The size of the dose - Dosage and potency according to the organon

- Dosage and potency according to the organon (D. Little)

There is a commonly held belief in modern homeopathy that the size of the dose makes no difference in the action of a homeopathic remedy. Therefore, it follows that the administration of 1 or 1000 drops, globules or teaspoons are all "the same". Some of these ideas originate in James Kent's Lectures on Homeopathic Philosophy where he combines the Swedenborgian view of energy as a simple substance with the homeopathic potency. As the simple substance represents the 4th state of matter it could have qualities but no quantity. Therefore the size of the dose makes no difference. This is one area where our two great teachers disagree.
 Hahnemann taught that potentization releases dynamic forces similar to electromagnetism which carries the inner medicinal energies of a substance. He discovered that each pellet contained a certain "quantum" of pure remedial energy at specific potency levels. As both the amplitude and frequency affect a wave form of a signal, the size of the dose, and the potency affects the remedial powers. The Old Doctor's views of energy dynamics are more similar to modern physics then the Swedenborgian paradigm. He taught that the more perfect the simillimum, and the higher the potency, the more the size of the dose must be controlled. Vide Aphorism 275.
 "For this reason, a medicine, even though it may be homeopathically suited to the case of disease, does harm in every dose that is too large, and in strong doses it does more harm the greater its homeopathicity and the higher the potency selected, and it does much more injury than any equally large dose of a medicine that is unhomeopathic and in no respect adapted to the morbid state (allopathic)".
 The Founder taught that the phenomenon of the aggravation was related to the size of the dose as well as to the potency. These two factors become far more critical in individuals with sensitive constitutions, weakened vitality, chronic miasms and organic pathology. Hahnemann wrote of his own experience in relationship to the size of the dose in The Chronic Diseases.
 "I have myself experienced this accident, which is very obstructive to cure and cannot be avoided too carefully. Still ignorant of the strength of its medicinal power, I gave Sepia in too large a dose. This trouble was still more manifest when I gave Lycopodium and Silica potentized to the one-billionth degree, giving four to six pellets, though only as large as poppy seeds. Discite moniti!"
 Hahnemannian posology is based on the size of the dose, the potency factor and the nature of the delivery system. All of the breakthroughs of the 5th and 6th editions of the Organon are founded on the medicinal solution, olfaction, and the methods of adjusting the dose. In my own twelve years of study I have put Hahnemann's theory to the test in the field and found his postulate to be true. Kent faithfully applied the methodology of the 4th edition of the Organon and never put the posology of the 5th edition of the Organon into practice. He did not see the 6th edition nor did he know about the LM potency. It seems he was not privy to Hahnemann's final insights in homeopathic methodology. 


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