Prof. V. Krishnamurthy, 
Most homoeopaths remain as symptom-coverers.   Bernard Shaw wrote that if a homoeopath looks at a Chinese he would prescribe him for jaundice (because the colour of the skin of Chinese people is yellow.)
No one need get offended by this statement.  We are only trying to carefully lift all mysterious clouds enveloping homoeopathy.
Be that as it may.  Let us now learn some terminologies most useful in selecting the remedy.
‘Congestion.’  When two or more symptoms are in one and the same part of the body, instead of considering each symptom separately you should take this rubric ‘congestion’.  For example, a patient came in complaining headache, dandruff and hair fall;  he had been having this for several years.  The neophyte would take ‘dandruff’ ‘hair fall’ and 'headache' for finding the remedy.  But when these three symptoms found together in one place viz., head, we should not take the three symptoms separately but as one whole unit and the term is ‘congestion’. For this do not take the list of remedies under CONGESTION in the Chapter ‘Head’ in Kent ’s Repertory but you must go to the Chapter GENERALITIES and there also you find a rubric CONGESTION. You must take this for chronic diseases.
A patient was having varicose veins in legs, pain in knee, corns on sole, cramps in feet.  All these complaints are on the lower limb.  Here too we must use the rubric 'congestion.'
Instances where also you would press into service this term ‘congestion.’
When pain or some other symptom is felt in a part while exerting another part.  E. g., headache while coughing,  involuntary urination or urging to urinate when excited etc.
For acute diseases you may search in the repertories as such i.e. 'head, pain on coughing' etc.  But for chronic diseases you must use the term 'congestion'.
‘Worry causes headache’.  ‘Mental tension causes or aggravates skin complaints’.  (For this we have the term neurotic eczema.  See  the remedy Anacardium orientale in Boericke's Materia Medica.  In that remedy under the para Skin we find the following:  Intense itching, eczema, with mental irritability… neurotic eczema.)
In the materia medicas some authors use the term ‘rush of blood’ or ‘hyperaemia’ in place of ‘congestion’. [Hyperaemia = an excess of blood in an organ or other part of the body.]
Rush of blood of plethoric individuals requires: 1, acon., aur., bell., calc., lyc., phos., sep., sulph. 2. Arn., Bry., Chin., Ferr., Nat-mur., Nux-vom., Rhus-tox, Thuj.
Rush of blood complained of by plethoric, debilitated, hypochondriac, or nervous individuals. The principal remedies are: 1, Acon., Aur., Calc., Hep., Kalm., Kreos., Lyc., Phos., Sep., Sulph.; 2, Amb., Amm., Arn., Bell., Bry., Carb. v., Caust., Croc., Chin., Fer., Iod., Natr. m., Nux v., Op., Petr., Phos. ac., Rhus, Samb., Sarsap., Senn., Sil., Stann., Thuj.
Rush of blood of nervous, very irritable individuals: 1. Acon, Arn., Bell., Chin., Nux v.; 2. Amb., Aur., Calc., Fer., Lyc., Petr., Samb.
(Memory weak, inability to think) - if by congestion of blood to the head: chin., melilot., merc., rhus, sulph.
Remedies having the symptom ‘congestion’ ‘rush of blood’ or ‘hyperaemia’:
Agaricus  (Hepatic derangements) - congested, enlarged liver
Absinthium (Delirium) - sleeplessness in typhoid with congestion at the base of brain.
Actea spic - active sanguineous congestions.
Adrenalin - therapeutically, adrenalin has been suggested in acute congestion of lungs, asthma, grave's and addison's diseases, arterio-sclerosis, chronic aortitis, angina pectoris, haemophilia chlorosis, hay fever, serum rashes, acute urticaria, etc.
[For full list see our book Advanced Homoeo Practice (876 pages).  Price Rs.750 including postage]


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