Anhalonium, case two : between two worlds - Part II - the remedy

  - Anhalonium, case two : between two worlds (G. Inez)
In an excellent article on Anhalonium, by J. Clarke, M.D. , originally printed in the "Medical Advance" in 1901 and available in Referenceworks, he states: "Mind: Consciousness of unusual energy and intellectual power [which when tested, was found not to actually exist] -Sense of superiority and well being -Sense of depression and inferiority." [my emphasis]
 Also from Referenceworks, J. Stephenson, M.D.  (author of Hahnemannian Provings, 1924-59), writes: "The keynote of this remedy is schizophrenia between the conscious and unconscious life of the patient. There is a retreat from objective reality into an inner life so rich and so varied that the outer world has lost its meaning [my emphasis]. The plant itself carries through this signature The bulk of its bluishgreen body is below the surface of the earth, or mythologically in the realm of the telluric forces of the unconsciousness world, and only the rose-tinted leaves, the pink to purple flowers, the crimson fruit and the yellow stamen and style extend as a button (or a caterpillar, called by the Nahauti Indians Peiotl) above the ground in the airy, extra telluric world of mythological consciousness."
 Further, Stephenson goes on to say, "The visual aberrations are among the richest of our materia medica. Outstanding are noise and touch seen as color, perspectives completely distorted. The visual impression may be so powerful as to drown out all mental function. Blue and green perception are increased; red and yellow decreased...
 "In the mental sphere there is such a wide range of symptoms as to make analysis extremely difficult. As we have said, outstanding is the increased involvement in the inner life to the exclusion of the outer. Complete absence of will so that volition has become autocratic, divorced from any mental control. Most of the classic symptoms of religious experiences can be found here -the euphoria, the bliss, the loss of self-consciousness, the feeling of union with a greater self, and the eternal remuneration of the world [my emphasis]. Among delusions there is the classic schizophrenic one that 'faces appear mask-like.'"
 And again, Clarke in his 1901 article, reminds us that in the Native American Indian ceremony the chief feature of the crude preparation of Peyote, " the production of colored visions of most over powering brilliancy, associated with moving shapes of fantastic design, the motion being regulated somewhat in time by music. In the Indian ceremonies the constant beating of the tom-toms is an essential feature. Other symptoms are loss of conception of time, occipital headache, tired feeling in head, nausea. Tremor of muscles, increased knee jerk, and loss of power of coordination....One prover ...noted distinct slowing of the pulse, slight faintness and shallow breathing; but there were none of the terrible heart symptoms of the other Cacti..." [my emphasis].
 In comparing remedies, we are led first and foremost to consider Cannabis Indica. Both remedies share the visionary qualities and the need for community. However, where Anhalonium works passionately for her vision, Cannabis Indica is content to sit in his armchair and theorize ad infinitum. Each remedy also shares time and space sense disorders and fantastic and colorful hallucinations.
 Most classical authors also list the following remedies to compare Anhalonium: Gelsemium (migraine, paralysis of accommodation), Belladonna, Stramonium, (violence, hallucinations) Picric Acid, Coffea, Coca, Opium, Platina (objects seem small and distant), and Kali Phos. I would also add for consideration the newly proven remedy, Hydrogen (expansive vision and aloneness) -see Jeremy Sherr's proving. J. Stephenson's article on Anhalonium, as found in Referenceworks, also contains a long and valuable list of "experimental" and toxicological symptoms of Peyote. Roger van Zandvoort's Complete Repertory represents Anhalonium quite well. Modern day printed sources on Anhalonium also include O. Julian's Materia Medica of New Remedies, and Frans Vermeulen's Synoptic Key.
 Earlier classics do not cover the remedy; however Boericke's Materia Medica does. 


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