was accompanied with a pale, almost yellowish countenance, nausea and empty risings (K., 30 pot., 3 d.). Coldness all over, in the warm room, in the evening (J., 1 pot., 1 dose). In the forenoon he was hot, both to himself and others, over the whole body, but less about the head, without thirst, and with sweat on the abdomen, and some sweat on the chest (Hahnemann). Quick pulse with thirst, in the evening, in bed (Meyer, a. 11 hours). Fever, after a meal; he feels chilly, goes to bed, feels extremely nervous and weak, the head feeling obtuse (M., 2 pot., 2 dose).
 780. Febrile condition; during the whole of the forenoon she suffered with headache and chilliness, ate little at noon and without any appetite, complained a good deal of nausea; in the afternoon, about four o'clock, she was seized with violent tumult and beating in the head, with heat of the head, creeping chills, the skin being dry and hot, accompanied with nausea and inclination to vomit, and with great desire for something salt; she felt likewise so debilitated that she was no longer able to remain out of bed; the desire for something acrid and sour having increased, she took, at seven o'clock in the evening, some pot-cheese, which she devoured greedily; after this the symptoms improved, but the febrile sensation continued the whole night (P., 30 pot., 6 d.). Night sweat (M.). Profuse night sweat (Hahnemann). A good deal of night sweat (N., 30 pot., 5 d.). Sweat on the chest, at night (N., 30 pot., 1 d.). Sweat accompanied with chilliness, as soon as he got warm in the bed (J., 1 pot., 2 dose). Morning sweat (J., 1 pot., 3 dose.-N., 30 pot., 7 d.). Slight sweat in the morning (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 6 d.). Morning sweat (from four until six) after a restless sleep, which had been disturbed by many fits of cough (M., 2 pot., 2 dose).

 Cachexia, emaciation, affection of the liver, dropsy (Kopp).
 785. Fatal dropsy (J. Frank).Intolerable itching of the head and whole body, resembling the creeping of vermin (Hahnemann). Burning itching of various parts of the skin, face, hands, etc., not obliging him to scratch himself (Hahnemann). Itching of various parts of the body, making him uneasy in the night (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 6 d.). A good deal of prickling itching in various parts of the skin, at night (M., 2 pot., 2 dose, 5 d.).
 790. When getting warm in the night, she felt an itching and smarting over the whole skin, especially the thighs and axillae (P., 30 pot., 3 d.). Small itching pimples here and there, resembling itch-stigmata, especially on the chest and back, towards the shoulders (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 5 d.). Itch-like eruption (especially on the back) (M., 1 pot., 1 dose, 5 d.). Small itch-pimples, bleeding when scratched and becoming in that case covered with bleeding scurfs (P., 30 pot., 3 d.). Pustulous ecthyma, coming on subsequently to itching, and pain in the affected portion of skin (Bullet. De Thérap.), from applying the nitrate externally).
 795. Wart-shaped excrescences on the skin (H. Lex.). peculiar discoloration of the skin (argyria) from the blue-gray, violent or bronze-colored tinges to the real black (after large and repeated doses).
 Moral symptoms
 Irritated and anxious mood, in the morning after rising, accompanied with great nervousness, feeling of weakness and tremulousness (M., 6 pot., 3 dose). Anxiety in the praecordial region, sighing, intense feeling of disease, after dinner (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). Alternation of great cautiousness and lightness of sense and indifference (M., 6 pot., 4 dose).

 800. When contented she is merry to excess, but a trifle causes her to weep a long time (Hahnemann). He feels very much affected bodily and mentally; he dares not undertake any thing lest he should not succeed (M., 6 pot., 4 dose). Apathy, with great debility and tremulous weakness (J., 1 pot., 3 dose). Hypochondriac taciturnity, accompanied with dullness of the head and beating in the whole body (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 2 d.). Hypochondriac and gloomy mood; drawing pain in the forehead; yellowish complexion; sweetish-bitter taste in the mouth; dry, viscid lips; feebleness and febrile sensation; debility and weariness of the lower limbs (in the forenoon, at eleven o'clock, for one hour). (M., 30 pot., 2 dose, 3 d.).
 805. Desponding (Hahnemann). Increased cheerfulness and disposition to talk, the whole day (Langhammer, a. 3 hours) (Curative effect).


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