Chronic Diseases Cause and Cure -.Conclusion

 In writing about chronic disease and its cause and cure, I have endeavoured to analyze and explain the principles of Homeopathy in the simplest and best manner that has been possible for me. And I shall consider my pains to have been amply rewarded, if my reader finds the explanation of the subject sufficient for his purpose. I would, however, warn him that Homeopathy is truth, and an attainment of that truth requires absolute freedom from prejudice and untiring zeal. "Indolence, love of ease and obstinacy preclude effective service at the altar of Truth." It is only by a careful study and thorough analysis of the Great Truths laid down in Hahnemann's Organon and Chronic Diseases, and in Kent's Philosophy, that one can expect to have a grasp of the subject of chronic treatment; and the explanation of the subject that has been attempted in this little book, is by no means intended to take their place, but is expected to serve as an introduction to higher studies, such as those masterly works contemplate.

 Besides a thorough study of the philosophy of Homeopathy on the lines indicated above, a practical application of it is an indispensable condition for an acquirement of this Art to any useful extent. And this suggests the necessity of a very thorough study of materia medica of drugs-the very weapons to be wielded against "Disease". The study of the Materia Medica is by no means a memory work, as Kent has stated. It is an attempt for finding out in each drug, that which makes that drug that drug and none other. And it is such a study that is required to be made of the drugs, as this alone will bring up in your mind's eye, their images as in a mirror, and will enable you to find out the particular drug that the case in your hand demands. The medicines required in the treatment of chronic cases are all deep acting, more or less. And they are not all of them equally quick or slow in their action, nor are they, all of them, able to act on the same plane. Some are more deep acting and some less, some are more quick acting and some less, while some act on more internal planes and some on less internal. As such, there is not a medicine in the Materia Medica that can serve the purpose of any other. Each one is absolute in its own sphere. As for example, Aloe and Aurum Met. are both anti-Psorics, but the action of the latter is far more lasting than that of the former. And necessarily, the latter is more deep acting and long acting too. As such, Aloe cannot do the work of Aurum Met. in a case, nor Aurum Met. can do that of Aloe. Lycopodium and Carbo Vegetabilis are almost equal in all respects except in respect of symptoms, but any one of them and Iodine are awfully different from each other in respect of their depth and length of action. I have seen the action of a dose of Iodine 10 m., to continue in a patient for over 4 months, while a dose of Carbo Veg. or Lycopodium in the same potency exhausts itself much earlier. Then again, even if the actions of two remedies are of the same kind, they may not be on the same plane, e. g., belladonna and Calcarea, Natrum Mur. and Sepia, Colchicum and Arsenicum. Some medicines act very deeply, but they act quickly and exhaust themselves too soon, e. g., Ammon Carb., Magnesia Phos., Colocynth etc. Then again, there are some that act less deeply but long, e. g., Stannum, Staphisagria, Kreosote etc. And there are some again, the abuse of which even by a single dose, implants a life long suffering on the economy, e. g., Lachesis, Crotalus etc. Thus, we may see, that it is not in symptoms alone that our remedies are different, one from another. And as such, it is not symptomatological differences only that have to be found out and grasped in course of the study of materia medica. It is really a study on the above line that is necessary. And such a study is highly interesting too. It will gradually lead you from the pages of your book to your surroundings-to your friends and acquaintances, and last of all to the individuals of the whole human race. It will gradually enable you to find out the pictures of your remedies all around. You will then cease to see Messrs Tom, Dick and Harry, but instead you will see Messrs Sepia, Natrum and Pulsatilla. When the study of the Materia Medica will reach this stage, it is then only that you will be able to explain why two individuals are such close friends, and why two others are never so. The first two are perhaps, Natrum and Sepia respectively, while the last two are perhaps, Rhus. And Apis. It is such a study that is necessary for an opening of the Homeopathic eye. Kent had such an opening of his eye, and when one has such an opening of his Homeopathic eye, Homeopathy becomes directly assimilated with him, and any mistake in prescribing becomes an impossibility then. One who can learn to prescribe his remedies like this, is bound to be free from errors.

 But the world is there to rail at you. When you talk of an opening of the Homeopathic eye, and when you talk of seeing Messrs, Sepia, Natrum and Pulsatilla, instead of Tom, Dick and Harry, you are bound to be laughed at and ridiculed as one lost to reason. But be that as it may, the Homeopath who has assimilated the great Truth of Homeopathy and has become "directly assimilated to the Divine Creator, Whose creatures he helps to preserve," is far above the plane of laughter and ridicule, and he can only reply "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do."


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