Galphimia glauca

Galphimia glauca
- schwabe
Galphimia glauca

Galphimia glauca is a woody plant found from Mexico to Panama and West Indies. This drug is often used in low potencies in cases of allergic conditions. To establish its curative efficacy in homoeopathic doses, a placebo controlled pathogenetic trial was conducted by David Riley with the support from Deutsche Homöopathie-Union (DHU), the homoeopathic division of Dr. Willmar Schwabe, Germany, using 12CH with 16 females and 6 male provers.  

This drug is available with Schwabe India in 6CH, 12CH, 30CH, 200CH and 1M.

Peculiar symptoms noted during the trial

Dryness and itching of the mucous membranes. Burning discharges from eyes and nose. Sneezing. Swelling of the eyelids. Eruptions and ulcerations of the tongue and cheeks. Abdominal distension or sensation of fullness with epigastric discomfort. Sensation of being too warm and in general symptoms increased with the sensation of being warm.

No anxiety when speaking in front of people. Dreams that are vivid, anxious, or of dead relatives. Feeling lonely and feeling unfortunate. Irritable toward family. Calm and relaxed. Weeping without cause.
On rising or sitting. Vertigo with diarrhea or nausea.
Pain in the forehead or temples. Ache at the back of head or the base of the neck. Pains extend to the neck or from the occiput to the ears. Dull or pressing pain in the forehead. Throbbing pain in the temples.
Burning discharges. Dryness of the eyelids or improvement of eye dryness. Heaviness of the lids. Itching in the morning or about the eyes. Sore pain in and around eyes. Redness of lids or conjunctiva. Scratching sensation.
Coryza with excoriating discharge that was worse when moving. Obstruction that is right sided or that improves during sleep. Sneezing that is constant or in the morning. Internal dryness. Discharges that are excoriating, clear, blood streaked, or aggravated by motion.
Dryness of lips and nose. Itching, numbness, and tingling, especially over the cheek. Sensation of thick skin.
Eruptions or itching on the tongue. Sore tongue pain. Ulcers on the right cheek, tip of the tongue, or that are painful.
Teeth ache as if cavities are all over.
Dryness. Sore pain on coughing. Swelling. Pain on swallowing or desire to swallow. Mucus in throat. Indistinct or hoarse voice from mucus in the larynx.
Eructations after eating or in daytime. Nausea with eructations or in the evening. Hiccoughs.
Distention after eating, from gas, on waking or improvement of normal distention. Painful gas. Full sensation. Pain in the lower abdomen or radiating to the back and chest or associated with gas or distention.
Constipation with straining, difficulty in passing stool, no movement, or hard stool. Diarrhea in the morning with weakness and trembling in the extremities. Flatus that is offensive or occurs during stool. Rumbling and sensation of bubbles escaping without evacuation. Urging that is constant or before stool.
Like balls, frequent and hard. Large, formed instead of small, hard pieces. Loose.
Frequent and copious urination.
Short menses. Eruptions at the external meatus that are raw.
Itching on back, or rash between the scapula. Stitching pain in the neck
and down the back or in the left hip. Perspiration on neck and back. Aching in the neck.
Itching rash on legs, shins, and calves. Heaviness and fatigue of the leg and thighs. Trembling and weakness with diarrhea. Sore knee. Stitching pain in the foot or hip.
Waking from the sensation of coldness, waking from warmth, waking from itching, or waking with the desire to urinate.
Dryness. Itching on becoming warm.
Sensation or flushes of heat especially at night. Heaviness of the body. Excessive physical energy. Worse before menses. Desires fruit and salty food. Aching pain.

1.        P. N. Varma, Indu Vaid, Encyclopaedia of Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia,
           Updated edition 2007, B. Jain Publishers, New Delhi.
2.        David S. Riley, Materia Medica of New and Old Homoeopathic
           Medicines, Springer-Verlag GmbH, 2012.


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