Bryonia alba in Constipation Cases


 Hard, dry, large, burnt-looking.
 Before stool 
 No desire or urging.
 During stool
 Passed only after much straining; Painful.
 Inclined to be irritable; easily angered. Headache with heat of forehead and face; congestions and pains in head; pulsative headache; pressive weight in the head, with flashes of heat on the face. Faintness or nausea on rising from a recumbent position. Feeling of fullness or pressure in the stomach and epigastric region after eating, which lasts for several hours; appetite is wanting or there may be canine hunger followed by nausea; acidity of the stomach. With the gastric symptoms there are oftentimes congestions to the head and chest, with short respiration, and chilliness. Pain in the region of the liver.
 Suitable for acute attacks of constipation occurring during the summer or in hot weather, or in those who are suffering from, or liable to attacks of, rheumatism. For constipation arising from disordered stomach. Obstinate constipation often accompanied with other affections of the abdomen. For the constipation of pregnancy, but of more importance when it occurs in the lying-in woman (frequently depending on an inflammatory irritation of the abdominal organs). Also serviceable in the constipation of infants, where the faecal masses are so large and hard as to give rise to painful evacuations. Where the condition is the result of sedentary habits, and associated with bilious derangements and intestinal torpor. When Nux vom. and Opium have failed to act; or it may be advantageous to alternate it with Nux vomica, especially in the constipation due to irritation or congestion of the intestine. The intestinal torpor must be distinguished from the ineffectual efforts of Nux vomica [and from the paralytic condition of Opium, Plumbum, etc.]
 Rueckert quotes from Vehsem in relation to a case of constipation aggravated by purgatives in which Bryonia3 succeeded after Nux vom. 3 had failed.
 We give below two clinical cases which will show at the same time the analogies and differences between this drug and Nux vomica.
 Case 5
 Mme. A., age 60 years, had suffered several years with a chronic constipation. She had a stool only every eight days, and the excrement was as hard as stone. A torpor seemed to have seized the intestinal canal, for motion was rarely felt in the lower part of the abdomen. As she was addicted to the excessive use of coffee, and led a partly sedentary life, I placed her for eight days under a preparatory regimen, and prescribed chocolate instead of coffee. I finally administered a dose of Nux vom., tinct. The remedy produced a stool, almost soft, every three days. The organs of the lower abdomen seemed to be reanimated and rendered active. There was an increased flatulency, a more tranquil state of mind, and a gayer disposition. The patient neglected to attempt a movement of the bowels every day, as I had recommended, the effects of the Nux ceased, and the constipation returned. Two doses of Bryonia10 at long interval, again removed the condition. She now has a stool every other day, soft in consistency and without pain. - Dr. Schuler.
 Case 6 
 A woman of delicate constitution, who was also a subject of somnambulism and for the latter trouble had been bled every five or six weeks for the last two years, had, at the most, a stool only every two weeks, except under the influence of a laxative or an injection. She was given ten drops of Nux vomica30. For six days she had not had a stool, and at the end of four days more she had a hard stool, which was accompanied with such severe pains that she was completely prostrated. Two days later she had three stools without any pain. For five months from this time the stools were regular. But pregnancy occurring she was taken with frequent vomiting to which was again added a constipation, and which was cured by means of a single globule of Bryonia12. - Dr. Wiedman. 


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