Additional biographical notes: The paradigm dispute in medicine (H. L. Coulter)

- The paradigm dispute in medicine (H. L. Coulter)
 - Harris l. coulter, ph.d.  april, 1997
Additional biographical notes:
 Pursuing the career of a medical historian and analyst of the state of medical practice in the US, from 1994 back to 1972, Dr. Coulter has published the following works:
 Divided Legacy. Volume IV. Twentieth Century Medicine: The Bacteriological Era-The Controlled Clinical Trial: an Analysis-Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality-AIDS and Syphilis: the Hidden Link-(with Barbara Loe Fisher): DPT: A Shot in the Dark,-Homeopathic Science and Modern Medicine. -Divided Legacy. Volume II. The Origins of Modern Western Medicine: J. B. Van Helmont to Claude Bernard-Divided Legacy. Volume I. The Patterns Emerge: Hippocrates to Paracelsus-Divided Legacy. Volume III. The Conflict Between Homeopathy and the American Medical Association, and Homeopathic Influences in Nineteenth-Century Allopathic Therapeutics-and Homeopathic Medicine.
 Dr. Coulter has lectured to homeopathic and other physicians specializing in alternative medicine, including: the 51st Annual Conference of the World Homeopathic League (LIGA); the Third Dead Sea Conference on Potentiating Health and the Crisis of the Immune System; the Convention of the Rumanian Homoeopathic Society; Centre de Techniques Homeopathiques, Montreal, Canada ( lecture published as 'Histoire de l'Homeopathie'); the 50th Congress of International Homeopathic Medical League on dangers of childhood vaccinations; the Conference on Genetic Causes of Violence on childhood vaccinations as a cause of violent behavior; the 49th Congress of International Homeopathic Medical League on 'Vitalism and the Future of Medicine'; the 150th Anniversary Meeting of The American Institute of Homeopathy on: 'American Medicine, Where We've Been and Where We're Going.' Lectured at the Fifth International Conference on Neuro-Developmental Issues on the post-encephalitic syndrome; the Fourth European Conference on Neuro- Developmental Delay on the post-encephalitic syndrome; the 45th Congress of International Homeopathic Medical League on dangers of childhood vaccinations; the 42nd Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League; the 35th Congress of the International Homeopathic Medical League, on 'Hahnemannian Homeopathy and Revisionism.'
 Major awards for his work are: Centenary Gold Medal of the Academica Medico-Homeopatica de Barcelona and the Hahnemann Prize of the Belgian Faculty of Homeopathy. At the 39th Congress of the International Homoeopathic Medical League, George Vithoulkas and Harris L. Coulter were honored as writers on homeopathy.
 Other activities are Pharmacological and Biological Treatments Panel Member on the NIH's Workshop on Alternative Medicine. The report published was Alternative Medicine: Expanding Medical Horizons, also known as the Chantilly Report. He testified before the House of Representatives, Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Labor on AIDS and Syphilis: the Hidden Link.
 In September 1993, Dr. Coulter was a member of the Ad Hoc Advisory Panel of the Office of Alternative Medicine. He worked with the Office of Alternative Medicine supervising trials of shark cartilage in treatment of cancer. Then in 1994, he met Dr. Valentin I. Govallo in Moscow, Russia, and brought his immunological therapy for cancer, known as VG-1000, to the West.
 An accomplished linguist, Dr. Coulter speaks German, French, Spanish, Latin, Russian, Hungarian, and Serbo- Croatian.
 1The earliest successful immunologic treatment for cancer was actually the "Coley Toxins," developed by Dr. William Coley in the end of the 19th century. Even though in use by physicians here and there in the 1950s, this treatment never made an intellectual or socio-political impact comparable to that of Krebiozen.
 2In these pages I only point out the parallels among these paradigm disputes, without presenting scientific or medical justification for either the majority or the minority paradigms. Making a convincing case for or against their scientific validity would take far too much space, and the interested reader can consult the copious literature on scientific method in medicine and on these treatments in particular. I am also aware that the word, "cure," in connection with cancer is controversial to say the least, both to homoeopaths and to allopaths (although for different reasons). Again, considerations of space prohibit any discussion of this term's real meaning, and the reader should assume that its use in these pages is associated with numerous caveats.
 3Ivy's credentials were truly extraordinary. He had published more than 1400 scientific papers. He had been professor of physiology and pharmacology for twenty years at Northwestern University before becoming chief executive officer of the Illinois professional campus in 1946. He was the founder and director of the Naval Medical Research Institute during World War II, executive director of the National Advisory Cancer Council from 1947 to 1951, medical and scientific consultant to the Nuremberg Tribunal on War Crimes (representing the US medical profession), and author of the Nuremberg Code of Ethics for human experimentation now embodied in the 1964 Helsinki Declaration. At one time or another he had been president of the Society of Internal Medicine, the American Gastroenterological Association, the American Physiological Society, and the Chicago Institute of Medicine. In a word, he was probably the premier physician of the United States. That this man could have been subjected to the obscene treatment which marked the whole history of Krebiozen shows how strong is the imperative to protect the dominant paradigm.
 4Many of these cases, however, had received Coley's Toxins, which Cole apparently thought were the equivalent of a placebo. Later he changed his mind and recognized that Coley's Toxins were effective in the treatment of cancer, thereby increasing still further the odds against "spontaneous regression," but by then Krebiozen had disappeared from the agenda. 


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