Combined symptoms from Morrison's Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms

- J. %Yasgur

Roger Morrison's Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms is a materia medica of depth and yet great simplicity, much like homeopathy itself. Among the usual headings, it also contains a heading not found in other materia medica, that of "Combined Symptoms." By this Morrison means:
 The section "Combined Symptoms" indicates common doublets or triplets of symptomatology which can be considered strong indications for the remedy, even when the remedy is not famous for either of the component symptoms. For example, Cobaltum is not a major remedy for lumbago, nor is it among the most important remedies for seminal discharges. However when seminal discharges and lumbago are found in the same case, then Cobaltum becomes a very likely choice for the patient. I have placed these doublets and triplets in this section. (ix-x)
 Combined symptoms are found in less than 50 of the nearly 300 remedies covered in this book. It would be helpful if Roger would list them in an appendix of a future edition of this useful reference. In the meantime, I have compiled the following list of these nowhere-else-to-be-found pearls and thought that other readers might enjoy having them all in one place.
 Failure to thrive or emaciation with umbilical eruptions or discharge.
 Aesculus hippocastanum
 Back pain or sciatica and hemorrhoids.
 Ammonium carbonicum
 Heart disease with thyroid problems (Lycopodium).
 Argentum nitricum
 Intense craving for both salty and sweets.
 Arum triphyllum
 Cracks of lips and hoarseness.
 Benzoicum acidum
 Rheumatism and offensive urine (Colchicum, Berberis).
 Bismuthum-sn. (+ -o.) (old abbr.)
 Abdominal pain and fear.
 Abdominal pain and thirst.
 Blatta orientalis
 Asthma and obesity.
 Borax veneta
 Sensitivity to noise and any herpetic or aphthous condition.
 Cactus grandiflorus
 Heart disease and hemorrhage.
 Caladium seguinum
 Impotence and craving for tobacco or cigarettes.
 Calcarea arsenicosa
 Kidney disease and heart disease.
 Epilepsy and cardiac disease or arrhythmia.
 Caulophyllum thalictroides
 Joint pains and menstrual disorders or miscarriages.
 Cimicifuga racemosa
 Rheumatism and loquacity.
 Rheumatism and dysmenorrhea.
 Hysteria and back or neck spasm.
 Clematis erecta
 Orchitis and skin symptoms.
 Cobaltum metallicum
 Low back pain or sciatica and nocturnal emissions.
 Collinsonia canadensis
 Alternation or combination of heart symptoms or palpitations and hemorrhoids (Lycopodium).
 Corallium rubrum
 Craving for sour and allergy or coryza.
 Crocus sativus
 Hemorrhage and hysteria or twitches.
 Cuprum metallicum
 Asthma and seizure disorder.
 Diarrhea and cramps in the extremities.
 Digitalis purpurea
 Liver and heart problems.
 Aversion to meat, salt and sweets as a combination.
 Gratiola officinalis
 Sexual pathology and gastrointestinal disorders.
 Hamamelis virginiana
 Epistaxis and hemorrhoids or varicosities.
 Helonias dioica
 Fatigue or hysteria combined with prolapse or other uterine complaints.
 Nausea and hemorrhage tendency.
 Iris versicolor
 Psoriasis or herpes with migraines.
 Lacticum acidum
 Diabetes and rheumatism.
 Lithium carbonicum
 Hip pain and heart disease.
 Rheumatism and valvular heart disease.
 Natrium sulphuricum
 Asthma and diabetes.
 Asthma and depression.
 Asthma and colitis or colorectal polyps or malignancies.
 Eczema and herpes.
 Motion sickness and eczema.
 Phytolacca decandra
 Psoriasis and bone pains.
 Rheumatism and cervical or parotid adenopathy.
 Picricum acidum
 Spinal disorders and priapism.
 Dull headache and mental exhaustion.
 Plumbum metallicum
 Weak memory and atherosclerotic disease.
 Podophyllum peltatum
 Colitis and rheumatism.
 Depression with suicidal thoughts and offensive odors.
 Great chilliness with frequent acute illness.
 Radium bromatum
 Skin problems and arthritic complaints.
 Uterine disorders and epistaxis.
 Sambucus nigra
 Asthma and heavy perspiration.
 Sanguinaria canadensis
 Asthma and heartburn.
 Sanicula aqua
 Calcarea but with hot feet.
 Sarsaparilla officinalis
 Skin and urinary symptoms.
 Spongia tosta
 Asthma and thyroid conditions.
 Respiratory conditions and testicular pains.
 Any two of these fears: Dark. Death. Being alone. Animals. Water.
 Temper problems and fears or nightmares.
 Convulsions and fears.
 Sulphuricum acidum
 Hurriedness and complaints of exhaustion.
 Tarentula hispanica
 Heart and ovarian disease.
 Hurriedness and genital itching.
 Theridion curassavicum
 Sensitivity to noise and vertigo.
 Insomnia and vertigo.
 Tuberculinum bovinum Kent
 Respiratory troubles and rheumatism.
 Morrison, Roger. Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms. Albany, California: Hahnemann Clinic Publishing, 1993.
 Jay Yasgur, RPh., MSc., whose formal education was in pharmacy, is an author and healer specializing in homeopathy, massage, holistic healthcare counseling, and plant-spirit medicine. His first book, re-titled Yasgur's Homeopathic Dictionary and Holistic Health Reference, 4th edition (1998), is a standard and essential reference in the field. His most recent book, 111 Great Homeopaths, deals with the lives of many of the world's great homeopaths and will be translated into six languages. He may be contacted c/o Van Hoy Publishers, PO Box 636, Greenville, PA 16125; (724) 347-1580; yasgurjuno. com; and www. yasgur. net


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