
Showing posts from September, 2013


- American Institute of Homoeopathy, 1910, 65th Session, F. E. Ford. Sometime since, a gentleman high in the councils of Homoeopathy wrote an article for a prominent journal of our profession decrying the present tendency to increased thoroughness in medical education. While there is much truth in what he says, especially in the reference made to the increasing difficulties in the way of the student of small resources, yet the facts must be faced and the profession be prepared to act accordingly.  Whatever may be said to the contrary, the relative status of Homoeopathy is not now what it was one hundred, fifty or even twenty-five years ago. While the homoeopath, clinging closely to an unalterable law, a natural law, has not advanced in theory or in accuracy of prescription, his brother of the old school has revolutionized his practice, and the apparent difference between the two schools is by no means what it once was. Homoeopathy is no new thing. People do not now f...

The Question of Dose in Homeopathy

- American Institute of Homoeopathy,  Srish Chandra Basu, L. H. M. S The question that is uppermost in the mind of a homoeopathic physician is that of dose. While some advocate the highly potentized remedy as the one to be used with success in the treatment of disease, others deny the efficacy of the same altogether, e. g., Lippe is of opinion that "every case of intermittent fever can, has, and must be cured with the potentized remedy under the law of the similars homoeopathically." But Hale, on the other hand, asserts that "boastful homoeopathic physicians often claim that they can cure any case of ague with the high potencies. But those who practiced many years in malarious districts know that such assertions are false." Both have their votaries, who are not small fries, but are well informed and regarded as authorities by the profession. It is, therefore, invidious to make any distinction among them.  In the reports of cases that are published in our journa...

Alternation of Homeopathic Remedies

 - American Institute of Homoeopathy, A paper on Alternation of Remedies was delivered recently at the B. H. S.  The writer suggested that alternation was not scientific, but it was certainly useful, and cited certain remedies which he had found efficacious in alternation.  There are certain combinations of medicines that would be useful too, and no one denies that allopathic medication is useful and can cure.  It appears to me that this method of working is hardly on the lines of similia, and the author of the paper admits this. Must we take from his admission that he believes alternation of remedies to be an inferior method of practice? Hahnemann has provided Homoeopaths with a science of healing, yet we have suggested by the author of the B. H. S. paper a method which is not scientific. If it is not scientific it follows that it is not Homoeopathy.  If our method of practice is founded on the principle(?) of utility, then we are not Homoeopathist...

Bacillinum and Tuberculinum

-American Institute of Homoeopathy,1910 65th Session What is the difference between Bacillinum and Tuberculinum? Of these two the first named is a remedy peculiar to homoeopathic practice alone: it is made from the diseased tissue of the lung, as coughed up, of one with a virulent case of consumption, or tuberculosis; this mass is triturated and then potentized, according to the methods of homoeopathic pharmacy. Tuberculinum is the preparation used in allopathic practice, and is made from pure cultures of the tubercle; this preparation for homoeopathic use is potentized according to the same methods as used in Bacillinum. An experienced homoeopathic bacteriologist: told us that he used both preparations - Bacillinum, when there were other micro-organisms present besides the tubercle bacilli, and Tuberculinum when the tubercle alone show in the sputa, or wherever the disease may be seated. He claimed that this was the true differentiation between the two drugs. - Hom. Recorder. ...

The Realm of Arsenicum in Surgery

-  C. E. Fisher, M. D.,American Institute of Homoeopathy, Under modern surgical methods, asepsis and antisepsis, the field for arsenicum in connection with surgical practice is limited. In fact, it is only where there has been a violation of asepsis that it is called for at all, in connection with the surgery of accident or operation. Given, clean surgery, aseptic surgery, perfect prevention of infection, and it is then only in the strictly arsenicum patient that any surgical disorder will arise that needs the deep medication for which arsenicum stands when it stands for anything. For it is a "profound remedy."  But introduce sepsis, whether of the simple, malignant or mixed type, and arsenicum symptoms are very likely to arise. These are cardinal. There can be no mistaking them. There are the prostation, exhaustion, anemia, pallor, restlessness, apprehension, anxiety, perspiration, hypocratic countenance, etc., of arsenicum almost always. I rarely find the so-called typ...

A Question of Purity in Homeopathy

- American Institute of Homoeopathy, A Question of Purity. - Our esteemed contemporary, the University Homoeopathic Observer (which we hope will become a monthly), discusses the question, "Will a man surrender experience for theory?" It concludes, "It is ridiculous to harp upon 'purity' of practice, to the thoughtful doctor of experience. Who is the standard of purity." This is a hard saying, and many will think "there is a fallacy somewheres if we could only find it."  We would suggest that the standard is not any man or body of men, but the Law our colleges and journals teach. As a concrete example, instead of giving Aspirin (for example) give the remedy the patient's symptoms call for. The old Indicated Remedy does not exclude adjuvant measures galore, but it seems to us that it, so to speak, ought to occupy the center of the stage and not something else.  If a man happens to think that he occupies the place of the Law he is amusing, a...

Experience With Tincture

- American Institute of Homoeopathy, 1910, 65th sesssion In the March number of the Recorder, page 120, we published Dr. Neatby's experience with the 200th of Thuja, condensed from the British Homoeopathic Review. In the succeeding number of the Review (March) Dr. T. D. Nicholson takes up the other side of the question, and while not denying the action of the higher potencies, inclines to the belief that the lower dilutions, or the tinctures, are better. In support of his opinions he gives the several cases, which are summarized below:  The first patient was himself when on a vacation. Diarrhoea, with some pain, persisted for ten days. After that time he took one drop of Veratrum alb. q, which put a stop to the trouble at once.  A young lady had an attack of all-night vomiting of bile, and severe bilious diarrhoea; deathly pale, with much suffering. Iris versicolor q, in half a tumblerful of water, frequent teaspoonful doses, stopped the trouble at once.  Lady...

The Maxim Alphabet's in Homeopathy

- American Institute of Homoeopathy, New Eng. Med. Gaz, A wise physician makes a glad father, and a good homoeopath is a blessing to a whole community.  Better a little dose of the right remedy than great compounds and trouble therewith.  Come unto the allopath all ye that labor and are heavy laden and he will give you rest.  Do not the abominable things of the quack.  Except an allopath be born again he may not know a drug from a remedy.  Foolishness is bound up in the hearts of the people, but the rod of correction is held by the homoeopath.  Grieve not a doubtful patient lest he depart from thee.  Homoeopathy becomes the watchword of the wise.  It is good to draw near to Hahnemann's teachings.  Keep your pocketbook full with all diligence, for out of it cometh all the issues of life.  Liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, but sulphur high shall quench their thirst.  Many ...

Fraternal Spirit-The two principal dissenting sects in medicine, the eclectics and the homoeopaths

- New Eng. Med. Gaz. The two principal dissenting sects in medicine, the eclectics and the homoeopaths, have much in common in their protest against dominant medicine as it exists and particularly as it has existed in the past. Many evidences of fraternal feelings have been noted from time to time in various places. In fact, probably a large number of homoeopaths are in the truest sense eclectics in that they make use of those forms of treatment which they deem best for the welfare of their patients. In theory, at least, eclecticism is the ideal in medicine, and in this sense all true physicians should be adherents to this belief.  The new official journal of the International Eclectic Association recently brings to us further indication of the above mentioned fraternal feeling, and of the readiness with which this association recognizes the good wherever found. In the December number is found an article entitled "Pathfinders," by Felter of Cincinnati. This article, wh...

How few and infrequent doses are needed in chronic conditions!

- American Institute of Homoeopathy, New Eng. Med. Gaz. A Comparison. - A short time ago we noticed in the "Homoeopathic World," under "Clinical Notes," by Margaret Tylor, a paragraph that arrested our attention. She was writing of the influence of graphites in adhesions, and in conclusions drew a moral. This moral is good and true homoeopathy; in fact, we would, of course, expect nothing else from such a source. That which did arrest our attention, however, was the fact that the statements made would apply equally well to the treatment of many diseases by vaccines. This treatment, as all know, is becoming a very favorite one in all classes of practice, and is by many considered to be closely allied to homoeopathy. It is, therefore, as aforesaid, of interest, if nothing further, to realize that both can be guided by identical ideas. The paragraph is as follows:  "How few and infrequent doses are needed in these chronic conditions! With frequent doses one o...

Medical Century Footnotes

 - The sixty-fifth annual meeting of he American Institute of Homoeopathy, -  W. A. Dewey. For the lingering effect of blows, concussions, falls and accidents generally, give Arnica 6th or 30th internally.  Dribbling of urine in old or elderly patients, try Ferrum phosphoricum 6x.  Pain where a bone has been broken may be relieved by Symphylum 3, internally, and the application of the Tincture of Symphylum diluted about one-half with water.  A harmless yet efficient method of moving the bowels and bladder is said to be: "Dissolve three teaspoonfuls of pure sugar of milk, in hot water, and take before a meal, preferably breakfast."  Threatened phthisis, profuse nightsweats, loss of flesh, tickling cough, paroxysmal and exhausting, with loss of strength, a deep brown pigmentation of the skin - Kali carbonicum 6, followed by Tuberculinum 200 and Lycopodium cured.  Persons annoyed by being always compelled to hurry to stool after eating may ...

The hygienic and accessory preventive treatment for Constipation

- Benson.A.R, According to M. Jousset the regimen should be especially directed to combating the special etiology circumstances. Besides the use of cold injections or the introduction of a roll of charpie into the rectum, the diet should consist of bran bread and a soup made of maize, lentils or beans. The use of unground flaxseed or mustard grains have also a favorable action. Certain natural sulphur waters, principally those which contain chloride of soda (St. Gervais and Uriage), the waters containing free sodic chlorides (Niederbrunn, Friedrichshall) give the happiest results in the treatment of constipation.  We are surprised that M. Jousset does not mention the Sedlitz, Pullna, and Hunyadi-Janos waters, whose favorable action experience has daily demonstrated. The Pullna water especially, constitutes according to Constantine James, "one of the most pleasant and sure medications which therapeutics possesses".  Ruddock insists upon regularity in the time of eati...

Aesculus hippocastanum in Constipation Cases

- BERNARD H, Stools   Large, dry, hard, difficult, dark; In the form of balls; First part hard, black, the last about natural consistency, but white as milk; Hard, knotty, dry, and white. (See Nux v.)  Before stool   Constant desire; Sensation as if a foreign body was in the rectum, or as if the rectum was full of small sticks, with fruitless efforts at evacuation, and violent pains though the hips and sacrum; Heat and contraction of the rectum, with a sensation as if it was prolapsed, dryness and itching of the anus, with tension of the mucous membranes and the neighboring integuments; Pain, constriction, weight, prickings and itching, with tenesmus of the rectum and anus, the pains irradiate to the posterior surface of the body.  During stool   Continuation of many of the symptoms enumerated above. Sensation as if the intestine was obstructed by folds of mucous membrane, which were threatening to rupture under efforts at defecation...

Aloe socotrina in Constipation

-  BERNARD H, Jahr gives : Whitish-gray excrements. Constipation from atony. Collection of faecal material on account of the constipation. Insufficient bilious secretions. Stool firm, insufficient, soon after a meal, aggravated from standing. Hunger during stool.  Espanet : This medicine is suitable for melancholic venous temperaments, with a constitution used up from table excesses. It corresponds principally to the female sex, or to men in middle life or old age.  [Lilienthal : Constipation of aged people, with abdominal plethora; suitable to hypochondriasis, and to persons leading a sedentary life, with a pituitous state of the stomach and bowels; heat, soreness and heaviness of the rectum; urgency as with diarrhoea; only hot flatus passes with sensation as if a plug was wedged between the symphysis pubis and coccyx.] 

Alumina in Constipation Cases

- BERNARD H,  (argilla)  Stools   Dry, hard, light colored or pale; Broken masses or in balls; Scanty, hard and difficult; Hard, covered with mucus or mixed with a glairy matter; difficult.  Before stool   Frequent and ineffectual desire for stool. No desire for, and no ability to pass stool until there is a large accumulation.  During stool   Pressure and cutting pains at the anus and a haemorrhagic discharge; Great straining even with a soft stool; Pain or itching at the anus; Voiding of urine while straining at stool; Discharge of prostatic fluid.  After stool   Long-lasting pains in rectum after each stool; Pain in the stomach.  Concomitants  Dry mouth and irritated-looking tongue. Pain, malaise, and weight in the abdomen. Frequent nausea, and acid eructations. Slight burnings, smartings, and shootings in the anus, with itching and tingling. Dryness of the rectum. Atonic haemorrhoidal tumor...

Belladonna in case of Constipation

- BERNARD H, Espanet refers Belladonna to the inflammatory constipation.  Teste writes that it is serviceable in hernia and lead colic, affections in which constipation is one of the chief symptoms.  Although these forms of constipation do not come properly within the plan which we have laid out, yet we will give a few extracts, from a monograph by Dr. Davasse, bearing on our subject : Delayed alvine evacuations (Purkinge). Frequent desire for stool without result (Hermann). Constipation (several). Absence of stools and urine (Kock).  Teste writes : In nervous children with large heads, dilated pupils, subject to convulsive movements, startings in sleep and disturbing dreams, Belladonna12 is the only medicine with which I have been able to overcome the accompanying constipation. I generally give it in globules upon the tongue, once or twice a day, ordinarily for several days in succession.  Jahr describes the symptom, suppressed stool and constipation...

Bryonia alba in Constipation Cases

- BERNARD H, Stools   Hard, dry, large, burnt-looking.  Before stool   No desire or urging.  During stool  Passed only after much straining; Painful.  Concomitants   Inclined to be irritable; easily angered. Headache with heat of forehead and face; congestions and pains in head; pulsative headache; pressive weight in the head, with flashes of heat on the face. Faintness or nausea on rising from a recumbent position. Feeling of fullness or pressure in the stomach and epigastric region after eating, which lasts for several hours; appetite is wanting or there may be canine hunger followed by nausea; acidity of the stomach. With the gastric symptoms there are oftentimes congestions to the head and chest, with short respiration, and chilliness. Pain in the region of the liver.  Generalities   Suitable for acute attacks of constipation occurring during the summer or in hot weather, or in those who are sufferin...

Cannabis sativa in Constipation Case

- BERNARD H, In Hahnemann's Materia Medica we find : "For the first five days stool as usual, but on the two following, complete constipation (Gross). We find also this striking symptom : Sensation at the anus as if something cold was falling drop by drop upon the skin (Franz).  Jahr who places Cannabis sat. in the second rank in the treatment of constipation in general, recommends it among others as serviceable for accidental constipation.  Case 7   In a case of obstinate retention of urine, I gave Cannabis which not only restored the normal urinary secretion, but cured at the same time an obstinate constipation which had lasted for a long time. - Dr. Fleischmann. 

Calcarea carbonica as Constipation Remedy

- BERNARD H, Stools   Hard, then mushy, and finally fluid; Hard, large, partially digested stools; Involuntary, fermented, sour-smelling diarrhoea, alternating with constipation; Stools looking like lumps of chalk in children, during dentition; Offensive, like rotten eggs. Hard, small, tardy, difficult; hard, dry and gummy; Very hard, enveloped in mucus, and alternating with a fetid diarrhoea; Clay-like, gray, faecal.  Before stool   Ineffectual desire, sometimes with pain; Feeling of heaviness in lower part of rectum.  During stool  Severe urgings, without voiding anything but fetid flatulency; Oozing of fluid from the rectum, smelling like herring brine; bloody discharge; pain through the protruding haemorrhoids.  After stool  Feeling of faintness; Burning and smarting in the rectum and anus.  Concomitants  [Distension of the abdomen, with pain and pressure, nausea, and sour eructations; restless sleep; also s...

Carbo vegetabilis in Constipation Cases

-  BERNARD H, Stools   Insufficient; [Hard stool, enveloped in mucus and blood at the extremity of the faecal mass]; difficult, although they may not be hard; [In fragments, which are tough and scanty.]  Before stool   [Sensation as if the bowels would be moved, but flatus only passes]; Emission of great quantities of gas.  During stool   Violent tenesmus; burning at the anus and pains in the abdomen like labor-pains; [Urging to stool, with discharge of soft faeces and relief from the pains]; Itching at the anus.  After stool   [Sensation of complete emptiness in the abdomen, remaining a long time.]  Concomitants   Tongue coated in the centre and red on the edges. Ventral colic, sensitiveness and swelling of the epigastrium. Respiration impeded after a meal. Excessive flatulency which is nearly always fetid. Acrid moisture about the anus with tormenting sensations, crawling, itching, etc., in t...

Causticum in Constipation Cases

- BERNARD H, Stools   Light or white colored; Olive-shaped, mixed with mucus and blood, difficult. [Tough and shining as if greased; at first hard and in pieces, the last soft; knotty, like sheep's dung; hard and firm.]  Before stool   Frequent but ineffectual desire, with great pain, anxiety and redness of the face.  During stool   Vertigo; Cutting pains in the rectum; Desire for stool rendered useless by spasmodic painful contractions of the anus; Protruding haemorrhoids and bleeding; [Stool passes better while standing; Burning in the anus with prostration.]  After stool   Palpitations; heat of the face; and sweats (also Aconite).  Concomitants   [Bitter, greasy, foul taste in the mouth; fitful appetite, thirst; diminished taste; aversion to sweet things; white coating on the tongue. Pressure in the rectum the whole days; a pressing pain frequently and suddenly darts through the rectum; a feeling...

Chamomilla in Constipation Cases

- BERNARD H, The following clinical fact we think contains in a characteristic manner the circumstances in which we would be apt to think of this medicine in the treatment of the constipation of infants.  Case 9   An infant eight months old, a strong vigorous boy of wealthy parents, nourished by a healthy wet-nurse, has been constipated since birth; he goes to stool only every five to six days, and sometimes longer interval. The stools are yellow, large, formed, and without any pathological mark unless it be the size; injections have to be freely used. When there is a repletion of the rectum, there is a slight bloating of the abdomen with flatulency, and some restlessness at night, but this malaise disappears after an evacuation. I sent four medicines, to be taken in order, beginning with a vial of chamomilla30. This remedy seemed less indicated than the others (Nux vom., Lycopodium, Hydrastis), but thinking that there might be a latent cause, due to dentition,...

Cinchoninum sulphuricum - its use in Constipation

- BERNARD H, The Cinchonine, as we know, is an alkaloid which is found in many species of Cinchona, especially the gray.  The use of this substance in the treatment of constipation is mentioned by Dr. R. Noack, of Lyon. In his homoeopathic guide he divides habitual constipation into five classes :  1. Constipation from inertia of the intestine;  2. Constipation from alteration of the intestinal mucus;  3. Constipation from contraction of the muscular fibres;  4. Constipation from irritation or congestion of the intestine;  5. Haemorrhoidal constipation.  The most frequent of all, according to him, consists in a sort of inertia or inactivity of the muscular fibres of the intestines, which become distended and necessitate painful efforts in order to produce the expulsion of the faecal matters. These sometimes present an enormous mass, indicative of dilatation of the large intestine; hence, the application of a special remedy, the Cinchoni...

Cocculus indicus as Constipation Remedy

- BERNARD H,  In this pathogenetic résumé of Cocculus, Jahr notes : Constipation with tenesmus; stool hard, difficult. In his Repertory, he classes Cocculus among the first of the remedies indicated for constipation in general, imitating in this respect the example of Boenninghausen, who, besides, italicizes the following symptom : Ineffectual urging at stool from insufficiency of the peristaltic movement of the upper intestines.  We give also some of the phenomena noted by Hahnemann; Tingling and itching in the rectum similar to that produced by ascarides. Constrictive pain in the anus, worse in the afternoon, which prevents sitting. Burning itching in the anus. 

Collinsonia canadensis in Constipation Cases

- BERNARD H,  Stools   Large and pale; Lumpy and light colored.  Before stool   Cutting pains in the hypogastrium with desire.  During stool   Absence of marked desire; Straining; Violent effort and dull pain.  After stool   Dull pains in the anus.  Concomitants   Pulsative or painful cephalalgia. Congestion towards the heart and head alternating with haemorrhoidal symptoms. Indigestion arising from a want of tone in the stomach with flatulency; colic and spasms of the intestines. Loss of appetite. Distention of the abdomen. Heat and itching of the anus, sensation of sand and gravel in the rectum. Venous congestions, such as varicocele, haemorrhoids, blind or bleeding, and all their metastases; varices, pruritus vulvae, amenorrhoea, metrorrhagia, prolapsus uteri.  Generalities  Collinsonia is a remedy essentially allied to the rectum. Constipation and haemorrhoids in consequence of t...

Conium maculatum in Constipation Cases

- BERNARD H, This medicine presents but few symptoms of constipation, but they are very characteristic. In the Chronic Diseases we find; Constipation with ineffectual desire for stool; hard stool which occurs only every two days. After stool, palpitation of the heart.  [In Raue, we find : Frequent urging without stool, or there is only a small quantity expelled at a time; chilliness during stool; the flow of urine suddenly stops and continues after a short intermission; dizziness when turning in bed.]  The hemlock, says Espanet, is very useful for hypochondriacs and scrofulous persons with gastric and abdominal complaints with slowness of digestion, irritative constipation or diarrhoea, asthenia and flatulency.  [Hempel and Arndt : In constipation, when arising from spasmodic rigidity of the fibre.]  Case 11   X -, age 40 years, consulted me in March, 1873. He was then suffering from an extreme state of nervous excitation and depression. He wa...

Crocus sativus as Constipation Remedy

- BERNARD H, Dr. Schmidt says : I have often succeeded with Crocus in obstinate constipation, notably when it occurs in the new-born; and is based on disturbances in the vena-porta. In these cases, in the dose of a drop of the tincture, once a day, I have obtained natural stools without any inconvenient result.  We find in the Manual of Jahr, the following symptoms only (given in very nearly the same terms as Boenninghausen) : Itching and crawling sensations in the anus. Dull shootings in the side of an above the Anus. 

Euphrasia officinalis in case of Constipation

- BERNARD H, The only symptom which we find in Hahnemann's Materia Medica bearing upon this subject is the following : Daily stool, but it is hard and scanty.  We would not have referred to this drug, if we had not read the following curious observation.  Case 12   A child, one year of age (Calc. carb. constitution), suffered for six months, with an obstinate constipation, for which I had prescribed a number of remedies, with little or no benefit. A short time since he was attacked with a fluent, profuse coryza, with slight flow of tears and a bright red eruption upon the cheek; aggravation in the afternoon and after crying; persistent constipation; stools in large balls, which are dry, hard, voided with great difficulty and almost tearing the anal passage. Euphrasia200, four doses, thirty-six hours apart, promptly relieved this entire array of symptoms. - Dr. Hoopes. 

Graphites in Constipation Cases

- BERNARD H, Stools   Hard, knotty, with discharge of mucus and blood; In lumps united by threads of mucus; Large and ball-shaped; Long and slender in shape.  Before stool   Great desire.  During stool   Hard stool, with much urging and sticking in the anus; Great straining even when the stool is not hard; Shooting pains in the anus; Discharge of white mucus.  After stool   Prolapsus recti and haemorrhoids, as if the rectum was paralyzed; stitching, tearing, and soreness in the rectum.  Concomitants   Burning heat in the stomach after eating and from the least aggravation of the general conditions, or distress after a meal (a result due to the abdominal venous plethora).  The abdomen is very much distended from the accumulation of gases. Hardness in the region of the liver. Pains in the haemorrhoidal protrusions. Fissures of the anus with sharp cutting pains during stool, followed by constricti...

Gratiola officinalis - Constipation Symptoms

- BERNARD H, Stools   Hard, scanty, tenacious, expelled with difficulty.  Before stool   Pressing and ineffectual desire; Repeated tenesmus and rumblings as if diarrhoea would come on.  During stool   Burning pain in rectum; Straining.  After stool   Burning pains in the rectum; Tenesmus; A wrenching pain in the coccyx; Creeping chills.  Generalities   This medicine, says Jahr, is still but little known and has only been employed against hypochondriacal affections, a few cases of gastralgia, and certain forms of constipation.  Teste considers it as being in some respects the Chamomilla of chronic diseases. 

Hepar sulphur in case of Constipation

- BERNARD H,  Boenninghausen in his Manual, mentions Hepar in connection with Alumina, Kali carb., Natrum mur. and Nux vomica for constipation due to inactivity of the intestines. He also gives the following : Difficult expulsion of a small quantity of soft excrement with great efforts and tenesmus. Stool hard and dry.  In the Chronic Diseases we have : Inaction of the rectum; stools hard, insufficient; swelling of the anus. After great efforts, there is a hard stool, mingled with a yellow liquid. Emission, at times, of prostatic fluid while at stool.  Ruddock : Obstinate constipation from congestion of the rectum.  In his article upon the treatment of dyspepsia, M. Chargé gives in connection with Hepar : Stools hard, difficult, slightly colored, or whitish diarrhoea. It is especially in smokers or after the abuse of mercury that we would have the most need for Hepar.  [Raue gives : Sluggishness and inactivity of the bowels, in consequence of which ...

Hydrastis canadensis in Constipation Cases

- BERNARD H, Stools   Hard, knotty; Lumpy, covered with mucus.  Before stool   Torpidity and want of desire; No stool except under the influence of purgative.  After stool   Long lasting pain in the rectum; haemorrhoids and fainting.  Concomitants   Depression of spirits. General debility. Headache. Coated tongue. Impaired digestion; sour eructations; dull aching pain in the pit of the stomach, which produces a "gone" or faint feeling of weight in the stomach and epigastrium. Pain in the large intestines and rectum. Colic accompanied with fainting and heat in the intestines. Fetid flatus. Haemorrhoids.  Generalities   In debilitated and enfeebled subjects, especially in those who have frequent recourse to purgatives. Also when constipation occurs in those who; after an active life, are confined to a sedentary one, or when the condition depends more upon a sluggish state of the bowels than upon any d...