Andrés Amado Zuno Arce
Associate Professor
Universidad Candegabe de Homeopatía.
Buenos Aires, Argentina

This document supports the findings I made in my research “An Endeavor to Illustrate an Objective Evidence for the Action of Homeopathic Medicines by Measuring Physiological Variability in Human Body Temperature” 

Abstract(This is not a technical paper but a basic scientific one)
Brain, an organ like a computer, is the manager of the body. It means that organs, tissues and cells are under its control and also it means that these parts of the body do not handle what happens to them. If the brain is functioning properly, we have health; and if it works wrongly a disease will show. Acting on the brain by neuromodulation means, can cure. This is what acupuncture does; this is an informatics system, and it is bio, bioinformatics, because it is alive, and in this paper I present tenths of proves of it. Also, because of this it is about time to recognize and establish it as a Law of Nature. 
Keywords- acupuncture, bio, informatics, Central Nervous System, computer, brain, therapeutic, neuromodulation, homeopathy, Law of Nature
Science is synthesis. In history we have seen advances constantly synthesized. E=mc² is perhaps the most famous scientific synthesis, of all history. Another simplification, synthesizing, is the Law of universal gravitation and all the other Newtonians laws. 
The informatics-cybernetic conceptualization applied to medicine, synthesized in this document, is a simplification of the understanding of what are health, disease, and cure from a purely physiologic point of view, of beings with Central Nervous System. In this context, for example, “disease is Central Nervous System dysfunction” is a synthesis and is so established here.
Acupuncture and homeopathy influence the Central Nervous System and make it to react. Homeopathy does it by the use of the homeopathic medicine and acupuncture does it by means of tactile media like insertion, pressure, energies influences (Photonic, Laser, and Fire) –like “pressing the keys”, “touching the screen” or “clicking in the mouse”- as one does in computers. Those are the reasons of the “informatics-cybernetic” denomination. 

Thanks to a large number of facts, technological laboratory provings which are mentioned later on, it is evident with no doubt that the healing processes of the acupunctural and homeopathic media have their effect on the CNS and therefore it is about time to recognize that there is a Nature Law; “Law of therapeutic neuromodulation” which includes mainly acupuncture and homeopathy. As a logic consequence of this, clinics, hospitals and educational institutions must give acupuncture and homeopathy the scientific status they deserve and thus take advantage of them in the daily therapy and be taught in the health educational institutions.   
The neuromodulation action is definitely proved in acupuncture trough tenths of researches made with state of the art imaging technology such as PET, Positron Emission Tomography, fMRI, functional Magnetic Resonance Image, and SPECT, “Single Photon Emission Tomography. Studies like those have not being done in homeopathy but no doubt will be made.
There is one that highlights: Kathleen Hui et al, professor at the Harvard Medical Scholl, and Martinos Institute, MIT, in a document [[1]] shows that “Brain processing of acupuncture stimuli in chronic neuropathic pain patients may underlie its beneficial effects. We used fMRI to evaluate verum and sham acupuncture stimulation at acupoint LI-4 in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) patients and healthy controls (HC). CTS patients were retested after 5 weeks of acupuncture therapy. Thus, we investigated both the short-term brain response to acupuncture stimulation, as well as the influence of longer-term acupuncture therapy effects on this short-term response. CTS patients responded to verum acupuncture with greater activation in the hypothalamus and deactivation in the amygdala as compared to HC, controlling for the non-specific effects of sham acupuncture. A similar difference was found between CTS patients at baseline and after acupuncture therapy. For baseline CTS patients responding to verum acupuncture, functional connectivity was found between the hypothalamus and amygdala – the less deactivation in the amygdala, the greater the activation in the hypothalamus, and vice versa. Furthermore, hypothalamic response correlated positively with the degree of maladaptive cortical plasticity in CTS patients (inter-digit separation distance). This is the first evidence suggesting that chronic pain patients respond to acupuncture differently than HC, through a coordinated limbic network including the hypothalamus and amygdala.




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