The self-publishing homeopath - A guide for homeopaths

- By greg bedayn

Writing should be a fun and fulfilling experience that ultimately becomes a useful contribution to our homeopathic literature. Hahnemann used to spend long hours penning his discoveries while smoking a long stemmed pipe. Hering used to fill large boxes with little notebooks he would crowd with notes made on his enthusiastic forays into the world homeopathic -eventually leading to the posthumous publication of his ten volume set Guiding Symptoms. Roger van Zandvoort, with the use of computers and an international team of experts, has recently self-published the largest, most accurate and most complete repertory ever written. David Warkentin has used the computer to create lucid software for accessing our otherwise hugely-cumbersome homeopathic literature, and he self-publishes the process. Roger Morrison recently self-published his best selling Desktop Guide and is in the process of self-publishing his next book. Paul Herscu has recently moved to self-publishing with his new book Stramonium. Wenda Brewster O'Reilly has recently self-published a most accurate interpretation of Hahnemann's Organon, becoming instantly one of the most important books written on homeopathy in over 150 years. There are other such contributions to be made, some already are in the making. I hope this article assists homeopaths who are considering writing "the" book, and I hope it shines light on any darkness involved in that process.
 In this independent age of high-speed lap-top gigabytes and increasing numbers of qualified writers on homeopathy, there is a growing sub-community of excellent desktop-publishing homeopaths who have chosen to leave out the publisher and distributor to be paid, in full, for their hard labors. These homeopath/authors feel that they should be the ones making the profits generated by their own hard work. The myth is that a person can't self-publish their own work -that it would wither and become obsolete without its author ever gaining full recognition or full financial reward. The truth is that it can be easy to self-publish; it can even be a joyous experience.
 I encourage books by and for homeopaths be self-published. With all the support available today in desktop publishing, self-publishing has become much easier and the profits are there to be harvested, by homeopaths.
 -Roger Morrison, self-published author,
 The Desktop Guide to Keynotes and Confirmatory Symptoms
 Self-publishing has a long history in homeopathy
 The very first piece written on homeopathy in the English language was self-published by Hans Burch Gram in New York in 1828, and many others have since followed suit, especially in the last five years with the advent of user-friendly desktop publishing software. This article will assist those in making the decision on how best to publish and distribute their book and thus more effectively make their contribution to our homeopathic literature. You must first find a need in the market then fill it with a book, then project how many books you will likely be able to sell by yourself in a given time period and who will buy them -homeopaths or the general public. Do not write a book without doing at least an informal market-survey first, to see if your concept is too similar to an existing book or books. If you have a new idea about a book on homeopathy, make sure it fills an un-met need; you do not want to waste your precious time and effort if your book isn't going to sell! This is a very important consideration. From this early calculation, you will make decisions that will affect the success (or failure) of your book. Do your homework first so that your efforts will be rewarded. Ask yourself this question: Does this book NEED to be written?
 I think a very important point to consider is that sales are often generated by popularity. Therefore, if you are not well known and popular, it will not be easy to sell a book unless it has a special niche market. Many books have been written about homeopathy from all angles. In order to make your book have special appeal it must be different. It must have a special use. If your book fits this description you will have a winner.
 -Giri Westcott, self-published author, Homeopathy Unveiled.
 In many cases, publishers/distributors are not necessary
 There are basically three types of writers to consider here. The first is the self-publisher/self-distributor. The second self-publishes but takes his book to a distributor and maybe distributes some on his own, too. The third hires a publisher/distributor and possibly an agent. The first two types write textbooks specifically for homeopaths, such as Morrison's Desktop Guide. These are the ideal books for self-publishing and do not require the involvement of a publishing house. This is because their market is limited by the number of homeopaths that buy these books. A run of 2,000 to 5,000 is about the limit for self-publishers unless their book is really popular, like Morrison's Guide. The third type is the writer who writes books on general homeopathy, like Miranda Castro, for the mass market. These books can easily sell more than ten times those in the limited textbook market, and their authors can benefit from the expertise, connections, and clout of a publisher/distributor. Most of the books in our literature fall into the first two types, and for those of you that fall into the third set there are some fine publishing/ distribution houses that are willing and capable of taking you on.
 Self-publishing can be very profitable for the homeopath but distribution is typically the single most important hurdle for the self-publisher/distributor.
 -Wenda Brewster O'Reilly, author/publisher distributor, The Organon of the Medical Art.
 If your book is a text for homeopaths, you can both self-publish and self-distribute to great advantage. If your book is for the general mass-market, you can choose to self-publish or be published but you should at least consider going with a distributor -the idea here is that you make less per book but you make it up by selling many more copies through mass distribution. Depending on the percentage you pay your distributor, they can get involved in publicity, new accounts, and other areas of aggressive sales activity.
 If you go to a publisher, it is very important that they are aggressive in marketing your book. Be sure to get in writing how exactly they will market/distribute it, otherwise your book might just languish in a box in some warehouse.
 -Dick Moskowitz, author, Homeopathic Medicines for Pregnancy and Childbirth (North Atlantic Books).
 If your book is going to be a big seller, with sales in the 30,000 copies range over 5 years, you might want to go the full-route plus hire the very best agent you can find that will take you on as a client -use all your connections for this, as good agents are few and far between and are usually very busy people. Your agent is responsible for getting you the best contracts and can fulfill most needs of a lawyer-specialist as they are skilled at negotiating contracts with publishers and distributors. If you are a first-time, unknown, author, the publishers will give you a lower advance. If your books sells well, subsequent advance payments are typically in the four-digit range. This certainly beats mortgaging one's house to pay for production costs...
 Who profits?
 Let's use the example of a production run of 5000 books that retail for $20 each, taken over a five year period.
 1-For the self-publishing self-distributing group, let's say the cost is five dollars per copy to produce, including some professional help along the way. Assuming the normal discount of 40% off the retail price to stores The gross profit will be about $12 per book, minus the $5 to produce it, or $40,000 total, assuming all of the 5000 books sell...
 I self-published a book three years ago. We printed 4,000 copies and have sold all but the last ten percent. It has been a huge success, we're going back for more!
 -Greg Cooper, Minimum Price Books, Organon of Medicine (re-print of Kunzli/Naude/ Pendelton version).
 Self-publishing gives you more control over the project, gets you published faster, and usually gives you a much greater profit.
 -Timothy R. Dooley, self-published author: Homeopathy, Beyond Flat Earth Medicine
 2- The second group, the the self-publisher who uses a distributor, will pay typically 40% ($12) to the retailer and then 40% of the $12, ($4.80) to a distributor, so that would bring him about $7.20 per book -out of which $5 per book is subtracted for production costs -netting him about $2.20 per book. He will make around $11,000 total, but is likely to be ready for the second production-run earlier than the self-distributor. He makes less per sale but the additional sales through professional distribution could bring him more money in the long run.
 3- The third group, the the writers who uses a publisher and distributor (with or without an agent) will come away with even less per book but possibly more profit in the long run, especially if the book appeals to the mass-market and sells well. They can make 5-12% (of retail cost) per book, depending on the deal they strike. While this percentage seems low, actual profits in this category can be enormous, depending on the success of the book -perhaps as high as $50,000 (with multiple press-runs in the same time period) in the example at hand. This group is usually made up of sought-after leaders in the world of homeopathy and they are often paid large enough advances that they do not have to use their own money to write their books.
 These figures are averages; the the actual costs and profits will vary. Fees to publishers, distributors, and agents become more negotiable as you become more seasoned and desirable as a writer.
 Don't be intimidated by the publisher who tells you the deal he has offered you is "the standard of the industry."
 There are no writers unions to protect homeopathic authors interests and rights, and some undesirable publishers will say anything they can to get you to sign their contracts. Get an independent professional opinion or you may be forced to live with a bad contract, much like a bad marriage, for many years. All contracts can be negotiated prior to signing, regardless of what you are told to the contrary. When in doubt, sleep on it, ask for independent advice, get another opinion, walk away from it if you are not completely satisfied.
 The importance of having an intellectual property lawyer carefully scrutinize the contract with any publisher cannot be over emphasized.
 -Catherine R. Coulter, published author, Portraits of Homoeopathic Medicines Vols. l and ll (North Atlantic Books).
 Some homeopaths have it uncommonly easy in self-publishing/distributing
 After writing it, the biggest challenge in actualizing your book may be in developing a distribution network, channeling publicity, arranging the reviews, and making contacts within the book world. With the books that are written specifically for homeopaths this is all relatively easy. There are only a few such distributors in each country. If you get a journal or two to review your book, and if it is good, most distributors will pick it up for distribution -the others you will need to send a copy to with a cover letter and copies of any favorable reviews. There are roughly thirty homeopathic colleges, so it is easy enough to send a copy of one's book to each of the college directors of your choice, along with a stack of mail-order flyers. Word travels very quickly in our community through the many seminars, schools, journal reviews, and homeonet conferences. All of this works to the advantage of the practitioner who wants to self-publish. So not only can you self-publish, but you can also self-distribute.
 When in doubt, get another writer's opinion
 If you don't have the time or interest to self-publish, the best way to find a competent publisher is to call the published authors on homeopathy and ask if they would recommend their publishers -you may be surprised by their responses. Every seasoned homeopathic author we asked strongly recommended this advice.
 The work of authoring, as well as self-publishing a book, while enormously rewarding, was also more arduous than I had anticipated. I had at least ten experienced authors, homeopaths, and childbirth attendants (and one editor) read my original manuscript and give me their feedback, suggestions, and criticisms -I am very pleased with the final results, this was my baby!
 -Betty Idarius, self-published author, The Homeopathic Childbirth Manual.
 If you decide to use a publisher, make sure to include the following in your contract:
 The auditing clause:
 Every publisher of integrity has an auditing clause automatically built into his author's contracts. This gives the author the right to ask for an audit, an actual accounting, of the sales records including royalties due. Beware of publishers that do not include such a clause -this is an absolute-must and could be the earliest indicator of the integrity (or the lack of ) of the publisher. If there is no such clause and you need an audit later, it can easily cost in the tens of thousands of dollars (or more) and can take many months, even years, to force the publisher to produce these figures.
 The termination clause:
 There should be a limit on how long the publisher can have the rights to the book, defined either by time or by number of volumes sold. This gives the author some recourse to re-negotiate the agreement. He can give the publisher what is called "the first right of refusal" to publish, assuming the author has been satisfied with the service.
 Breach of contract clause:
 In the case of breach of contract between author and publisher, the non breaching party is entitled to attorneys fees and costs. As standard as this "boiler-plate" clause is, it is not found in all contracts. Remember, in over 95% of the cases, the publisher writes the contract.
 Foreign sales clause:
 Foreign rights can be tricky. The author needs to be advised of what sales are occurring in foreign countries. Your contract needs to stipulate that you will be directly notified by the foreign publishers of book sales, and moneys collected/paid/owed. It isn't uncommon for a dishonest publisher to sell the book overseas and not report the sales to the author. The foreign markets are often larger than represented, making it easy for the dishonest publisher to embezzle revenue earned by the book -and because it all takes place in a foreign country, fraud is almost impossible to detect or prove.
 See a lawyer/specialist
 Even if you have taken the above precautions, it is absolutely essential that an author does not sign ANY book contract without the advice of an intellectual property lawyer.
 If you use a publisher, I strongly advise you hire a lawyer that specializes in this type of law to negotiate your publishers contract. It is beyond invaluable.
 -Paul Herscu, recently self-published author: Stramonium
 For those who are considering writing a book for the mass-market and are looking at going the full program with a publisher, distributor, and agent, this advice from Miranda Castro may prove helpful:
 The world of publishing looked overwhelming to me ten years ago when I conceived my first book so I chose not to go it alone. Writing has been an extraordinary learning process for me. While the creative process is not so obvious in the world of non-fiction writing it does still exist, even amongst the dusty pages of homeopathic text books! These creations are our own life and blood that we give up for adoption -to the world. I could not have done it without the support of a sympathetic agent (my doctor), bright and willing editors (midwives), and a savvy publisher with integrity and clout in the marketplace (the laid-back hospital staff with all their equipment for when it is needed!) This has made all the difference between having a cold, clinical experience and one that is more emotionally satisfying and fulfilling. It has even been fun at times!
 My most important publishing relationship is with my editors: the official midwives for each of my books. They guide me, and give me feedback and encouragement at each step of the way. I have been extraordinarily lucky -their support has helped me to locate and work with the writer that resides somewhere deep inside me!
 My agent sells my books (something I do not want to do), negotiates the contracts with precision (as much in my favor as is possible) and then explains these abstruse documents to me in everyday language. She acts as my advocate, an expert in the field, and if there are any complications or difficulties with my publishers she is my doctor-specialist on call. She is available for advice on every aspect of writing, from planning the next book, to how much influence I can reasonably expect to exert over a recalcitrant marketing department! She is worth every penny of the ten per cent I pay her from my royalties.
 My experience with publishers is limited in that I have preferred to stay with the same publishing company for all my books. I have found it beneficial to be involved at as many stages of production as possible, meeting with those involved in editing, indexing, designing, marketing and so on. This has helped me to understand the process and to support it along the way. When it comes to marketing, for example, I work with those who are promoting my book, giving them a list of people, organizations and publications that need a complimentary copy and/or a press release. The extra time I put in soliciting reviews and articles represents, I believe, a substantial return in sales.
 Were I to write a homeopathic textbook for homeopaths and students of homeopathy, I would consider self-publishing for all the reasons outlined in this article, but as a writer of books for the general public, I am happy to work with a large mainstream publisher.
 Miranda Castro, FSHom (UK) RSHom (NA), is the author of The Complete Homeopathy Handbook (a best seller with over 50,000 copies sold) and Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth and Your Baby's First Years, and the soon-to-be-published Stress and Homeopathy St. Martins Press US, Macmillan UK.
 See a specialist early on
 As writers are becoming more sophisticated in articulating their rights, so are the publishers and distributors in obtaining their profits. It is recommended you hire an intellectual property lawyer or a reputable agent to look at your book and any contracts you are contemplating signing -if all is in order, it shouldn't cost more than a few hundred dollars and can save you many thousands and more importantly, it will save you much distress. If the contract needs work, it will cost more but the profit-returns are many-fold. One of the very best ways of selecting your lawyer-agent specialist is through a recommendation by someone whom you know and trust who has used one. You can also ask your family lawyer or any lawyer whose advice you trust, to recommend a specialist that is competent. We do not recommend selecting at random from the yellow pages. Always try to get a second (or more) opinion.
 If you are defrauded, you will be severely disappointed
 Most publishers are honest business people and will be dependable for the homeopath who does not want to take the extra steps of self-publishing. Yet, even with all the caveats and a strong contract, there is still no guarantee that a publisher will not defraud you. For instance, it is relatively easy for a publisher to go to a second printer and make an identical run of the book and sell them without ever including those sales in any auditing of the sales records. Easy manipulation becomes seductive thus the temptation for corruption is great. Also, many feel it is important that you choose a publisher that is not publishing his/her own books on the same subject, as this could cause a distinct conflict of interest. Avoid getting locked into an exclusive contract where the publisher has continued rights for future books. Keep your options open.
 Our own history shows us that writing about homeopathy is rarely lucrative. The returns per-hour are relatively low, at best, unless you produce a really big (rare) best-seller. The main reward for most of our writers has been that they were able to make a significant contribution to our literature, and give their proud loved-ones the first "signed" copy of their published work.
 I feel that for the future, self-publishing is the best way to go. The self-publisher does not have to worry or stay up nights from unethical publishers who promise the world then do little to provide it. The greatest problem facing the homeopath/writer/publisher today is finding a system for managing the excitement. The publishing business is truly excitement driven!
 -Ananda Zaren, Published author, Ananda Zaren, Materia Medica
 Dependable Resources
 "How To" Books:
 One excellent book on self-publishing is by Tom and Marilyn Ross The Complete Guide to Self-Publishing, Everything You Need To Know To Write, Publish, Promote and Sell Your Own Book Cincinnati: Writers Digest Books. This book is 406 pages full of very useful information. It can be ordered for $22 (includes shipping) at 800-331-8355.
 The book by Dan Poynter, Self-Publishing Manual is reputed as being another excellent book on the subject. Santa Barbara: Para Publishing.
 Publishing Consultants
 Tom and Marilyn Ross also have a consulting business for the self-publishing industry. About Books, Inc., will, for a fee, do all the work necessary to get your book through all the steps of self-publication/distribution, and you can retain 100% control. About Books can be reached at 719-395-2459, or through the US mail at: PO Box 1500, Buena Vista, CO 81211, or at its internet address: abiabout-books. com -they log on daily.
 Designer/Graphic Artist
 RAM Graphics in Oakland California, owned by David Paulley, does excellent work (we use him for this journal). His rates are very competitive and he's a nice guy to work with. He does entire jobs over the internet without ever meeting some clients. Highest ratings for quality work, communication, and pricing.
 David Paulley: 510-547-7760.
 As a designer, I've seen some self-published books that are lacking in clear typography, and are poorly designed. I'd recommend getting professional design advice before putting out a great text that is impossible to read or difficult to look at. Also, make sure that you get editorial advice, and have others look at your manuscript so you are not later embarrassed by poor grammar, punctuation, and sentences that go nowhere.
 -Julian Winston, Editor, Homeopathy Today, Homeopathy NZ.
 Cooperatives of homeopaths; The Lacuna Press.
 Another very interesting alternative to both traditional and self-publication is to participate in a cooperative venture. The advantage here is that the author retains control of the publishing process and receives the lion's share of the profits instead of the usual fraction. The experienced staff, in turn, receives a fair wage from the proceeds depending on the typing, editing, and distributing chores involved. Some of the proceeds will be earmarked for helping new authors get published. A new cooperative effort along these lines for homeopathic writers, The Lacuna Press, is being set-up in Maryland by Mary Yano who has worked on staff at the National Center for Homeopathy. Contact: Mary Yano, 301-460-5126
 The list of possible publishers and distributors is endless. Here is a partial list from the personal recommendations of the writers we polled.
 Redwing Book Company
 Redwings owners are avid homeopathic patients and therefore keen on all things homeopathic. They carry about one hundred titles in homeopathy. They suggest you call them even before you write your book and discuss production values and pricing so that there will be enough margin for the trade to get fully involved. They have lots of pre-production ideas for shaving costs and improving quality. The bulk of their books is sold to re-sellers. They are working on putting a catalog of their offerings on the web, in a browsing library format. Nice folks.
 Bob Felt (email: redwingoa. net)
 44 Linden Street • Brookline, MA 02146
 617-738-4620 (fax)
 He asks to contact him on email first, if possible.
 Newleaf Distributors
 Newleaf represents about fifty books on homeopathy of which about half are self-published. Send them a review copy and expect an answer in 4-6 weeks. If they accept your book, they will buy it from you in bulk at 55% of the retail value of the book. If you were Samuel Hahnemann coming out of the mist, bearing a completed 7th edition of the Organon, I am sure they would negotiate their fee downwards...
 Safiya Harris
 401 Thornton Rd. • Lithia Springs, GA 30057
 Ingram Inc.
 Ingram is the largest book distributor in the world, representing about 310,000 individual titles of books, of which some are on homeopathy. Ingram requests that you send in one complimentary copy of your book and include a cover letter with your marketing strategy. They mainly want to know how book sellers will know your book exists. Their review process takes from 4-6 weeks to complete, at which time they will send you a letter. If you expect to be on TV or the radio, etc. make sure that Ingram has your book first; they service bookstores but don't otherwise provide much service to self-publishers. They are a very important middle-man between you and bookstores unlike the distributor, who will give you guidance.
 Wanda Smith
 One Ingram Blvd. • LaVergne TN 37086-3629
 Book People Inc.
 Book People has been in business for 25 years in Berkeley and offers 62 titles on homeopathy. Send a finished book for review, expect 4-6 weeks to hear back. They will send their contract, a purchase order, and advertising options. They take the books on consignment for 90 days after which they send the author a check for books sold. They charge 15% of the retail price; the store usually makes 40% of the retail and the author makes 45%.
 Independent Presses Department
 7900 Edgewater Drive • Oakland, CA 94621
 Station Hill press NY
 Station Hill Press publishes in a wide variety of fields including alternative health. They run the Institute for Publishing Arts which offers a complete range of publishing tools to authors.
 George Quasha • Barrytown, NY
 Pacific Pipeline Inc.
 Pacific Pipeline is a large book distributor in Seattle.
 Pipeline is similar to Ingram in this way -they do not offer much support to the writer, but they definitely will get the book to the retailer. They would be best to approach with a mass-market book. Send a book and any reviews. They need 2-4 weeks to respond. If they want to include your book, they enclose a contract. If not, they will give you the option of paying $35 to put it in their system to see if it generates any interest. If it does, they will order from you. The books are consigned at 55% (that's 45% to you).
 Troy Ryan
 8030 S. 228th • Kent, WA 98032
 Quality Books Inc.
 The folks at Quality Books are distributors of about 12,000 titles, of which about 25 are books and audio tapes on homeopathy. Send for their literature package which includes their contract form, study it carefully, then return it all to them with a copy of your manuscript or book. They work on a 55-65% consignment and you pay shipping to them.
 Carolyn Olson or Michelle Lang
 (email: carolyn. olsondawson. com)
 1003 West Pines Road • Oregon, Ill 61061
 Avery Publishing Group Inc.
 Avery has over 300 titles that they publish/distribute, with about 15 on homeopathy. They don't want your self-published book; they want to publish and distribute it themselves. They ask for a cover letter explaining why your manuscript is a good idea with some autobiographical information. Include a detailed table of contents and either a preface or introduction to the book. They start their royalty fee at 10% and it goes up, relative to who you are and the number of titles and volumes you've sold.
 Managing Editor
 120 Old Broadway • Garden City Park, NY 11040
 Login Brothers Book Company Inc.
 Send them your book with an overview of what you think is the market for the book. They do not carry a lot of single book publishers. They carry over 30,000 titles and are motivated to increase their homeopathy titles. They buy the books for 55% (negotiable) off the retail price.
 Dean Manke (email djmlb. com)
 1436 West Randolf • Chicago IL 60607
 Inner Traditions
 Inner Traditions both publishes and distributes about 1000 of their own titles, of which about ten are books on homeopathy. They represent books by Trevor Smith, Lyle Morgan, and the late Elizabeth Danciger. They seem to have loyal authors as well as many new authors. They tend to keep their books in print -somewhat uncommon in this "best seller or it's land-fill" industry. Send them a proposal with your manuscript. They will send you their contract and an advance of the final 10% royalty. They want to retain 100% distribution rights and world rights if applicable.
 Jon Grahm (email - jongotoit. com)
 1 Park St. • Rochester, VT 05767
 Bookazine are wholesalers. If you are self-publishing they will sell booksellers the books they request, it is up to the self-publisher to do their own publicity. They buy the books for 45% (negotiable) of retail. They seem to specialize in the smaller (self ) publishers and their line includes 80,000 books and some on alternative medicine. Send them a finished book and they will respond 4-6 weeks.
 Attn: David Seigel
 75 Hook Rd. • Bayonne NJ 07002
 Acres USA
 Acres is both a publisher and distributor. They are interested in distributing self-published books and have been in business for 25 years. Acres currently offers approximately ten books written on homeopathy. They distribute based on a variable royalty schedule.
 Fred Walters, Editor (email -acresusaaol. com)
 P.O.  Box 8800 • Metarie, LA 70011
 Baker and Taylor
 Baker and Taylor are book wholesalers. They sell to bookstores, libraries and schools both in the USA and internationally. They have books on alternative medicine and are interested in books on homeopathy. They have a huge data base they make available to their customers and they make use of the internet as well. They only buy the book when they get orders for it. The data base fee is a one time fee of $125 and they pay 45% of the suggested list price of your book.
 Julia Quinones (email:
 quinonjbaker-taylor. e-mail. com)
 44 Kirby Ave • Somerville NJ, 08876
 Nutri-Books are distributors with approximately 50 books on homeopathy and appx 2000 books in total. They want a finished copy of the book and a cover letter with basic information including pricing structures (negotiable). Their market is primarily retail health-food stores in the US.
 Purchasing Dept.
 P.O.  Box 5793 • Denver, CO 80217
 Moving Books
 Moving Books are distributors in the new-age and metaphysical market. They have approximately twenty books on homeopathy. They want to see a finished copy of your book with a cover letter including information on planned or completed publicity and author background. The review process takes 4-6 weeks and they respond in writing.
 New Submissions
 948 South Doris St. • Seattle, WA 98108
 (email: http://luckydog. com/moving/moving1. htm)
 In a sense, self-publishing is holistic... it is about knowing yourself, your abilities/capabilities, wants and needs, and being able to focus on your weak areas in a way that ultimately strengthens them. Dedication is a key element to self-publishing, and don't be afraid to write, there is only one way to become a better writer and that is to write!
 -Jay Yasgur, self-published author, A Dictionary of Homeopathic Medical Terminology. 


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