Bacillinum and Tuberculinum

-American Institute of Homoeopathy,1910 65th Session
What is the difference between Bacillinum and Tuberculinum? Of these two the first named is a remedy peculiar to homoeopathic practice alone: it is made from the diseased tissue of the lung, as coughed up, of one with a virulent case of consumption, or tuberculosis; this mass is triturated and then potentized, according to the methods of homoeopathic pharmacy. Tuberculinum is the preparation used in allopathic practice, and is made from pure cultures of the tubercle; this preparation for homoeopathic use is potentized according to the same methods as used in Bacillinum. An experienced homoeopathic bacteriologist: told us that he used both preparations - Bacillinum, when there were other micro-organisms present besides the tubercle bacilli, and Tuberculinum when the tubercle alone show in the sputa, or wherever the disease may be seated. He claimed that this was the true differentiation between the two drugs. - Hom. Recorder. 


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