The Maxim Alphabet's in Homeopathy

- American Institute of Homoeopathy, New Eng. Med. Gaz,
A wise physician makes a glad father, and a good homoeopath is a blessing to a whole community.
 Better a little dose of the right remedy than great compounds and trouble therewith.
 Come unto the allopath all ye that labor and are heavy laden and he will give you rest.
 Do not the abominable things of the quack.
 Except an allopath be born again he may not know a drug from a remedy.
 Foolishness is bound up in the hearts of the people, but the rod of correction is held by the homoeopath.
 Grieve not a doubtful patient lest he depart from thee.
 Homoeopathy becomes the watchword of the wise.
 It is good to draw near to Hahnemann's teachings.
 Keep your pocketbook full with all diligence, for out of it cometh all the issues of life.
 Liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, but sulphur high shall quench their thirst.
 Many are the afflictions of the people, but the infinitesimal dose relieveth them all.
 Now is the accepted time; now is the day of the homoeopath.
 Out of the abundance of nostrums doth the quack flourish.
 Pray on thy patients in secret, and thy patients which hear in secret shall reward thee openly.
 Quit you like homoeopaths, be strong, stand fast in the faith.
 Remember homoeopathy in the days of thy weakness.
 Salvation belongeth to the homoeopath.
 Trust in the similium at all times, ye people, pour out your gold into it.
 Upon the faithful shall rain an abundance of good health.
 With these admonitions I present to you, Dr. Barton, this loving cup as a token of the respect and good fellowship your colleagues bear you.
 Young man, overcome the temptation to pass it from friend to friend; rather keep it to yourself, and fill it with the laurel of your vintage.
 Zeal hath consumed me, for time has forgotten to stand still. - New Eng. Med. Gaz. 


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