The modus operandi of Differentiating Homeopathic Medicines by Measuring physiological variability in Human Body temperature -“Research work Ready for open Challenge” - Discussion:

Appearance of two small waves of equal amplitude in Parametric spectrum is considered as remedy specific action for the given remedy.

Parametric Amplitudes
Many persons have not showed remedy specific action, the reason is temperature variability data is not collected for long time. Data is only measured for five minutes the same data is tested for action of remedy. If measured data is for a long time, we would have tested and included the data which represent the remedy specific action.
If looked at Correlation Co efficient Chart  CALCAREA CARB, LYCOPODIUM,PULSATILLA, SEPIA have appeared side by side. This shows the efficacy and accuracy of the method.
The analysed remedy data is collected during the period of two years. Even though  temperature variability is measured at various times during two years of time, similar remedies have taken appropriate place in the Correlation Chart.


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