The discovery of a new potency system

- Dosage and potency according to the organon (D. Little)

Hahnemann was not completely satisfied with the medicinal solutions of centesimal potencies, especially in complex disorders and chronic miasms. He found in those with hypersensitivity, low vitality, complex chronic miasms and organic pathology that the high potencies produced unproductive aggravations while the lower potencies could not cure. How could he make a potency which could fill this lacuna in homeopathic treatment? Surely the answer to the question did not lie in raising the centesimal potency to still higher levels so he decided to increase the dilution rate instead.
 After many experiments Hahnemann settled on the 1/50,000 dilution ratio called the LM potency. His new potencies used a serial dilution system which began with the LM 0/1 potency and progressed through 0/2, 0/3, 0/4, 0/5, 0/6, onward to 0/30. This gradually increasing 30 potencies scale is the perfect balance to the rapidly ascending centesimal scale. Now the new posology included the adjustments of medicinal solutions of two complementary yet opposite potency systems. This expanded the range of homeopathic treatment. 


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